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Attack on Mata Amritanandamayi

Nair saab

You think this is the right place to post such religious related issues , its a members club not RSS/CLUB so rant your frustation else where were u will be served justise. There are Good and Bad people in every religion but tht doesn't mean by this kind of issues u paint every one in the same brush .

i lived with kerelatites for years and when it comes to inter-religious unity kerela is the first name which comes in the mind of every Indian. there may be an extremist mindset existing amoung muslims certain muslims in kerala but at the same time same extrimist mindset exist among the bunch of right wings too . but that doesnt mean u generalise every one in the same color.

Even i dont support organisation like PFI and i am fully against it .but that doesn't mean u have to take an agressive stance on every issue potraying it as anti hindu everytime.

In India RSS is not banned yet. If its activity was banned long time ago, probably there wouldnt have been any extremism in India.
Fine i want do make small comparision.
If attacker was muslim (I really doubt, unless he was idiot and paid) none of the muslims support it no one thinks him hero. Muslims feel shy about this incident which is spoiling thier name. may be very very few idiots who thinks it as revenge or some thing supports this. But i bet he will never get open support

Now look at this:
Modi, No one can deny that he is responsible for murder of innocent people, rape of innocent sisters. He is really worst that bin-laden. But he is treated as hero in India. what a shame. Who support him think that who cares he is doing development!!! Also most of his supporters are internet community,educated than un-educated. They think them self patriotics and real heroes. Thier numbers are in millions (recently sone one was proud here saying he has 80mln followers in twitter).
Why are you posting this on a Pakistani forum? Keep your personal affairs to yourself and preferably a different forum if you must. We're not interested, post things us Pakistanis will be interested, otherwise don't waste our time.

So you are interested in Gandhi being gay, million gay people in India, etc. being posted by your friends are the subject and freely waste your time....:lol:
Why are you posting this on a Pakistani forum? Keep your personal affairs to yourself and preferably a different forum if you must. We're not interested, post things us Pakistanis will be interested, otherwise don't waste our time.

If you don't like it , don't post in this thread .........

This is the members club and if the post is inappropriate , mods are free to delete it ........
Well in the last press conference chidambaram has said that they are closely watching 3 or 4 organisation in kerala that has terror links ......

He told if the organisations breach a certain limit they will take actions .........

If it was some other country , the organisations would have been banned and members in jail ......

While here , they are waiting to reach the limit ......:hitwall:......fcuking congress
Also same congress did not Ban RSS. Really we must hate them for this.
she is World Renowned Saint called as Kissing Saint ... having Millions Followers World over Running one the biggest Charitable Trust in India spread over 5 continents ... The News is on BBC... she is the only Hindu Saint popular among NonHindus even the Current defence Minister Ak .Anthony is her Follower ...

This is No Small news... y r u feeling ashamed when such Retards r Reported.. They r brain washed Idiots ... Muslims have been living in India for many years But the level of Extremism they have reached is in the recent years .due to Saudi Funded venom...
I am not targeting Muslims i am targeting the Brainwashed Idiots ... i think they have nothing to do with u or ur Religion ...

As far as I know she is called Hugging Saint...

BBC News - 'Amma' in Australia: India's hugging saint spreads love down under

I had an experience of getting a hug from amma, and the experience was truly unique and I felt like a child in the arms of my mother...

BBC News - Thousands queue for hugs from Amma of India

You can watch the Hugging saint in the above link video, Thousands of people have been queuing at Alexandra Palace in London to be hugged by a woman called Amma.

Originally from Kerala in India, she travels the world embracing anyone who turns up to meet her.

The BBC's David Sillito reports.
She would have given some anti-muslim satsang(speech), if found guilty she should be punished

Actually what is needed is a blasphemy law to ensure swift beheading for anybody who says anything that is perceived to be offensive. Fast track Sharia courts will ensure that the guilty is beheaded within 24 hours.
yes sir.. any doubt?? Do you want me to share her pic where she Tiranga was lying as floor mat and she was sitting having both the legs on it.

I have to dig it on net somewhere. Multiple time shared on FB though.

Finally found it. Here is the link. I hate her for disrespecting the national flag.

Godwoman Disrespects the National Flag « The Great Indian Mutiny

She's not Mata Amritanandamayi, the news article says she's Mataji Nirmala Devi :)
August 1st, 2012 -- As Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) was giving darshan, a bearded, ran swiftly through the bhajan hall and up the ramp towards the stage, shouting "Bismillah Irahman Iraheem". As he dashed up the stage wearing only under-garments, he was blocked from reaching Amma and after much effort, the police officers on duty at that time and devotees were able to apprehended him, and he was taken to the local police station.

Attack on Mata Amritanandamayi Devi - YouTube

I just watched it - he seems to be a mentally disturbed individual.
In India RSS is not banned yet. If its activity was banned long time ago, probably there wouldnt have been any extremism in India.
Fine i want do make small comparision.
If attacker was muslim (I really doubt, unless he was idiot and paid) none of the muslims support it no one thinks him hero. Muslims feel shy about this incident which is spoiling thier name. may be very very few idiots who thinks it as revenge or some thing supports this. But i bet he will never get open support

Now look at this:
Modi, No one can deny that he is responsible for murder of innocent people, rape of innocent sisters. He is really worst that bin-laden. But he is treated as hero in India. what a shame. Who support him think that who cares he is doing development!!! Also most of his supporters are internet community,educated than un-educated. They think them self patriotics and real heroes. Thier numbers are in millions (recently sone one was proud here saying he has 80mln followers in twitter).

All the extremism in India is because of Hindus right wingers?

Modi is a Nazi but you have no proof of it, what a pity?

If Muslims are bad then it might be an Isolated disorganized dysfunctional crime?

Indian mujahidin, SIMI and Abu Jundal are just innocent entities? They have nothing to do with them being Muslims?

Kashmiri Muslims might have been having some good reason to humiliate Kashmiri Hindus and their women from their mosques?

Good going mate, I have started believing in this more that Hindus have been always at the wrong side of happenings because of their political correctness for sake of making everyone happy. Hindus who have been targets by automatic weapons and IEDs, who were pulled out of their houses by Muslims during partition and butchered in trains haven't yet done fair even by voicing their will in Indian constitution?

I will wait for the day when Hindus in majority will change some clauses in the constitution and make sure people would pay for making sweeping accusations against Hindus and will then feel like to find from where the chain reaction started seriously or why its went wrong for them, like Hindus in Pakistan who opted to stay there.

Also there is quite a contradiction with the kind of violence these Muslims do and justification given for their acts by pseudo secular, cowards suffering from idiopathic allergy from Hindus. When these isolated incidents (no pun Intended) happen the Muslims vent their frustrations by murdering defenceless civilians in large numbers with better sophisticated means than frustrated Hindu mobs out on the street after being provoked. How strangely these Muslims do not kill those who are being accused by politically correct self-appointed buffers of society, acting referee and manipulating without taking responsibility of the consequences of defending trained, cunning, determined fanatics at the cost of suppressing one community beyond it tolerance, which is known to be secular ?

Hindus do not have to be on receiving end and wait for someone who might have coalition dharma to serve or vote bank politics to do when after independence their majority made it clear once for all that everyone is equal in this nation, neither they need super heroes to die for this nation who claim credit for it and then blackmail.

Hindus know how to fight their wars with their enemies within and outside without worrying about the blackmail or backstabbing of non-Hindus if they (non-Hindus) think they always have option to commit, once at with conflict with Hindus.
yes sir.. any doubt?? Do you want me to share her pic where she Tiranga was lying as floor mat and she was sitting having both the legs on it.

I have to dig it on net somewhere. Multiple time shared on FB though.

Finally found it. Here is the link. I hate her for disrespecting the national flag.

Godwoman Disrespects the National Flag « The Great Indian Mutiny

Have you actually read it ...........

Spiritual Leader ”Mataji Nirmala Devi” & her husband [supposedly an IAS officer & chief of the SCI]

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