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Attack on Gen Soleimani has changed the security situation in the region - DG ISPR

You sound more and more like an indiot.

People tend to forget that Pakistan managed to stay afloat only because Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah protects Pakistan. Proof is that we have been ruled by swines and traitors like Bhutto, Sharif and Zardari, who plundered this country's wealth for personal gain for almost two decades. Pakistan endured American sanctions for more than a decade due to it's nuclear program. Pakistan fought a bogus "War on Terror" for 18 years, lost over $200 billion to it's economy. Pakistan suffered thousands of casualties due to terrorist attacks over the last decade.

And yet, some here think that Pakistan can still be held hostage to Zionist-American IMF? What a bunch of bonafide j@ck@$$e$.

I was watching a video by Dr. Israr on Iran, he ended with talking about Pakistan. This is the gist of what he said.

What is special about Pakistan? It is the great personalities whom we have been blessed with for 400 years. It is Thanvi, Barelvi, Shah Waliullah, Mujaddid alf Thani, Allama Iqbal, and numerous others. There is no region which has produced men of this caliber in modern history.

The middle class of Pakistan carries a segment deeply devoted to Allah swt and the message of Rasullullah saws. Together with being the sole Muslim nuclear nation in the world, they fear the this aspect lying in Pakistan's core.

Iran is a threat because it has a symbolic Islamic revolution, even if a different sect than any other country, and Pakistan has the potential inside of it which no civilian government or dictator could remove.
I was watching a video by Dr. Israr on Iran, he ended with talking about Pakistan. This is the gist of what he said.

What is special about Pakistan? It is the great personalities whom we have been blessed with for 400 years. It is Thanvi, Barelvi, Shah Waliullah, Mujaddid alf Thani, Allama Iqbal, and numerous others. There is no region which has produced men of this caliber in modern history.

The middle class of Pakistan carries a segment deeply devoted to Allah swt and the message of Rasullullah saws. Together with being the sole Muslim nuclear nation in the world, they fear the this aspect lying in Pakistan's core.

Iran is a threat because it has a symbolic Islamic revolution, even if a different sect than any other country, and Pakistan has the potential inside of it which no civilian government or dictator could remove.
Many names you have mentioned, such as Thanvi, Barelvi, Shah Waliullah.. they were born in present day India.

You will find many names from Afghanistan, Iraq, Arabia, Syria, Egypt and Turkey, etc, who are considered great by majority of the Muslims..

That's why I say that Islam is not confined to boundaries..

Pakistan is a land given to Muslims.. to get strong and hit back.. This is the main purpose of migration.. it's a strategy to get strong and then get back the lost lands.. This is the reason Prophet Muhammad PBUH migrated.

Many knowledgeable Ulama say that there is no doubt that this piece of land called Pakistan is a place where Muslims from all over the world will unite to finish the rule of idol worshipers from South Asia.

The time is not far when we will see (in our lifetimes in shaa Allah) Muslims from all over the world gathering in the plains of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KP.. Muslims from Arabian region, Muslims from Persian region, Muslims from Khurasaan, Muslims from Turkish regions and Central Asia, good Indian Muslims, Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims.. and from other regions.. during the final war against India..
Many names you have mentioned, such as Thanvi, Barelvi, Shah Waliullah.. they were born in present day India.

We are the descendants of those Muslim empires. I don't see any difference between us.

Those men were real Muslims, unlike the neutered Indian Muslims of today.
We are the descendants of those Muslim empires. I don't see any difference between us.

Those men were real Muslims, unlike the neutered Indian Muslims of today.
It doesn't take much time for a Muslim to turn towards Allah.. He SWT loves all of us alike.. and it is only Him who guides whoever He wants..

In shaa Allah, they will realize their mistakes, and join us in the final wars as other Muslims from around the world..

In the final wars, as per Sahih Hadiths, 1/3rd Muslims will runaway.. they could be from any country.. they could include you and me.. We have to pray always that we are not the ones who turn our backs when time calls.. in shaa Allah..
Many names you have mentioned, such as Thanvi, Barelvi, Shah Waliullah.. they were born in present day India.

You will find many names from Afghanistan, Iraq, Arabia, Syria, Egypt and Turkey, etc, who are considered great by majority of the Muslims..

That's why I say that Islam is not confined to boundaries..

Pakistan is a land given to Muslims.. to get strong and hit back.. This is the main purpose of migration.. it's a strategy to get strong and then get back the lost lands.. This is the reason Prophet Muhammad PBUH migrated.

Many knowledgeable Ulama say that there is no doubt that this piece of land called Pakistan is a place where Muslims from all over the world will unite to finish the rule of idol worshipers from South Asia.

The time is not far when we will see (in our lifetimes in shaa Allah) Muslims from all over the world gathering in the plains of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KP.. Muslims from Arabian region, Muslims from Persian region, Muslims from Khurasaan, Muslims from Turkish regions and Central Asia, good Indian Muslims, Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims.. and from other regions.. during the final war against India..
And tamil muslims as well brother, don’t count them out :lol::D:D:P

It doesn't take much time for a Muslim to turn towards Allah.. He SWT loves all of us alike.. and it is only Him who guides whoever He wants..

In shaa Allah, they will realize their mistakes, and join us in the final wars as other Muslims from around the world..

In the final wars, as per Sahih Hadiths, 1/3rd Muslims will runaway.. they could be from any country.. they could include you and me.. We have to pray always that we are not the ones who turn our backs when time calls.. in shaa Allah..
I want to be among ghazis inshaAllah !!!
Don’t fear death but i like the word and status of Ghazi
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And tamil muslims as well brother, don’t count them out :lol::D:D:P

I want to be asking ghazis inshaAllah !!!
Don’t fear death but i like the word and status of Ghazi
I included all of them.. The ones who are living in west and go to bars... and indulge in immoral acts.... For Allah, it is a matter of less than milliseconds to guide anyone...

By the way, I was just joking when I wrote about my DNA.. lolll just having fun nothing else.. I am no Tamil.. or a Assamese..

I have "Shajrah" from both my mother and father sides.. My mother was a Najeeb ut Tarfain, and father's Shajrah meets the earliest Muslims of Arabia.. Do I need to get my DNA testing done? :lol:

Just joking the other day to see reactions of people.. lolll
It doesn't take much time for a Muslim to turn towards Allah.. He SWT loves all of us alike.. and it is only Him who guides whoever He wants..

In shaa Allah, they will realize their mistakes, and join us in the final wars as other Muslims from around the world..

In the final wars, as per Sahih Hadiths, 1/3rd Muslims will runaway.. they could be from any country.. they could include you and me.. We have to pray always that we are not the ones who turn our backs when time calls.. in shaa Allah..

Great words brother. Ameen summa Ameen.

And tamil muslims as well brother, don’t count them out :lol::D:D

According to Hindus' British India-based definition of 'Akhund Bharata," Burma also was part of British India yet somehow they only want Pakistan, lol.
I included all of them.. The ones who are living in west and go to bars... and indulge in immoral acts.... For Allah, it is a matter of less than milliseconds to guide anyone...

By the way, I was just joking when I wrote about my DNA.. lolll just having fun nothing else.. I am no Tamil.. or a Assamese..

I have "Shajrah" from both my mother and father sides.. My mother was a Najeeb ut Tarfain, and father's Shajrah meets the earliest Muslims of Arabia.. Do I need to get my DNA testing done? :lol:

Just joking the other day to see reactions of people.. lolll
Bhai, I didn’t refer to you, it was path finder and thanks for adding yourself in the list.

i was just trying a joke in midst of an all JAZBA talks :lol::lol:
Bhai, I didn’t refer to you, it was path finder and thanks for adding yourself in the list.

i was just trying a joke in midst of an all JAZBA talks :lol::lol:
Oye main ne bhi goli di thi naa wahan.. lolll
Thank God better sense seems to have prevailed. Iran's response was just enough to satisfy the Iranian public and only caused a minor irritation to the US. Something that Trump could tolerate. Hopefully, the situation would de-escalate from here onward.
Thank God better sense seems to have prevailed. Iran's response was just enough to satisfy the Iranian public and only caused a minor irritation to the US. Something that Trump could tolerate. Hopefully, the situation would de-escalate from here onward.

Sir, Attacking US bases is small(Just enough!) to you! we have been in slavery to long..you are a consultant! act with spine and grace and say "What Iran did was bravest thing ever done it takes ball of steel to launch BMs and be decisive...Iranian were decisive" we have everything we did not do a thing! they did it"

No hard feelings!
Sir, Attacking US bases is small(Just enough!) to you! we have been in slavery to long..you are a consultant! act with spine and grace and say "What Iran did was bravest thing ever done it takes ball of steel to launch BMs and be decisive...Iranian were decisive" we have everything we did not do a thing! they did it"

No hard feelings!

Honorable Tall Guy,

Firstly I don’t mind any criticism as long as it remains within the bounds of decency, albeit I would prefer if it is accompanied by solid arguments.

Iranians as a very intelligent cool-headed and calculating nation. Their response was exactly that. It showed the USA that when pushed to the wall, they would fight and have the capacity to seriously hurt, if not the USA, at least the USA allies in the region, simultaneously it was deliberately kept a low key so as not cause so much damage that forces the Trumps hand to exact a major retribution.

You are entitled to consider the Iranian response as being brave if you so desire. Historically speaking, Iranians are neither exceptionally brave nor are cowardly. They would also stoically submit when faced with overwhelming odds as evidenced by :

Iran capitulated without any serious resistance when in 1941; Britain & Russia invaded and occupied Iran. The King, Reza Shah was replaced by his son Mohammed Reza Shah (last Shah of Iran) before the invading forced departed at the end of WW2.

In July 1988 The American vessel USS Vincennes shot down a civilian airliner on the way to Dubai killing 290 moistly Iranian passengers. Iran did not respond, instead, Khomeini accepted the truce with Iraq saying that said that he was drinking the poison cup.

There is a clear distinction between “Courage” and “Foolhardiness”. In Aristotle’s view, Courage was the median position between ‘Cowardice’ that is lack of courage altogether and ‘Foolhardiness’ which implies recklessness /overabundance of courage. In other words, an overabundance of courage to the level of recklessness can be as dangerous and harmful as a complete lack of it. Retreating from a fight is not necessarily a show of cowardice.

In the case of hostilities, Pakistan has the capability to cause serious damage to India even in a conventional war. However, at this point in time USA is a ‘Super Power’ in every sense of the word. And any third world country like Pakistan & Iran is militarily no match against the USA. Unless you want a large number of your compatriots killed and your economy destroyed, the best course of action would be to avoid war with the USA as long as humanly possible.

By the way, you may not have heard about the 1983 Beirut incident where a suicide bomber killed 241 US marines. That is what I call a ‘Big’ action.
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