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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

Pakistanis want peace with India. Pakistan openly appeases India and there’s no protests regarding that.
You are unaware of ground realities if you believe this, most people in Pakistan will proudly say that anyone who is a friend of or preaches friendship with India is a traitor. Pakistanis want Kashmir and the hoisting of their flag on the Red Fort in Delhi, not whatever their skewed definition of "peace" is. Indians also say the same about India "appeasing" Pakistan yet you rarely ever see any protests or actual action by Indians. Pakistanis don't actually like Indians or India at all like you imply, they are just very confused. One day they want peace, the next day they want Kashmir, the next day they want Ghazwa Hind, then the next day they are back to watching Bollywood and begging for roles in their movies.
If it was the other way around then there would be massive protests in India.
Wrong, when Musharraf visited India despite his role in the Kargil War and supporting terrorists in Kashmir, no Indians protested except for the usual fringe groups who oppose normalization of ties between the two countries. Even when Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif made visits to India then you didn't see protests or any opposition there. Man, you are really out of touch with the ground realities. When was the last time you went to Pakistan or talked to anyone there about politics?
This was a phrase used by Afghani kings for unified pashtoonistan province. It enjoyed no support in KP. Those who think people of KP daily chant lar o bar pakhton thrice a day knows nothing about KP, it's people, their miseries and opinions. We want Afghanistan to be bombed because we suffered so much due to them. And then some ignorant on the internet come and start shitting from their mouths about KP Pashtoons wanting lar o bar
Dude, you are a cool guy
I think their is some misunderstanding. No one says people in KP chant lar o bar thrice a day.

Everyone agrees overwhelming majority of KPK is not like that. But, you can't deny that their don't exist racists in not so insignificant numbers and people in the border areas who are otherwise opposed to a hard border, checkpoints etc.
An independent Khorosan is the solution. The establishment needs to change their policy, Afghanistan is too unreliable in the long-term, you can never have a pro-Pakistan government for too long. What if they are friendly until they build an economy and military then do the same thing as 1947?

Divide Afghanistan by giving Khorosan freedom incorporating Tajiks and Hazaras is the solution. Khorosan will have no enmity with Pakistan, and the smaller Afghanistan won't have as much potential to rival us at any point in time due to it's smaller size, population and land mass. It will be easily managed even if it is staunchly against Pakistan. Also they may begin to focus their chauvinism on the new border with Khorosan, so it will decrease attacks on us and we can have joint operations to control them. Khorosan may even be used as a medium to control that region.

To do this you must exploit the oppression and persecution Tajiks and Hazaras have faced historically, and ignite Khorosani nationalism or a fight to be free from oppressors.

They have the same problem with the afghans everyone else has, afghans break every treaty and are incredibly untrustworthy

They have been after us for decades, it was our own fault that thought because we have a pashtun population they would be positive towards us

They just allied with our own jahils to create nothing but trouble

Nature, poverty, climate will inflict nothing but cruelty upon the afghans and it's imperative we let them suffer and die a natural death
These people are donkeys and we can't keep letting these backwards idiots into Pakistan to create more trouble
Dude, you are a cool guy
I think their is some misunderstanding. No one says people in KP chant lar o bar thrice a day.

Everyone agrees overwhelming majority of KPK is not like that. But, you can't deny that their don't exist racists in not so insignificant numbers and people in the border areas who are otherwise opposed to a hard border, checkpoints etc.

Okay so you were pointing towards the racism part. Yah I get your point now. But in a country where Punjabi don't like Sindhi, Sindhi don't like Urdu speaker, Urdu speaker don't like Pashtoons, Pashtoons don't like Punjabis. All of them don't like Ahmadis. Ahmadis don't like Muslims. Sunis don't like Shias and Shias don't like sunis.

To hell with it. Here even each ethnicity have found reasons to hate people of its own. Jatt disguise araaye, butt hates gujar, gujar hates bhattis... Yousufzai don't like khattak. Khattak don't like banusi. Wazir don't like Peshawris.

And you think little bit of Pashtoons are racist? ? Bro we are past the threshold point of racism both as a nation and as individuals. Don't even go there again. It's a messy muddy shit hole..

But remember this. Being racist towards Punjabis doesn't mean one is supporter of unified pashtoonistan. Pashtoons of KP hate Afghanis more then they show racism towards Punjabis ...
Okay so you were pointing towards the racism part. Yah I get your point now. But in a country where Punjabi don't like Sindhi, Sindhi don't like Urdu speaker, Urdu speaker don't like Pashtoons, Pashtoons don't like Punjabis. All of them don't like Ahmadis. Ahmadis don't like Muslims. Sunis don't like Shias and Shias don't like sunis.

To hell with it. Here even each ethnicity have found reasons to hate people of its own. Jatt disguise araaye, butt hates gujar, gujar hates bhattis... Yousufzai don't like khattak. Khattak don't like banusi. Wazir don't like Peshawris.

And you think little bit of Pashtoons are racist? ? Bro we are past the threshold point of racism both as a nation and as individuals. Don't even go there again. It's a messy muddy shit hole..

But remember this. Being racist towards Punjabis doesn't mean one is supporter of unified pashtoonistan. Pashtoons of KP hate Afghanis more then they show racism towards Punjabis ...
Bro, not even trying to say that their isn't racism elsewhere in Pakistan. but it depends on the bearing it has on society. Some of it is only limited to who votes for who in the local bodies elections.

While some of it is actively hindering our efforts to keep terrorism at bay and has the potential to split this country apart. But once again, you seem to be referring to the entire pushtun population, which, as you said and I understand, hates afghanistan vehemently. I am just talking about the PTM types.
Those who won't allow Pakistani flags into their gatherings.
Who talk of tearing down the fence, putting in in our soldiers necks and dragging them with it.
Those who wanted USA to bomb Islamabad and Lahore.
Those who were buddy buddy with afghan general (known patrons of TTP), while blaming all their ills of Pakistani generals.
I could go on but my memory is hazy and I believe there is no point. I tried to remove a misconception. Either I convinced you, which is great. Or I didn't, in which case. No point is beating a dead horse.
Have the Police got the weapons to fight the TTP? Why didn't US/nato send Police
forces to Afghanistan to fight instead of their Army and Airforces?
ok tell them to disband the police and dissolve the assembly and not fight the election next time
them = PTI
ok tell them to disband the police and dissolve the assembly and not fight the election next time
them = PTI

Why should they disband the Police? If you want the Police force to fight on borders
then disband the Army.

If Police forces could fight a militia like Taliban then US and Nato wouldn't of sent their
Army to Afghanistan. They would of sent New York Police instead.

Did Turkey send their police force to fight PKK? Did Sri Lanka's Police fight against
Tamil tigers?
Sir, it's is my firm belief that you should retire. You've served honorably. Don't down like this.

Maybe just take some weeks off.

This is painful to watch.

Wonder if he made these comments
ok tell them to disband the police and dissolve the assembly and not fight the election next time
them = PTI

What is next you expect Tiger force to come out and fight with sticks while the army, ISI, IB, MI, FF, and Rangers collect salaries and sleep while the terrorists go ape shit on soft targets?

Come on bro I have know you to be more mature poster and I really hope you give some thoughts to your arguments before posting.

Why should they disband the Police? If you want the Police force to fight on borders
then disband the Army.

If Police forces could fight a militia like Taliban then US and Nato wouldn't of sent their
Army to Afghanistan. They would of sent New York Police instead.

Did Turkey send their police force to fight PKK? Did Sri Lanka's Police fight against
Tamil tigers?

Very logical questions.
Federal government is responsible for dealing with the terrorists … police is for the criminals …
Wonder if he made these comments

What is next you expect Tiger force to come out and fight with sticks while the army, ISI, IB, MI, FF, and Rangers collect salaries and sleep while the terrorists go ape shit on soft targets?

Come on bro I have know you to be more mature poster and I really hope you give some thoughts to your arguments before posting.

Very logical questions.
Federal government is responsible for dealing with the terrorists … police is for the criminals …

Well police should atleast be able to keep already apprehanded inside their cells rather than handing over their weapons and becoming hostages

Any ways this police is under patronage of his holy handsomeness for 10 years ....so must be armies fault ....or aliens fault perhaps ....can't be his holiness fault...

Jail Khana not his responsibility

Only tosha Khana

He he he
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Well police should atleast be able to keep already apprehanded inside their cells rather than handing over their weapons and becoming hostages

Any ways this police is under patronage of his holy handsomeness for 10 years ....so must be armies fault ....or aliens fault perhaps ....can't be his holiness fault...

Jail Khana not his responsibility

Only tosha Khan

He he he

So Afghan terrorists armed with state of the art weapons and night vision equipment gifted by the Americans are creating havoc with our army and special forces but you expect KP police that doesn’t have money to buy diesel for their patrol cars to go heading against these terrorists !!!

Wow IK really talked about you when he showed this image :

So Afghan terrorists armed with state of the art weapons and night vision equipment gifted by the Americans are creating havoc with our army and special forces but you expect KP police that doesn’t have money to buy diesel for their patrol cars to go heading against these terrorists !!!

Wow IK really talked about you when he showed this image :

View attachment 906682

Read my post again

انڈینز اور ایک پاکستانی سیاسی جماعت کے ٹرولز بنوں حملہ پر مشترکہ جشن منا رہے ہیں، اننڈینز کی پاکستان دشمنی تو سمجھ آتی ہے مگر یہ اپنے آپ کو پاکستانی کہنے والے کس کے ایجنڈا پر کام کر رہے ہیں

انڈینز اور ایک پاکستانی سیاسی جماعت کے ٹرولز بنوں حملہ پر مشترکہ جشن منا رہے ہیں، اننڈینز کی پاکستان دشمنی تو سمجھ آتی ہے مگر یہ اپنے آپ کو پاکستانی کہنے والے کس کے ایجنڈا پر کام کر رہے ہیں

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