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ATR signs a major agreement with Iran Air for 40 ATR 72-600s

Yes I am sure.as for IRan-140, crash was caused by stall due to engine's failure and weakness.not sure about this one.

Producing IRan-140 was a mistake from the beginning and wasting more money on such a failed project is dead wrong.military is working on a cargo version of it though, so as long as it doesn't involve civilian's safety, I dont care.

Our civil aviation is based on western standards. our maintenance and training methods are western.even SSJ-100 and MS-21 which are supposed to be Russian planes follow western standards.if we want to import an eastern plane regardless of its engine type, we need to establish eastern maintenance and training facilities and it takes a lot of time and money.its beyond your imaginations and stupid.once we mistook and imported TU-154s.it wasnt a bad plane at all.our maintenace and trainings were wrong and it eventually resulted in death of hundreds of innocent people.

Go and figure how many Ukranian and Russian airlines operate eastern planes?and how many of them operate western planes?

You are a doctor I guess.as I remember correctly some countries follow British system and some follow American system in their health care management.maybe both of them are great but if you follow both at the same time it will result in a disaster. the same is applied in aviation.
honestly I still don't see why the project was a failure except for the fact that some retards went with an engine that can't cool itself in 90% of Iran for 9 month of the year. When you look at ir-140 an-140 crash reports you'll see engine failure, fuel system malfunction as the cause of crash for them . about ty-154 well that was not a bad plane for its time except it was not efficient. But what about the ones we received ? Were they good ? The answer is simply no ,they were not good, they were unmaintained at least 15-20 years old from former USSR republic , look at the number of accident of the well maintained ones in Russia compared the not so well maintained ones. We can follow western standard with our training and maintenance but we can do that with any airplanes , its not to do so only with western airplanes we can also do that with an airplane that is partially manufactured here.
I know you are loaded with cash Iranians, and Ima coming. Collectively my extended family has signed about $300 million with Iran on various projects in everything from LPG to Rice.. BAH.. peanuts. I want a good share.
We are making a push soon in the market, you will see the headlines soon.
honestly I still don't see why the project was a failure except for the fact that some retards went with an engine that can't cool itself in 90% of Iran for 9 month of the year. When you look at ir-140 an-140 crash reports you'll see engine failure, fuel system malfunction as the cause of crash for them . about ty-154 well that was not a bad plane for its time except it was not efficient. But what about the ones we received ? Were they good ? The answer is simply no ,they were not good, they were unmaintained at least 15-20 years old from former USSR republic , look at the number of accident of the well maintained ones in Russia compared the not so well maintained ones. We can follow western standard with our training and maintenance but we can do that with any airplanes , its not to do so only with western airplanes we can also do that with an airplane that is partially manufactured here.
You dont get it, mate.whatever engine you ride on a eastern plane it will remain eastern.IRan-140 uses eastern avionic and airframe ,we will need to follow Eastern system to maintain these planes and it requires a total different training.no airline can afford to follow both systems in order.

I just give a simple example.all western planes require 115 V, 400 Hz of alternating current as well as 28 V of direct current.the same is not applied in eastern planes.thats why they require total different ground services.they might even need different kind of fuel (in military planes I am sure about the difference).they cant simply use western equipments to maintain western planes because it results in a disaster.also following both systems in one airline is a nightmare for the boss.

As for TU-154s, we acquired many of them from Turkmenistan.I dont believe they were being kept in a bad condition.I believe they had also proper eastern maintenance facilities.the problem was with Iranian airlines.even today many Iranian airlines dont have their own maintenance facilities.such as Caspian,Ata , Zagros, Taban(they have 10 planes in 6 different types!) , Qeshm Air, Kish air, Atrak air(only one active A-320 !!!) ,Taftan air ( OMG the have only one MD-83) and Naft air.these airlines rely on IranAir, mahan and Aseman for maintenance and these 3 mentioned airlines dont have Eastern maintenance facilities.

I believe the IRan-140 project was a total failure.Rafsanjani also screwed in the military deal with Soviet. he couldn't do it any worse.
Iran should mandate an offset clause when buying these jets to avoid repeating sanctions again in the future.

As a policy, 40% of the amount should be invested in Iranian aerospace industry for any order over a certain amount.

If you do this, you will press them to remain in check.

Please Iranian friends, remember what happened and how many Iranian civilians died because of sanctions.
Iran signed purchase deal with plane manufacturer ATR قرارداد فروند هواپیمای ای تی ار امضا شد

قرارداد نهایی خرید ۲۰ فروند هواپیمای ATR امضا شد/ تحویل ۴ فروند تا یک ماه آینده
در مراسمی با حضور مدیرعامل هواپیمایی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، مدیرعامل ATR و قائم‌مقام وزیر راه و شهرسازی قرارداد نهایی خرید ۲۰ فروند هواپیمای ۷۰ نفره ATR امضا شد.
به گزارش خبرنگار اقتصادی خبرگزاری تسنیم، فرهاد پرورش مدیرعامل هواپیمایی جمهوری اسلامی ایران در این مراسم با اشاره به اینکه قراردادی که امروز امضا شد برای خرید 20 فروند هواپیمای ATR هفتاده نفره ملخی است، گفت: این هواپیما توانایی پرواز 1500 تا 1600 کیلومتر را در شرایط عادی دارد.
وی با بیان اینکه هواپیمای ATR در هر ساعت 650 کیلوگرم سوخت مصرف می‌کند که رقم مناسبی است، افزود: براساس قرارداد 20 فروند هواپیما تا پایان سال 2018 میلادی تحویل ایران می‌شود.
مدیرعامل هواپیمایی جمهوری اسلامی ایران با بیان اینکه براساس قرارداد قطعی 20 فروند دیگر نیز به صورت اختیاری گنجانده شده که در صورت تفاهم تعداد هواپیماهای ATR به 40 فروند افزایش می‌یابد، تصریح کرد: در حال حاض 4 فروند از این هواپیماها آماده شده که تا یک ماه دیگر به تهران منتقل می‌شوند.
پرورش همچنین تاکید کرد: براساس قرارداد قطعی امروز تا پایان سال جاری میلادی 5 فروند هواپیمای دیگر و در مجموع 9 هواپیمای دیگر تحویل ایران می‌شود.
وی یادآور شد: براساس قرارداد امضا شده با ATR‌ پیش‌بینی‌های لازم با نهادهای توانمند داخلی برای تولید قطعات سخت‌افزاری و نرم‌افزاری هواپیماهای ATR در ایران مشارکت خواهد شد.

Iran Air, ATR sign plane purchase deal
The agreement involved 20 ATR 72-600s, a twin-propeller aircraft that can carry 70 passengers. It was signed by Iran Air Managing Director Farhad Parvaresh and ATR CEO Christian Scherer.
Parvaresh was quoted by the domestic media as saying that at least four ATR planes would be delivered to Iran Air within the next month, adding that five more would also be delivered by the end of 2017.
The official further emphasized that the delivery of all planes would be completed by the end of 2018.
He added that his company had an option to purchase another 20 planes from the French-Italian company.
I know too many clowns were mocking these deals and now all the deals are signed.4 ATR-72s will be delivered in two weeks and hopefully first Boeing 777-300ER will arrive in a month or maybe two.

well , look like the reformists lied about these deals ( as usual ) and we have to pay the money in cash and thanks to sanctions , there is no cash ...
election is over and these deals will be forgotten until next election ...
well , look like the reformists lied about these deals ( as usual ) and we have to pay the money in cash and thanks to sanctions , there is no cash ...
election is over and these deals will be forgotten until next election ...
Yeah,what is the story with this?,how many of the new planes boeing/airbus/atr have been delivered so far?,did these ambitious aircraft deals ever get the international financing they needed or was that simply not forth coming in the end?
Yeah,what is the story with this?,how many of the new planes boeing/airbus/atr have been delivered so far?,did these ambitious aircraft deals ever get the international financing they needed or was that simply not forth coming in the end?
stories about financiers (85% them, 15% Iran) was pure lies by Rouhani's government to gain more votes.
all of the Airbus and ATR planes were bought in cash using around 330 million dollars from our national exchange reserves (illegally given to a single private company).
to this day they have kept the deals confidential to hide their mess, so you can not trust any news on this matter.
stories about financiers (85% them, 15% Iran) was pure lies by Rouhani's government to gain more votes.
all of the Airbus and ATR planes were bought in cash using around 330 million dollars from our national exchange reserves (illegally given to a single private company).
to this day they have kept the deals confidential to hide their mess, so you can not trust any news on this matter.
So you`re saying that the talk about deals for dozens of airbus and boeings was all just bullsh!t from the get go and despite all the claims these deals never actually existed in the first place.
So how many planes in total have actually been delivered so far then?,I mean 330 million isnt exactly going to buy you a lot of new airliners.I thought that was supposed to be one of rouhani and co`s big successes coming from the nuclear deal,at least according to the media,but strangely you dont hear anything more about it or the new airliners these days.....very odd indeed.

به گزارش ایرنا تارنمای هیل، این دو متمم درحالی تصویب شد که برخی دموکرات های کنگره هشدار داده بودند که این اقدام توافق هسته ای را تضعیف می کند.

«پیتر روسکام» دو متمم در رابطه با بسته هزینه های دولتی در سال 2018 ارائه کرده بود که مشخصا استفاده از منابع مالی برای مجاز کردن مبادلات مالی فروش این هواپیماها محدود کرده و اراده کنترل دارایی های خارجی را از صدور مجوز فروش هواپیما منع می کند.

هر دو متمم روسکام به طور شفاهی تایید شد. روسکام گفت که آمریکا باید از فروش هواپیما به ایران خودداری کند زیرا ایران سابقه استفاده از هواپیماهای تجاری به منظور انتقال منابعی نظیر سلاح و نیرو برای حمایت از بشار اسد در سوریه را دارد.

روسکام در سخنانی در صحن مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا گفت: تا زمانی که ایران از استفاده از هواپیماهای تجاری در جهت حمایت از تروریست ها و جنایتکاران جنگی دست برندارد، شرکت های غربی نباید اجازه داشته باشند که به خطوط هوایی ایرانی هواپیماهای بیشتری برای دمیدن بر جنگ اسد بدهند.

«ارل بلومنتاوئر» نماینده دموکرات مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا هشدار داد که ممنوعیت فروش هواپیما به «تنبیه شدن شرکت های آمریکایی» منجر شده و توافق هسته ای با ایران را تهدید می کند.

وی افزود: به نظر من مهم است که به تعهداتمان در چارچوب توافق با ایران پایبند بمانیم. توافق هسته ای با ایران پابرجا مانده و یکی از نقاط روشن منطقه است.

روسکام سال گذشته نیز متمم های مشابهی ارائه کرده بود که با آن موافقت شده بود اما تبدیل به قانون نشد.

مجلس نمایندگان در نوامبر گذشته نیز مصوبه جداگانه ای در مورد ممنوعیت صدور مجوز تامین مالی فروش هواپیما به ایران داشت اما در سنا به رای گیری گذاشته نشده و تبدیل به قانون نشد.

شرکت ایرباس اروپایی و بوئینگ آمریکایی قراردادهای چند میلیارد دلاری برای فروش هواپیما با ایران امضا کرده اند.
روسکام و سناتور مارکو روبیو در ماه آوریل از دونالد ترامپ رئیس جمهوری آمریکا خواسته بودند تا توافق فروش هواپیما به ایران را به حالت تعلیق درآورد.

7th, 8th ATRs purchased by Iran Air land in Tehran
TEHRAN, Dec. 30 (MNA) – Two ATR airplanes purchased by Iran Air from the world’s leading turboprop manufacturer have just landed at Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, bringing the number of ATR-72 delivered to Iran by the Franco-Italian company to 8.

Two ATR72-600 purchased by Iran Air (HOMA) under a contract signed with the Franco-Italian aircraft manufacturer in February 2016, have landed at Mehrabad Airport on Saturday.

The delivery of the two aircraft, registered as EP-ITH and EP-ITG, bring the number of the ATR-72 planes delivered to Iran by the western company to eight.

The contract was first signed in February 2016 in Tehran following the commercial discussions held in Rome and Paris, on the occasion of the visit of Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, and the Minister of Transportation of Abbas Akhoundi.

The deal contains the purchase of 20 short-haul passenger planes with an estimated value of $400 million.

The ATR 72-600 has a range of 1,500km and 70 seats.

In addition to the 8 ATRs delivered to Iran aviation fleet following the implementation of the JCPOA, three Airbus planes have also joined the Iranian fleet.

Back in June, two privately-owned Iranian airlines, Airtour and Zagros, signed MoUs for total purchase of 73 Airbus aircraft worth 4.5 billion euros at the Paris Airshow.

Nice purchase for regional travel fantasic choice like all planes , it requires ample maintenence

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