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Atlas, The Next Generation..ROBOT update from Boston Dynamics!

The Next Generation of Boston Dynamics' ATLAS Robot Is Quiet, Robust, and Tether Free - IEEE Spectrum

The Next Generation of Boston Dynamics' ATLAS Robot Is Quiet, Robust, and Tether Free

Boston Dynamics has just posted an incredible video showcasing a massively upgraded version of the ATLAS robot that they initially developed for the DARPA Robotics Challenge. While BD calls this the “next generation” of ATLAS, it looks like such an enormous technological leap forward that it’s more like a completely different species.

“A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain and help with navigation. This version of Atlas is about 5’ 9” tall (about a head shorter than the DRC Atlas) and weighs 180 lbs.”


Image: Boston Dynamics via YouTube
From left: Old ATLAS, next generation ATLAS, BigDog, WildCat, and AlphaDog.

A few quick notes:

  • At 5’9” (1.75 m) and 180 lbs (82 kg), the new ATLAS is much shorter and lighter than the previous model, which was 6’2” (1.9 m) and 345 lbs (156 kg). See family photo above for comparison.
  • It looks like BD decided that electric motors aren’t yet up to the task of getting a 180-pound robot to walk around, so they stuck with the more complicated (and generally messier) hydraulic system. Other legged robots do this too, and it seems like a reasonable compromise between the quiet efficiency of electricity and the power of hydraulics.
  • That dynamic balancing reminds us a lot of the early BigDog videos, but it’s crazy to see it running in a biped like this, because of the speed at which the limbs have to move while still supporting the upper body.
  • We’re not exactly sure how much autonomy it’s got going at this point. While walking outdoors, the LIDAR appears not to be spinning much of the time, which means someone is likely driving the robot. Some of the box lifting looks to be autonomous, but we’re definitely looking for some background on what’s going on behind the scenes when the robot is stacking boxes on those shelves.
  • It can fall over, and not only not die, but get up again by itself. There were a few layers of mats underneath the robot, and one video doesn’t reveal a whole lot about its overall robustness, but this is miles better than any other humanoid robot short of CHIMP (if you want to call CHIMP a humanoid).

I hope they never arm these robots for war or to kill human beings.

I hope they never arm these robots for war or to kill human beings.

Well like Elon Musk with electric vehicles the CEO of Boston Dynamics was tired of the slowness robotics was progressing having spent his early years watching sci-fi tv shows where robots were common. So he decided to do something about it. So we may be lucky he has no overt interest in just making killer robots...however if the government is the primary one tossing them money we will have to expect the military angle to have some weight.

I hope they never arm these robots for war or to kill human beings.
These will be policing your streets. What do you mean, you hope? BD is a defense company owned by Google heavily financed by DARPA and other defense compartments. The sole purpose of things like this is to replace humans to - Kill humans. The problems with humans they have emotions, bias & principals. At times the human traits might get in the way of blind obedience - this is not good for war.

Well like Elon Musk with electric vehicles the CEO of Boston Dynamics was tired of the slowness robotics was progressing having spent his early years watching sci-fi tv shows where robots were common. So he decided to do something about it. So we may be lucky he has no overt interest in just making killer robots...however if the government is the primary one tossing them money we will have to expect the military angle to have some weight.

Who do you think tosses them the majority of their money for projects of this nation? Compare it to other designs - cheetah for instance? Is that [cheetah] going to replace horse racing? That is a very unrealistic statement or point of view. This is a defense company - it is coming from the same folks who make weapons with little "vertical" separation within their corporation. Do you know the team, can you name what else they have done, I can.. They do not make household vacuum cleaners. There are companies posturing to bring robotics into our homes and very successfully - these will benefit people greatly. While there are companies like BD posturing to market weapons - of the robotic kind. These will benefit governments greatly. We are decades off from robots questioning programming. Though on occasion humans many question obedience. They might on occasion choose to do things contrary to orders - their reasoning is irrelevant. Many things other than orders motivate humans. Robots are less "complex" to motivate once finished and design proven.
Who do you think tosses them the majority of their money for projects of this nation? Compare it to other designs - cheetah for instance? Is that [cheetah] going to replace horse racing? .

Right now it's Google...since they own Boston Dynamics...and oddly enough they are not interested in military applications.

Google rejects military funding for its advanced humanoid robot | The Verge
"DARPA doesn’t want to give Google money because it wants to use its $2.7 billion budget to fund startups with scarce resources, not Goliath tech companies, and its investments are supposed to seed technology that can one day be purchased by the Pentagon for national defense, which Google is unlikely to play along with."

Google actually does want to use it for consumer orientated purposes.

Aw, don't tease that poor Atlas!
The sole purpose of things like this is to replace humans to - Kill humans. The problems with humans they have emotions, bias & principals. At times the human traits might get in the way of blind obedience - this is not good for war.
Ultimately, a robot is just a bunch of wires and plates, it has to be programmed by humans by rules decided by humans. ...no different to drones.

There are rules on how drones are used, and I am sure there will be rules on how robots are used and these will be subject to review and criticism.

As for policing, other than in war torn countries, I don't think the general public are willing to see these tin plates walking down suburban streets...and as long as we are not, the politicians won't allow it.
Ultimately, a robot is just a bunch of wires and plates, it has to be programmed by humans by rules decided by humans. ...no different to drones.

There are rules on how drones are used, and I am sure there will be rules on how robots are used and these will be subject to review and criticism.

As for policing, other than in war torn countries, I don't think the general public are willing to see these tin plates walking down suburban streets...and as long as we are not, the politicians won't allow it.
You missed the debates starting in the late 90s about the legal issues of drones which still exist today? I just literally looked at 60 of your posts. One thing you are not is an idiot, one thing you are is an interesting and BA (BAD A... contributor). There are organizations all around the world and in the USA. Many with generals, "EX-MIL or EX-IC" on their 'boards'. Even ex drone pilots, engineers and sensor ops are pointing out problems.. You are going to be so dismissive of all their work in 2 sentences, come on brother. Just because the government, IC or Pentagon makes claims of checks and balances - you know.. The US Government frequently does "wrongs" to soldiers, the world and citizens. Your dismissiveness is almost cocky. With that in mind I should have toned down my statement too. But suggesting legitimate arguments of robots in war do not exist on both sides is deceptive or wrong. These are strange times. We need to listen to each other while being more dismissive of government.
Right now it's Google...since they own Boston Dynamics...and oddly enough they are not interested in military applications.

"DARPA doesn’t want to give Google money because it wants to use its $2.7 billion budget to fund startups with scarce resources, not Goliath tech companies, and its investments are supposed to seed technology that can one day be purchased by the Pentagon for national defense, which Google is unlikely to play along with."

Google actually does want to use it for consumer orientated purposes.
Right now it's Google...since they own Boston Dynamics...and oddly enough they are not interested in military applications.

"DARPA doesn’t want to give Google money because it wants to use its $2.7 billion budget to fund startups with scarce resources, not Goliath tech companies, and its investments are supposed to seed technology that can one day be purchased by the Pentagon for national defense, which Google is unlikely to play along with."

Google actually does want to use it for consumer orientated purposes.

** Due to forum rules I can not post links yet. [Bracketed] replies is where links were to be. I apologize I had to remove your links to reply.
Without batting an eyelash Google hired Regina Dugan in the midst of scandal and many others. They did so as part of a very obscure team. It almost had a "skunk works" feel and went 'dark' fairly quick [ATAP]. Google was sponsored by the NSA in one of the most fascinating Glamor responses of our life time, in my opinion. [EPIC/NSA/GOOGLE]. What is the difference between Google, Darpa, NSA or FBI? Only one hosts conferences the others & only one runs one of the worlds largest social networks. What are the similarities all exploit data (PID) for their own gain, profit or benefit. Often without consent or making every attempt to do so more covertly than transparent. At times doing so unconstitutionally - we have stolen documentation proving this. Eric Schmidt took little to no action with things like Project Tempora, Glimmerglass, Google Cloud Exploitation (GCE) or many other illegal attacks on his company. His silence and lack of action have value. Google maintains several data centers around the world [Google Data Center Locations] - All were targets. I am not going as far to say, "Google is evil". But it is a sketchy corporation. One the government IC/Pentagon have favorable relationships with. Which are more likely harmful to "endusers"/public/encryption and helpful to the "UGS". Even Vint Cerf has said their model directly contradicts with privacy and other aspects of life for all their users. While I might be over the top. It may be necessary for google to have a love touched relationship with the military, IC & Government.. Your failure to acknowledge this is a poor analysis or disheartening at best. Ty for the reply.
** Due to forum rules I can not post links yet. [Bracketed] replies is where links were to be. I apologize I had to remove your links to reply.
Without batting an eyelash Google hired Regina Dugan in the midst of scandal and many others. They did so as part of a very obscure team. It almost had a "skunk works" feel and went 'dark' fairly quick [ATAP]. Google was sponsored by the NSA in one of the most fascinating Glamor responses of our life time, in my opinion. [EPIC/NSA/GOOGLE]. What is the difference between Google, Darpa, NSA or FBI? Only one hosts conferences the others & only one runs one of the worlds largest social networks. What are the similarities all exploit data (PID) for their own gain, profit or benefit. Often without consent or making every attempt to do so more covertly than transparent. At times doing so unconstitutionally - we have stolen documentation proving this. Eric Schmidt took little to no action with things like Project Tempora, Glimmerglass, Google Cloud Exploitation (GCE) or many other illegal attacks on his company. His silence and lack of action have value. Google maintains several data centers around the world [Google Data Center Locations] - All were targets. I am not going as far to say, "Google is evil". But it is a sketchy corporation. One the government IC/Pentagon have favorable relationships with. Which are more likely harmful to "endusers"/public/encryption and helpful to the "UGS". Even Vint Cerf has said their model directly contradicts with privacy and other aspects of life for all their users. While I might be over the top. It may be necessary for google to have a love touched relationship with the military, IC & Government.. Your failure to acknowledge this is a poor analysis or disheartening at best. Ty for the reply.

That is all very possible and logical..however as of now you don't need a security clearance to work at Google or Boston Dynamics(jobs page: Boston Dynamics: Dedicated to the Science and Art of How Things Move. You can even have an internship ). So whatever they are working on is wide open and not some hush-hush super secret stuff. Boston Dynamics can hire Russian/Chinese nationals right off the street (I live not far from their Waltham office). Not very far away from Boston Dynamics is Lincoln Labs and trying to get any work there requires an extensive background check and security clearance. You go over there and security is tight.

BTW cut this snide "Your failure to acknowledge this is a poor analysis or disheartening at best." You have only been here a shortime..try not to give yourself a big A-hole label quickly.
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You missed the debates starting in the late 90s about the legal issues of drones which still exist today? I just literally looked at 60 of your posts. One thing you are not is an idiot, one thing you are is an interesting and BA (BAD A... contributor). There are organizations all around the world and in the USA. Many with generals, "EX-MIL or EX-IC" on their 'boards'. Even ex drone pilots, engineers and sensor ops are pointing out problems.. You are going to be so dismissive of all their work in 2 sentences, come on brother. Just because the government, IC or Pentagon makes claims of checks and balances - you know.. The US Government frequently does "wrongs" to soldiers, the world and citizens. Your dismissiveness is almost cocky. With that in mind I should have toned down my statement too. But suggesting legitimate arguments of robots in war do not exist on both sides is deceptive or wrong. These are strange times. We need to listen to each other while being more dismissive of government.
HAHA...you are very thorough.....I think I have only checked historic postings twice on PDF and both times it was because I had doubts whether the person I was debating with was completely sane or not...as it happened, both times they turned out to be lunatics, which a quick check of their history confirmed, and I was able to disengage without wasting time.

You are of course quite right that not all government involvement is benign...but I am an optimist...I feel that it goes both ways.

The more cagey and secretive governments are, the easier it is for that single whistleblower to open it all up. Look at wiki leaks or Snowdon. Remember that guy staring down the tank in Tianmennn square.

Human beings are too different to share the same perspective. Governments have always tried to manipulate behind the scenes but they can only go so far before an ordinary citizen refuses to go along with it and risks his life and freedom to expose what is going on.

Eventually there has to be a balance, people in power will get away with whatever we allow them to get away with. Nothing more nothing less. But it is the ordinary citizens who decides how much leeway their government gets and what price they are willing to pay. No government can take away life or liberty from an informed society without its agreement.
HAHA...you are very thorough.....I think I have only checked historic postings twice on PDF and both times it was because I had doubts whether the person I was debating with was completely sane or not...as it happened, both times they turned out to be lunatics, which a quick check of their history confirmed, and I was able to disengage without wasting time.

You are of course quite right that not all government involvement is benign...but I am an optimist...I feel that it goes both ways.

The more cagey and secretive governments are, the easier it is for that single whistleblower to open it all up. Look at wiki leaks or Snowdon. Remember that guy staring down the tank in Tianmennn square.

Human beings are too different to share the same perspective. Governments have always tried to manipulate behind the scenes but they can only go so far before an ordinary citizen refuses to go along with it and risks his life and freedom to expose what is going on.

Eventually there has to be a balance, people in power will get away with whatever we allow them to get away with. Nothing more nothing less. But it is the ordinary citizens who decides how much leeway their government gets and what price they are willing to pay. No government can take away life or liberty from an informed society without its agreement.
Right before 2-3 AGM-114's (100lb/45kg missiles) were fired at them. I am sure those children minding their own business, playing Gilli-danda were optimistic too. The CIA has a special term for such children, "Bug Splat" (once a classified term). It reflects their intimate thoughts & feelings of the CIA. It tells us how they truly feel about non-white & non-American civilians. Like a bug splatters on the front of a vehicle traveling down Durgapur Expressway. The brains of those innocent individuals were splattered against the wall. I am less optimistic :)
"Bug Splat"
That is all very possible and logical..however as of now you don't need a security clearance to work at Google or Boston Dynamics(jobs page: You can even have an internship ). So whatever they are working on is wide open and not some hush-hush super secret stuff. Boston Dynamics can hire Russian/Chinese nationals right off the street (I live not far from their Waltham office). Not very far away from Boston Dynamics is Lincoln Labs and trying to get any work there requires an extensive background check and security clearance. You go over there and security is tight.

BTW cut this snide "Your failure to acknowledge this is a poor analysis or disheartening at best." You have only been here a shortime..try not to give yourself a big A-hole label quickly.

The amount of time I have been on a specific forum is not hinged on the amount of knowledge I have. You admitted this in the first sentence. "Very possible & logical". Everything I said about Google was absolutely true. What is needed to work within specific compartments of google we do not know, they are and have been shielded by the most secretive and powerful parts of government. Boston Dynamics is a defense/military contractor, I can post their earnings if you like? The fact secrecy does not exist is irrelevant. Corporations & government commit crime in plain site on a daily basis. Tens of thousands of military projects are unclassified. Google has "illegally" and intentionally cooperated with Intelligence Community (shielded in absolute secrecy). When directly attacked (Hacked) by the NSA, Eric remained silent, taking no legal action. As one of the largest corporations in the world, his ability to take immediate and decisive action against these illegal attacks is second to none.. Yet we know what he did (nothing). People are in jail in the USA for 5-10 + yrs for attacks much less sophisticated with a much smaller footprint (consider old 2600er; CCC or newer Anonymous). I named some of the illegal attacks against Google. I did not fabricate any. Google has partnered with the NSA, DIA, FBI, Lockheed Martin and many others. I can not post links yet "google DEPARTMENT_FULL_NAME:"DEPT OF DEFENSE". Boston Dynamics no matter how you spin it is a defense company. Google no matter how you spin it is either afraid of the government or in bed with them. They took over large portions of robotics relevant to DARPA (395 million +) again "DEFENSE" - not public interest.

If being blunt, informed and expressing my opinion forces you to call me names, I accept these attacks. Though I will refrain from doing the same to you. :)

I am not remotely a conspiracy theorist. Somewhere you too must realize this stuff is very "strange" I get it you probably work for google :P Stop being mean.
"Bug Splat"

The amount of time I have been on a specific forum is not hinged on the amount of knowledge I have. You admitted this in the first sentence. "Very possible & logical". Everything I said about Google was absolutely true. What is needed to work within specific compartments of google we do not know, they are and have been shielded by the most secretive and powerful parts of government. Boston Dynamics is a defense/military contractor, I can post their earnings if you like? The fact secrecy does not exist is irrelevant. Corporations & government commit crime in plain site on a daily basis. Tens of thousands of military projects are unclassified. Google has "illegally" and intentionally cooperated with Intelligence Community (shielded in absolute secrecy). When directly attacked (Hacked) by the NSA, Eric remained silent, taking no legal action. As one of the largest corporations in the world, his ability to take immediate and decisive action against these illegal attacks is second to none.. Yet we know what he did (nothing). People are in jail in the USA for 5-10 + yrs for attacks much less sophisticated with a much smaller footprint (consider old 2600er; CCC or newer Anonymous). I named some of the illegal attacks against Google. I did not fabricate any. Google has partnered with the NSA, DIA, FBI, Lockheed Martin and many others. I can not post links yet "google DEPARTMENT_FULL_NAME:"DEPT OF DEFENSE". Boston Dynamics no matter how you spin it is a defense company. Google no matter how you spin it is either afraid of the government or in bed with them. They took over large portions of robotics relevant to DARPA (395 million +) again "DEFENSE" - not public interest.

If being blunt, informed and expressing my opinion forces you to call me names, I accept these attacks. Though I will refrain from doing the same to you. :)

I am not remotely a conspiracy theorist. Somewhere you too must realize this stuff is very "strange" I get it you probably work for google :P Stop being mean.

It is very possible Google has "black" projects. If anything spinning off "Alphabet" as a larger holding company better enables it. They now can pull people out of Google itself and into other sub-companies that are doing unknown stuff.

But currently Boston Dynamics is more of a spinoff of an MIT robotics lab. Since they were using DARPA funding to help survive it's obvious their line was slanted towards military sounding stuff. The question now is with their buyout by Google will their robots now swerve towards a consumer "Honda Asimo" type robot (along the same line as Google's autonomous autos - or is that also actually a cover for a secret military project too in your mind) or will they head more towards the "Terminator" route.

So far they have not put any Government Defense Contractor type military clearances in effect. So it's wide open. Of course you can say they flew the entire team to Area 51 and what's left in Waltham is a shell front to avoid suspicion.
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It is very possible Google has "black" projects. If anything spinning off "Alphabet" as a larger holding company better enables it. They now can pull people out of Google itself and into other sub-companies that are doing unknown stuff.

But currently Boston Dynamics is more of a spinoff of an MIT robotics lab. Since they were using DARPA funding to help survive it's obvious their line was slanted towards military sounding stuff. The question now is with their buyout by Google will their robots now swerve towards a consumer "Honda Asimo" type robot (along the same line as Google's autonomous autos - or is that also actually a cover for a secret military project too in your mind) or will they head more towards the "Terminator" route.

So far they have not put any Government Defense Contractor type military clearances in effect. So it's wide open. Of course you can say they flew the entire team to Area 51 and what's left in Waltham is a shell front to avoid suspicion.
"Regulatory Capture of the Scientific Mind"
Have you seen it? These guys come in. Nce shoes, khaki pants and a button down shirt. In the back talking to your professor. They have a suitcase full of "cash". They need the help of the Prof. This project will benefit human kind, it is his patriotic duty. Eventually they slide a piece of paper on the table. Wanting to do good Mr.Prof signs. He needs the money and his students need some "PHD WORK". He gets cool toys too! The project progresses the students begin to depend on it, the prof depends on the money. Slowly the 2 guys begin making specific requests, small ones at first, minor changes to the project. The good Prof complies. More requests come in, the project is starting to take a strange turn. If the professor mouths off (is "SNIDE"), questions the changes funding will be pulled. That can't happen his students depend on this project. His duty is to his students. MIT, CMU - whoever. The government is not smart enough to do anything on its own. You think the NSA, Darpa or IARPA make their own tech? Psssh they can't even protect their own secrets from 16 yr old kids. Nerds make their stuff and that is how.

Lots of professors are on record regretting their decisions but had little choice. Others like the attention, feel like secret agent or like the occasional steak dinner. There names escape me now. But at least 2 Neuro engineers have videos on youtube discussing this type of "entrapment". I know good people @ both schools. But I am not a fool. I know what these people do for government. More importantly, without them I know what government could not do to us or others..

The good news is not all nerds can be bought. The NSA brags about it they have no monopoly on 'quants', mathematicians or nerds. Whatever, some of us have principals. So "MIT 'X' 'X' or 'Y" argument. I do not like it. Type, "Why Shouldn't I Work for the NSA? (Good Will Hunting)" into your favorite search engine.
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