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At what point should the word of a Jew be elevated over the word of a Muslim?


Dec 12, 2008
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United States
That's the question in my mind after considering @Fukuoka's response in today's thread. He did not contest that the photographs showed peaceful Jews but dismissed it as Zionist propaganda. When I reproduced the Arab source article in full with its embedded photographs he responded that he didn't "see" it.

Is there EVER a case where a Jew can present indubitable proof embarrassing to Muslims that other Muslims can acknowledge as true and thus validate the word of the Jew? Discuss.
That's the question in my mind after considering @Fukuoka's response in today's thread. He did not contest that the photographs showed peaceful Jews but dismissed it as Zionist propaganda. When I reproduced the Arab source article in full with its embedded photographs he responded that he didn't "see" it.

Is there EVER a case where a Jew can present indubitable proof embarrassing to Muslims that other Muslims can acknowledge as true and thus validate the word of the Jew? Discuss.
Hmmm a Jew def can but a Zionist cant...

There are many versions of this tale:

Once Sayyiduna 'Ali was also summoned to court during his Khilafa:
When Hadrat 'Ali was Caliph, he was summoned to the court of a Qadi. A Jew had filed a suit against him and claimed the Caliph's armour. The Caliph called at the court and stood by the side of the claimant (Plaintiff) and did not tolerate any consideration for his exalted position.. The claimant (Jew) produced several witnesses in support of his claim. The Qadi enquired from Hadrat Ali whether he had anything to say in his defence. The Caliph replied in the negative and the Qadi decided the case in favour of the Jew and awarded him the armour which the Caliph had actually purchased from him. The Jew was much struck with the impartial judgment of the Qazi and returned the armour to the Caliph, saying, that the Caliph had actually purchased the armour from him (Jew). He had filed the suit in order to test the impartiality of the Caliph and his court which magnificently stood the test.
That's the question in my mind after considering @Fukuoka's response in today's thread. He did not contest that the photographs showed peaceful Jews but dismissed it as Zionist propaganda. When I reproduced the Arab source article in full with its embedded photographs he responded that he didn't "see" it.

Is there EVER a case where a Jew can present indubitable proof embarrassing to Muslims that other Muslims can acknowledge as true and thus validate the word of the Jew? Discuss.

What made you think 'Fuk u ok' is Muslim? and why does an Indian bothered about Jew and Muslim?
That's the question in my mind after considering @Fukuoka's response in today's thread. He did not contest that the photographs showed peaceful Jews but dismissed it as Zionist propaganda. When I reproduced the Arab source article in full with its embedded photographs he responded that he didn't "see" it.

Is there EVER a case where a Jew can present indubitable proof embarrassing to Muslims that other Muslims can acknowledge as true and thus validate the word of the Jew? Discuss.
You're really going to open a thread based on comment made by a clear antisemitic member? Dude, you really need to learn to ignore people.
That's the question in my mind after considering @Fukuoka's response in today's thread. He did not contest that the photographs showed peaceful Jews but dismissed it as Zionist propaganda. When I reproduced the Arab source article in full with its embedded photographs he responded that he didn't "see" it.

Is there EVER a case where a Jew can present indubitable proof embarrassing to Muslims that other Muslims can acknowledge as true and thus validate the word of the Jew? Discuss.
Seeing peaceful JEWS doesn't mean that minutes later they don't pull out their sticks when the cameras are off. That's a typical zionist behaviour
You're really going to open a thread based on comment made by a clear antisemitic member? Dude, you really need to learn to ignore people.
Not thinking about the F-man. Thinking about all the people who read his comments, know that they are trash, yet stay silent about it: indifference = support of evil.
Not thinking about the F-man. Thinking about all the people who read his comments, know that they are trash, yet stay silent about it: indifference = support of evil.
No, ignoring his rants isn't being indifferent to them, it's showing that his opinion is irrelevant to the conversation. He's a troll, he WANTS for you to pay attention to him, because that's his environment; it's how he thrives. Take my advice, my friend, sometimes doing nothing is exactly the right thing, don't fall for his tricks.
For the last time Fukuoka (aka Elis) is a Viet using Chinese flag.
Take my advice, my friend, sometimes doing nothing is exactly the right thing, don't fall for his tricks.
I'm a Jew. I've learned that the indifference of the majority to evil leads to acceptance of it by the majority. Evil has to be properly identified and fought for this reason.
Trustworthiness is depending on individual nature and it has less to do with someone being Jewish, atheist or Muslim. All religion speak against lies, cheating and any kind of injustice but some of their followers still do these things
I'm a Jew. I've learned that the indifference of the majority to evil leads to acceptance of it by the majority. Evil has to be properly identified and fought for this reason.
Except it's the internet and trolls want you to do exactly that. Remember, you never feed the trolls, because that is what sustains their drive. If you ignore them, they'll get so bored that they'll move on with something else.
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