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At the meeting, India proposed to China:【7】Requirements

This is all stupid. India should allow China to first build facilities on India's side of LAC and then make the Chinese leave.

That way India can get to use the facilities that the Chinese built for free.

And what is china's response regarding 56'' chest demands?

well after reading demands i dont have doubt that india demanded as per indian Delusional attitute. Why delusional attitute because the demand and attitute seems to me that india has upper hand over the situation which is not the case in reality.

all rejected, our claim is up to shyloc river now
Yes, Captured Indian Lands and Indian Armed Forces are retaking those Lands back !

Indian Nation is Very Peaceful, Indian Nation Fights for what Belongs to Indian Nation ! You Know the Ancient Living Civilisation - The Hindu Civilisation !

Not really ! The Dispute is this only ! Those Territories Belongs to the Hindu Nation which has been Captured by the Invading Forces !

Vanakkam ! Yeh DharmYudh Hai - Jihad e Fi Sabilillah !

Jihad e fi sabililah? wtf are you smoking.. Anyways howdy modi says nothing was captured..
Let's have an actual war instead of skirmishes.
Why would you want this? Does no good to either country ..

Look, now I just wish PLA will attack when India makes any move and rain hail on their positions.
You change the rule of engagement, fine, we will do the same. I think it's time that China remains India that they can pump their chest all they want, or start their Forward Policy again, we will respond in kind and more. Just please, please don't cry victim again, it's getting embarrassing.
What use is attacking India when both sides already know the outcome? Its like asking a NBA player to play pick up basketball with some randoms ... everyone knows what the outcome will be so what is the point? Except unlike basketball, there are severe diplomatic and possibly economic consequencs for China doing so.
If as per Indian lying PM Narendra Surrender Modi, there are no foreign soldiers occupying Indian territories, what is Lt. Gen. Harinder Singh doing in China?

Why is India trying to involve Russia in its "bilateral issues" with China?

Looks like all air leaked out of Shupa Powa India?

Lieutenant General Harinder Singh commanded the XIV Corps.

Why would you want this? Does no good to either country ..

What use is attacking India when both sides already know the outcome? Its like asking a NBA player to play pick up basketball with some randoms ... everyone knows what the outcome will be so what is the point? Except unlike basketball, there are severe diplomatic and possibly economic consequencs for China doing so.

I have one point not for even a minimum scale war but for the betterment of region.

It is india who tried every possibilities to sabotage mutual interest of regional countries, propagandizing against regional countries, india's hindutva nazis ideology which is really dangerous for the region .

This is only few reasons that neighbouring countries not happy with india's evil policies. You cant change neighbour but unfortunately india doesn't understand this ground reality.
I have one point not for even a minimum scale war but for the betterment of region.

It is india who tried every possibilities to sabotage mutual interest of regional countries, propagandizing against regional countries, india's hindutva nazis ideology which is really dangerous for the region .

This is only few reasons that neighbouring countries not happy with india's evil policies. You cant change neighbour but unfortunately india doesn't understand this ground reality.
So you think China should just launch a war against India on this basis? This makes no sense at all ... unless India attacked first I highly doubt China would want to launch an attack on this shaky premise.
So you think China should just launch a war against India on this basis? This makes no sense at all ... unless India attacked first I highly doubt China would want to launch an attack on this shaky premise.
i was not talkig about war.. well
According to indian prime minister china didn't capture any land.
According to indian sources india did surgical strike on china at laddakh first.
According to these statements of india, india attacked first, what should china do now?
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"After modi revised the rules of engagement, China and India held talks at the military commander level, and India established a strong field." On Tuesday, the Chinese and Indian delegations held talks again in moldo, Ladakh, the border area between the two countries. Indian media summed up the above title. The core of India's attitude is two words: tough.

According to Indian media reports, yesterday's talks lasted 11 hours, with the participation of a delegation led by general Khalid Singh, commander of the 14th army group. At the meeting, India proposed to China:

1. China withdrew its troops from the North Bank of Bangong Lake.

2. The Chinese side withdrew its forces from the valley of garwan and restored the status quo in important strategic areas.

3. China will reduce the deployment of "deep areas" on the disputed border.

4. Restore the hot spring area of Kiam.

5. China has stopped military buildup in the disputed areas.

6. China resumed its deployment before the beginning of April.

7. The Indian army is ready for an all-round war. It will no longer abide by the relevant agreement that the two countries' armies will not use hot weapons or sharp cold weapons during the confrontation. It has authorized the front commanders of the Indian army to deal with China "completely free" on the border between China and India.

Sources said that India also asked China to provide a specific withdrawal schedule.

(AI translation)https://mil.news.sina.com.cn/china/2020-06-24/doc-iirczymk8688472.shtml

This is not a peace talk. this is an ultimatum or demand. These demand is a quick road to raise the tension and war. Not to solve the problem.
7. The Indian army is ready for an all-round war.

then start it, or go back to making babies. loud mouth
Chinese don't talk. They act. Chinese have now occupied so many places across LAC that India is no longer specifying the places. India is just begging China that China go back in time to April 2020.
It is not true. India occupied a lot of land. You can see from the map of 1958 and now that China won the military war in 62, but lost its territory.
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