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At the end of 26/11 terror attacks, Karachi control room wore a celebratory

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It was a pogrom , disproportionate number of muslims died .
Since less no. of Hindus were killed so Hindus automatically become more extreme ?

Aren't they RSS organisations that beat up young men and women celebrating valentine's day. Wasn't it an RSS linked organization called 'Ram sene' that beat up those women in a Mangalore pub for drinking alcohol ? If you approve of these things then fine RSS may be good for someone like you but for someone like me they are threat to this country's security as well along with muslim extremists .

Face Palm..
Tells enough about ure knowledge of RSS.
Ram Sene is not a RSS organisation.
Kerala Muslims cannot be compared to Pathans.....
Different people with same religion thats all..and by the way im from kerala
Agreed, but the incident in Kerala are rare incidents as far as I know. Harpoon claimed Kerala Muslims were as bad as the Pathan Muslim, which was what I was trying to debate against.

I never claimed that Kerala Muslims are bad..that just generalization....but to say that Kerala Muslims are free from radicalization is also an exaggeration. Also the radicalization of Kerala Muslims is a failure of the theory that oppression leads to Islamic terrorism. Kerala Muslims are one of the richest and most influential minorities in India and guess what in spite of all this they ended up in Kashmir fighting against IA.
Do Kerala Muslims engage in chopping off a criminal's hand ? Speaking of mutilation body parts, there are hundreds of instances during partition where RSS thugs went off on a killing spree. This is a practice visible even to this day. Mutilation of female genitalia ( tribal/untouchables ) seem to be the popular fad today. Couple of years ago, it used to be torching foreign missionaries.
During partition, it was a war between HINDUS and MUSLIMS sparked by the elites of that time. what will you do when you hear/see attrocities commited by both side. will you go and try to apease the mob or be part of the side you are familire with to save your family.
it was not like RSS was commiting crimes, it was HINDUS and MUSLIMS (MY AND YOUR ANSYSTORS) committing crime against each other in a bloddy war.

And as far as the forign missionarise are concerned, i regret the incident, but when some forign misionary comes here to ASIA, their motive is not to work for humanity but to propagate CHIRSTIANITY, and all DHARMIC religion despise them for what they do to kill a 5000 year old religion like HINDUISM, BUDHISM. Good for MUSLIMS, they have a policy to kill the guy who remonces his faith in ISLAM if he is born in a MUSLIM family.
Kerala Muslims cannot be compared to Pathans.....
Different people with same religion thats all..and by the way im from kerala

Just for the record- There are well organised SIMI workshops that are organised in Kerala, where they recruit and brainwash Muslims boys.
i gave a search for the word "Atrocities committed by RSS" and found no relevant link as you are claiming. Don't say me that the INTERNET is managed by RSS.

Interesting. Did you smile when you typed that out ?
Arre bhaiyon enough yaaron.

I think all of us have vented our steam.

It is important that our Muslim brothers understand that what is within should remain within.

We have our fights. Lets us sort it out internally.

But this anti-national activity is just not done man.

I was the first guy who clapped when that old man Kobad Gandhi, a bawa Maoist was arrested.

If he is against the state, kill him. If you cannot, let me know. I will do it personally with my own hands.

Please have that kind of feeling for the country. Do not get defensive and protect your own.

We are ALL your own.

It was a pogrom , disproportionate number of muslims died .

Aren't they RSS organisations that beat up young men and women celebrating valentine's day . Wasn't it an RSS linked organization called 'Ram sene' that beat up those women in a Mangalore pub for drinking alcohol ? If you approve of these things then fine RSS may be good for someone like you but for someone like me they are threat to this country's security as well along with muslim extremists .

Ram sene is not RSS neither RSS directly involved in any such incident. If they do police is there to treat them. And moreover there acts are not endorsed by public...
I never claimed that Kerala Muslims are bad..that just generalization....but to say that Kerala Muslims are free from radicalization is also an exaggeration. Also the radicalization of Kerala Muslims is a failure of the theory that oppression leads to Islamic terrorism. Kerala Muslims are one of the richest and most influential minorities in India and guess what in spite of all this they ended up in Kashmir fighting against IA.

This is surprising, never heard this before. Any link (from credible news source) to prove this? Again, is this a few (5 or 10 Kerala Muslims) fighting IA in Kashmir, because you cant paint the whole community with a bad brush for the actions of a few. I would like a credible news link that shows Kerala Muslims going to Kashmir in hundreds/thousands for fighting IA.
And as far as the forign missionarise are concerned, i regret the incident, but when some forign misionary comes here to ASIA, their motive is not to work for humanity but to propagate CHIRSTIANITY, and all DHARMIC religion despise them for what they do to kill a 5000 year old religion like HINDUISM, BUDHISM. Good for MUSLIMS, they have a policy to kill the guy who remonces his faith in ISLAM if he is born in a MUSLIM family.

So they were murdered for "propagating christianity" ? What happened to the freedom of religion ?

And as far as the forign missionarise are concerned, i regret the incident, but when some forign misionary comes here to ASIA, their motive is not to work for humanity but to propagate CHIRSTIANITY, and all DHARMIC religion despise them for what they do to kill a 5000 year old religion like HINDUISM, BUDHISM. Good for MUSLIMS, they have a policy to kill the guy who remonces his faith in ISLAM if he is born in a MUSLIM family.

So they were murdered for "propagating christianity" ? What happened to the freedom of religion ?
Just for the record- There are well organised SIMI workshops that are organised in Kerala, where they recruit and brainwash Muslims boys.

Ofcourse with a significant number of muslims in kerala few might end up in radicalization camps....
But the general/majority muslims in kerala are aganist these type of organizations...
If u take that into consideration, with the help of those majority we can nullify the radical effect...
Just for the record- There are well organised SIMI workshops that are organised in Kerala, where they recruit and brainwash Muslims boys.

This guy Abu JUndul guy confessed to Police that one of his jobs in Gulf given by LeT is to recruit Malayali Muslims coming to Gulf for jobs and train them in Pakistan (It was reported in Malayalam Channel yesterday). Frankly I fear that the so called liberal Muslims in Kerala are getting more and more radicalized.
Fazlu, if you really are Indian, please leave it man.

Please help us in ridding your community of traitor anti-national bastards.

Please rope in 100 more Muslims to do the same.

Let each of them rope in 100 more to be vigilant and come forward for the country.

What is this you Hindu, me Muslim thing yaar?

Are you not Indian first and foremost?

Answer me.
Since less no. of Hindus were killed so Hindus automatically become more extreme ?

Face Palm..
Tells enough about ure knowledge of RSS.
Ram Sene is not a RSS organisation.

Well the Ram Sena does claim to follow the Hindu ideology, and their reason for beating up women in Mangalore was religous reasons (Hinduism namely). They are equally as bad for the nations forward development as Muslim extremists. There are bad apples in every community, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian, etc.
"Multiplicity breeds strife" Thundered Gowalkar.

According to him, to see oneself as a Muslim or christian or tamil or maharashtrian or bengali was to sap the vitality of the nation. He wished them all to use the label Hindu, which is where he departed from Nehru who of course wished them all to be "Indian"
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