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At least we are not Dubai

George just hit the mark spot on with his analysis.

Dubai and to a lesser extent some other cities are places where a man has everything and yet nothing. You have to buy love and respect, and your bank account personifies your personality and character.

George is a better Pakistani than most Pakistani's I know, this guy really makes you appreciate your country and feel proud of it. Some of the saddest and loneliest people live in these so called rich cities.
This whole article reminds me of this dialouge from DEEWAR

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Don't want to condemn or criticize Dubai... what they do in their own country is for them to decide. None of my business.

But definitely want to commend George. I love this guy. He is a truly patriotic Pakistani!
Wow, my feelings his words.

I have felt the same while visiting Dubai and even to a great extent while staying in Singapore and . All the bling but no real substance. What people consider as easy and better lifestyle - felt so much more mechanical.The uncertainty and the system which makes sense of chaos makes life that much more interesting and enriching. Where the first thing people note about you is the brand of your watch - pathetic. No appreciation of human quality, and quality of life becomes a combination of Brands, Luxuries and ofcourse money.

Dubai i completely agree mate...But Singapore... - DEFINITELY NO -.
I was analyzing "Dubai's development is not sustainable" in one of my classes. They had hard facts though. Like the ones mentioned in the article..

It has imported all the worst aspects of western culture (excessive consumption, environmental defilement)

Dubai is world's biggest contributer of green house gases and carbon foot print. Look at the consumption and tiny population.
Thank god we are not dubai... yaar udhar to Kissy karne pe bhi Jail main daal detay hain :cry:
Thank god we are not dubai... yaar udhar to Kissy karne pe bhi Jail main daal detay hain :cry:

That depends, kiss a guy, its all good. Kiss a girl, you are in the Thana crying.

George ka pakistan is one of the best tv shows i have watched.
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Sleeping in dubai for rich

For poor

Eating in Dubai for rich


For poor

Recreation in Dubai

For poor


this is disgusting. these guys are taking the abuse to an extreme point.
great article conveys my sentiments comparing them reminds me of all those high school teen films you see-dubai is like a rich ugly girl,with bad personality who has breast implants,tons of plastic and lots of money too make herself look good and gets plenty of attention from men while pakistan is the naturally pretty but poor and dirty girl with a bad reputation who can't afford a makeover and nice clothes and gets made fun off all she needs is someone to clean her up to show she's the hottest girl in school.
I'd rather live in pakistan it's real and better than shallow dubai nothing but concrete jungle with no real historical sites,culture,no nature etc all fake and man made just for the sake of show and decadence.
nice article!!!!! know the so called 'liberals' will do anything but appreciate but who cares :)
Dubai i completely agree mate...But Singapore... - DEFINITELY NO -.

Dude, you have no idea how soulless Singapore is.They are just like another Dubai, they also exploit workers,from Vietnam and Bangladesh,and our routine everyday is almost the same. My mother comes home from work and sleep, and go to work the next day.For me,I go to Poly andcome back home. Its all about money here too.

Man I really miss Pakistan...
our pakistan is very beautiful thnx GOD we r not like any arab country bcuz they made there country like westrens and allow every bad things in there society.
our pakistan is beautifull islamic republic and free country not a jail like dubai.
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