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At least seven killed as Iraqi security forces fire on protesters

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Iraq - unemployment, corruption, lack of electricity and clean water...
Iran - unemployment, inflation, corruption...
Lebanon - unemployment, inflation, corruption, lack of electricity, clean water trash in streets and sewage in sea
Yemen - war and total poverty...
Syria - worst genocide and catastrophe of 21th century...

Everywhere where Khamenaist are in control they bring blood, corruption and misery.

But they have more than enough money on missiles and terrorism.
Isint Lebanon developed?
Blah blah blah. Your denial won't change the reality.

Things are getting from bad to worse. Blame it on the aliens.

Go ahead, go propose your idea's in Iraq. I was just explaining to you what you don't know since you didn't put in the hours of research I did given your lack of interest in Iraq as it's not your country. If you prefer your assumptions have fun.
104 people killed in Iraq unrest, 6,000 wounded: Interior Ministry

OCTOBER 6, 2019

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 104 people have been killed and more than 6,000 wounded in less than a week of unrest in Iraq, Interior Ministry spokesman Major General Saad Maan said on Sunday on state TV.

Maan said eight members of the security forces were among those killed and 51 public buildings and eight political party headquarters had been torched by protesters.


World on alart is RamiAllolah or his boyfriend, terrorist news.

Army, federal police and CTS(ISOF) have stayed out of all this. It's between the protesters and local police (RIOT police) and green zone security forces. As for PMU, no one knows about that as they're too decentralised.
World on alart is RamiAllolah or his boyfriend, terrorist news.

Army, federal police and CTS(ISOF) have stayed out of all this. It's between the protesters and local police (RIOT police) and green zone security forces. As for PMU, no one knows about that as they're too decentralised.

Will you please confirm the talks in the video?

If it is true, then another civil war on the doorstep between local people and alien Mullahs/Persians.

Whereever Mullahs/Persians go, they bring the chaos along with them; dramatically, Arabs still buy this sectarianism.
Will you please confirm the talks in the video?

If it is true, then another civil war on the doorstep.

Whereever Mullahs go, they bring the chaos along with them.

They're just confused about who is shooting them because the soldiers are also being shot and are not fighting the protesters.

It can be anyone, it can even be ISIS shooting protesters masking it as Iraqi gov forces to ignite a civil war. Abu Musab al Zarqawi targeted Shias with suicide bombings in 2005-2007 until he achieved his goal in the 2006 al askari shrine bombing which ignited a civil war.

There's nothing to assume, PMU doesn't need to shoot them and its command which basically is the Iraqi gov.. is well aware that such actions do not help stem protests. All of Iraq's protests in the past have seen infiltration attempts by various groups. In 2013, the protests in Anbar against Maliki and the Iraqi army which they called the Safavid army got infiltrated by ISIS and the result was a major hell for the people of Anbar.

This is Anbar in 2013, protests infiltrated by ISIS. They already controlled it in an underground way before taking it in 2014. Of those people in the picture many are probably dead.

Seems like people have a short memory or do not bother reading up about things, if people can not even remember 5 years ago, let alone Zarqawi's attempts in 2006 then we are all fucked indeed.

I doubt this will result in a civil war, the protesters and the army, police are in support of one another's presence. PMU is politically being pushed further into the reign of the government due to the heavy US pressure and demand from Sadr as well as others. Few minority groups that disobey these orders and go their own way aren't going to be able to match up.
I will send this before the disgusting government shuts down the internet again, It's been like more than five days, absolute sgut down on the internet, not censorship but a complete cut off, a rather exagerated response when dealing with protesters who are merely demanding employment, electricity & clean drinking water, people are not demanding "freedom" or "democracy" or anything like that, they just want the basic service of nowadays societies.
I will send this before the disgusting government shuts down the internet again, It's been like more than five days, absolute sgut down on the internet, not censorship but a complete cut off, a rather exagerated response when dealing with protesters who are merely demanding employment, electricity & clean drinking water, people are not demanding "freedom" or "democracy" or anything like that, they just want the basic service of nowadays societies.

that protest turn to violent street fast, now its full on Anti-Iran protest that's the thing with US and Israel they have so many agents there to turn every peaceful protest to a mess of regime change in a blink of an eye
Iraqi governments over the past decades have failed to achieve true development. Peoples frustration with the fake promises alongside foreign incitement has caused this. The failure and delusions of the Iraqi governments think they can just kill everyone calling for reforms and blame it on “conspiracy”. Absolute unprofessionalism on the “democratic” government.

The ruling elite display their failure year after year. Unfortunately the government, unlike popular believe, is way to strong and these demonstrations won’t be able to overthrow it. Now after being trigger happy and gunning down hundreds of protesters they bribe the families of those killed by offering them cash and incentives.

Iraqis aren’t asking for miracles.

1- A functional strong government in which the law applies on everyone equally.
2- Getting rid of bureaucracy and corruption, return Iraq’s stolen billions and putting the thieves in prison.
3- basic services such as electricity, water, health care, education, basic infrastructure.
4- reforming the constitution and electoral system to prevent corrupt politicians from taking advantage of it.
5- start industrialization and building factories to stop imports and create jobs.
6- Start true reconstruction of the country to make it on par with developed countries.

Unfortunately the people currently in power are unable to make true change as they’ve been tested for the past 16 years and failed and now they have blood on their hands.

The biggest demand that would/ could change everything is getting rid of the sectarian quota system and turning iraq from a parliamentary democracy to presidential. Where the president is voted in by the people and could take decision without waiting for the Sunnis, Shias and Kurds to agree. Honestly people are just sick of Islamic political parties.
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ideally what is required now in Iraq is coup detat , purge the entire political establisment and literaly throw them into trash bins, some outsiders talk about foreign intervention to topple the government as if the current regime is a friend of the people while its trully the opposite , the current political establishment is the biggest threat to Iraq's national security, all the political parties with no exception are enemies of the state, Sadr gave a rather foolish proposal for early elections, who gives a flying F about elections? if we do elections then the exact same parties will rise to power and they will just chose a new face a new pupet to fool the people, the current government is indeed too strong because it has absulote control over the armed forces, that is why ideally there needs to be covert foreign intervention to help purge the establishment, the idea that peacefull protest can bring about political change while the Iblis establishment in the green zone simply guns them down is unrealistic, support from an insider , a top military commander is the only way to purge them.
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