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At least five martyred in Quetta blast: ET

ASWJ has strong links with Saudis so considering recent development it is not beyond them to target saudi assets across the border. When it comes down to it a public gathering is a fair game for all extremists. Also no one accepted responsibility which is strange considering SOBs of ISIS and Pak Talibs like to promote their exploits.

I know from our prospective it seems implausible that Iran can carry out such attacks. I would say think from Irani IRGC Mullah perspective who consider us close to saudis and have extreme hate for sunnis no matter where they are from. Saudis and Iranis are like kindred spirits in that respect.

Some sources are saying it was a suicide attack

Now if it is a suicide attack then it would be something completely new for Shia organizations. Shia organizations are mostly involved in target killing of opponent sect inside Pakistan. They are not into suicide attacks or bomb attacks like ISIS or TTP or LeJ. That is why I doubt it is ZB
I would love to have a chessboard and count for all the tit for tat retaliatory attacks that happen in the region by use of expendables zombies.

But am i not free to speculate? I don't even want to allege given the dire law n order situation in Pakistan.

You can just do a simple search Pakistan Iran Zionism Wahabi and you will see all statements. You can also sort them by date and then jot them down on a map and then link to political situation in Pakistan and see the sabotage done by government to absolve Iranian guilt in terrorism in Pakistan.

But why should i do it? Its futile exercise as hundreds are flocked to their deaths with the government silence for some alleged greater good or strategic depth.

I don't want attention like that. Each come to this world with their own fate. Who am i to question something which is preordained

While speculation and hyperbole should have their limits - the fact that we share this massive border with Iran and it essentially holds the same value(by ingenious socio-religious manipulation) as Makkah to 30% of Pakistanis along with their past willingness to create and engage in sectarian violence does behoove the “walks like a duck, quacks like a duck” thought.
AQ were hardcore W’s as well but they were targeted by IS. It depends upon which influences suggest the target


ISIS can target ASWJ who despite being an organization that has been banned by Pakistani state isn't openly rebellious to it

This alone is enough reason for IS to hit them
While speculation and hyperbole should have their limits - the fact that we share this massive border with Iran and it essentially holds the same value(by ingenious socio-religious manipulation) as Makkah to 30% of Pakistanis along with their past willingness to create and engage in sectarian violence does behoove the “walks like a duck, quacks like a duck” thought.

that walk like a duck and quack like a duck does not really apply to proxy warfare now does it where allegiance lie between survival and highest bet.

It will be dangerous trend to cement such stereotypes in matters of terrorism
Agreed - at the same time, the rush to place the blame at the Iranian (read Shia) doorstep by some of the usual suspects is unhelpful. Let the investigations be completed and the government announce their findings on culpability and take action where necessary without discrimination.

If all it takes is an attack against the ASWJ to start blaming Iran/Shias and reignite the fires of sectarian conflict in Pakistan, then we’ve made it extremely easy for the Indians & Afghans to stoke turmoil in Pakistan.
There is no proof to point a guilty party just as there isn’t to absolve speculation of guilt. Sadly, due to the nature of our internal security issues we have to go with “guilty until proven innocent”.
We did the same with the TTP and BLA which sadly was the case 80% of the time.

I think the first step is to start creating the distinction both through members and non-members between Iran and Shia in Pakistan much as we’ve tried to do with mainstream sunnis.

Practically speaking, Iran holds only the resting place of Imam Ali Raza. Yet hundreds of thousands of Shia especially from Pakistan are seen performing pilgrimage at Khomeni’s site? Who is a Iranian political figure and has nothing to do with either the tragedy of Karbala or the Imams.

This is the direct result of Pakistani Shia’s using Iran as a crossing point to Karbala and essentially being preyed upon for recruitment as proxies.
After all, the GCC used the same motivation to insert its ideals into our seminaries.

I will reiterate this isn’t about the difference in interpretation of events or dogma but more to do with recognition of external influences into Pakistani social and security frameworks.

Which is why I insist its time we took Pakistani Sunnis and Shia out of the equation of being influenced or for/against a particular nation based on religious inclination.

Mohammad ibn Abdullah ﷺ wasn’t a Saudi

Neither are Aale rasul or Imam Hasan Askari related to modern nation states.

Therefore the current sectarianism first has to detach from external nationhood before the deeper issues can be reconciled.
There is no proof to point a guilty party just as there isn’t to absolve speculation of guilt. Sadly, due to the nature of our internal security issues we have to go with “guilty until proven innocent”.
We did the same with the TTP and BLA which sadly was the case 80% of the time.

I think the first step is to start creating the distinction both through members and non-members between Iran and Shia in Pakistan much as we’ve tried to do with mainstream sunnis.

Practically speaking, Iran holds only the resting place of Imam Ali Raza. Yet hundreds of thousands of Shia especially from Pakistan are seen performing pilgrimage at Khomeni’s site? Who is a Iranian political figure and has nothing to do with either the tragedy of Karbala or the Imams.

This is the direct result of Pakistani Shia’s using Iran as a crossing point to Karbala and essentially being preyed upon for recruitment as proxies.
After all, the GCC used the same motivation to insert its ideals into our seminaries.

I will reiterate this isn’t about the difference in interpretation of events or dogma but more to do with recognition of external influences into Pakistani social and security frameworks.

Which is why I insist its time we took Pakistani Sunnis and Shia out of the equation of being influenced or for/against a particular nation based on religious inclination.

Mohammad ibn Abdullah ﷺ wasn’t a Saudi

Neither are Aale rasul or Imam Hasan Askari related to modern nation states.

Therefore the current sectarianism first has to detach from external nationhood before the deeper issues can be reconciled.
I agree with everything you’ve said here - I’ve argued that the Ayatollah is in a uniquely influential position in terms of both being one of the (if not the most) revered living religious figures in Shia Islam as well as the most powerful political figure in Iran, a country that is one of the two Muslim countries that are the core of sectarianism in Islam today. Ideally the Ayatollah should be confined to a purely religious role in Iran, more akin to the Pope, but that is something Iranians will have to change themselves.

And I couldn’t agree more on disassociating Shia from Iran, and that has unfortunately been the struggle lately on this forum with things descending into sectarian attacks rather quickly when discussing Iran-Saudi issues. While we would often criticize Saudi Arabia and their export of Wahabi ideology to Pakistan during the heyday of TTP terrorism in Pakistan, I don’t recall that criticism being conflated with abuse or criticism of all Sunnis, not here at least. Part of the problem, in my view, are the existing perceptions in parts of Sunni Islam if the Shia being ‘heretics’ or even ‘non-Muslim’. That existing prejudice and belief has combined with the Iran-Saudi sectarian war to really bring out some poisonous rhetoric lately. Your goal to disconnect Shia from Iran will take a lot more effort (with Pakistani Sunnis taking on a lot more responsibility) than it took to disconnect Pakistani Sunnis from the ideology of the TTP in the grassroots narrative.
On the topic.
Each side is self sustaining these days but the Iranians have sponsored these attacks before(on both sides ironically) to keep the water boiling. They have their interest in Balochistan along with the Indians and arabs.
Who really carried this out will benefit most from the fallout - connecting the dots should be simple.

But more importantly(and contrary to my own request above), much as one rails against the intolerant variety of doctrines coming out of the GCC on disregard for other interpretations; there is a dire need for Shi’ism in Pakistan(and in general) to look back at the political narrative that has been made part of its teachings and separate fact from fiction. Unless one can accept that political distortions and influences like Ibn Abd al Wahhab who tailored their theories to support political movements have,are and will be bad; there is no future for reconciliation in Islam and separations along sectarian lines will continue.

The pot and the kettle must be introspective. Shi’ism has to look at where the more acerbic narratives come from and more importantly in the words of a Syrian cab driver to a Pakistani I know and narrated to me verbatim in the 90’s “This was our family issue, what are you guys fighting on it for”.

What Arabs are interested in Balochistan and why?

This is the direct result of Pakistani Shia’s using Iran as a crossing point to Karbala and essentially being preyed upon for recruitment as proxies.
Most of the dead bodies were identified to be former students of a religious university in Qum. Just one factual reality.

Saudi Arabia and their export of Wahabi ideology to Pakistan during the heyday of TTP terrorism in Pakistan
Hey day of TTP was during Zardari rule and they were simply hired guns. Most of them have never prayed in their lives, Mehsuds etc. were the show horses, soldiers were Northern Alliance, Uzbek ex Russian military folks. etc.
What you state is impossible, but you can support your case with some example!
BTW, do we have any wahabi mafia /gheto in Pakistan? and what sort of evil are they spreading in Pakistan?
Let the investigations be completed and the government announce their findings on culpability and take action where necessary without discrimination.
I would add that to long list of investigations being done and public from 70 years is waiting for their completion.
Some sources are saying it was a suicide attack

Now if it is a suicide attack then it would be something completely new for Shia organizations. Shia organizations are mostly involved in target killing of opponent sect inside Pakistan. They are not into suicide attacks or bomb attacks like ISIS or TTP or LeJ. That is why I doubt it is ZB

There are always those who are guns for hire but i know it is all speculations for now as no . one claimed responsibility for attack.
PSL is starting.. india will ramp up the terrorism card
Can someone ask the government about the investigation and intelligence report to this incident?


Ok. Sorry
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