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At least 500,000 Iraqis died during Western occupation


Jun 1, 2012
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Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says


War and occupation directly and indirectly claimed the lives of about a half-million Iraqis from 2003 to 2011, according to a groundbreaking survey of 1,960 Iraqi households. The violence peaked in 2006 and 2007, say public health experts who were part of the study.

On March 19, 2003, a U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq, beginning a ground war that culminated in the rapid capture of Baghdad and overthrow of the regime led by Saddam Hussein. A coalition-led occupation of Iraq lasted until 2011, marked by repeated bombings, an al Qaeda-linked insurgency, militia warfare, and other bloodshed in the nation of 32.6 million people.

In the new PLOS Medicine journal survey, led by public health expert Amy Hagopian of the University of Washington in Seattle, an international research team polled heads of households and siblings across Iraq. The researchers, including some from the Iraqi Ministry of Health, aimed to update and improve past estimates of the human costs of the war and occupation.

"We think it is roughly around half a million people dead. And that is likely a low estimate," says Hagopian. "People need to know the cost in human lives of the decision to go to war."

The survey responses point to around 405,000 deaths attributable to the war and occupation in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. At least another 56,000 deaths should be added to that total from households forced to flee Iraq, the study authors estimate. More than 60 percent of the excess deaths of men, women, and children reported from 2003 to 2011 were the direct result of shootings, bombings, airstrikes, or other violence, according to the study. The rest came indirectly, from stress-related heart attacks or ruined sanitation and hospitals.

"Wars kill people all kinds of ways, not just in shootings. And it exacts a toll on the invaders as well as the invaded," Hagopian says. Some 4,804 U.S., British, and other coalition armed service members died in the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Past estimates of Iraqis killed in the war and occupation have varied widely. U.S. Army war logs released by Wikileaks in 2010 pointed to more than 100,000, while a widely criticized study conducted by Opinion Research Business, a London-based polling agency, estimated Iraq war deaths at 1.2 million people through 2007. [This research was criticized over completely political reasons. -- RFS.]

"We had all Iraqis knocking on doors to ask the questions of these households," Hagopian says, explaining a 98 percent response rate reported from the survey. Heads of households were asked about family deaths, and household members were asked about sibling deaths stretching back decades.

"This is a really serious and credible piece of work," says epidemiologist Leslie Roberts of Columbia University in New York, who has led wartime mortality surveys in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, and Iraq. "I think having an accurate record of what happened is extremely important," he says, pointing to a 2005 comment by then U.S. President George Bush suggesting that only about 30,000 Iraqi civilians had died in the conflict.

Roberts agreed with Hagopian that the household survey estimate is likely conservative, because it relied on the imperfect recollections of household members and largely missed the 1.1 million Iraqis living in displaced-person camps or in other countries.

Overall, the survey results point to Baghdad as the epicenter of violent deaths during the war. Coalition forces were blamed for 35 percent of the killings, followed by militias at 32 percent. The report showed that warfare was particularly intense in 2007, followed by a sharp drop in 2008.

Sadly, the violence continues, notes Salman Rawaf, director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training, in a written commentary accompanying the survey. About 5,000 Iraqis have died in bombings and shootings this year, according to estimates by the French press agency, AFP. The return of sectarian violence means "living in Iraq today is no longer about how many have died, but how future deaths should be prevented," says Rawaf.


Los Angeles Times has a breakdown on the casualty count - 60% Iraqi excess deaths were the result of violence, and of these, 35% were caused by Western forces, compared to 32%, which were the result of the sectarian strife. This is in complete opposition to a previous study embraced by the Western media -- the one that produced the 100,000 casualty figure -- which attributed only 15% of the deaths to Western violence and a much larger share to the insurgency. -- RFS
MOSSAD, CIA, Blackwater, Al Qaeda auxiliaries did it

We know the jews have already organized the killing of hundreds of iraqis scientists before the war, and Allbright the zionist is the author of the murdering embargo on Iraq

We also remember how the conventionnal american troops called the iraqis: sand niggers.
They were trained to deshumanize arabs and they shot them deliberatly at checkpoints
Mainly from killing each other. Which they are still doing.

Have you read the post, or do you just automatically react with self-serving cr@p when the sh!t your country does gets exposed?

To repeat, for those with reading difficulties:

Los Angeles Times has a breakdown on the casualty count - 60% Iraqi excess deaths were the result of violence, and of these, 35% were caused by Western forces, compared to 32% which were the result of the sectarian strife.

This is in complete opposition to a previous study embraced by the Western media -- the one that produced the 100,000 casualty figure -- which attributed only 15% of the deaths to Western violence and a much larger share to the insurgency. -- RFS
This site is not USA friendly but I have been following it for years, very few deaths of the total in Iraq were caused by US troops.


I expect the USA killed about 20,000 in the Iraq war civilian and military.

An October 20, 2003, study[83][84] by the Project on Defense Alternatives at Commonwealth Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, stated that for March 19, 2003, to April 30, 2003, "Based on the analysis that follows we estimate that the 2003 Iraq war produced between 7,600 and 10,800 Iraqi combatant fatalities."
That was a great tragedy and the US should apologize and give compensations to all relatives of people who lost loved ones due to sanctions.

The position of the dear Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nayhan should have been followed:
Zayed did not shy away from controversy when it came to expressing his opinions on current events in the Arab world. Troubled by the suffering of Iraqi civilians, he took the lead in calling for the lifting of economic sanctions on Iraq imposed by the United Nations in the aftermath of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, despite Kuwaiti displeasure and opposition.[17]

In memory of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - YouTube


He and his leadership is still dearly missed.
When it comes to war Arabs cant fight, Israel pretty well proved that.

Why Arabs Can't Fight - The Arab Culture Theory

Eh, and how many Arab countries fought against an Israeli state fully supported by the entire West/NATO and who fought for their very existence and life a few years after Holocaust? 3-4? Israel would have no chance against even Egypt in an all out war. Let alone the entire Arab world. If it was not for the assistance of the West or their supposed nukes.

Besides tell that to the Arabs who made SEVERAL of the biggest and most influential empires in human history and to this day control a landmass that is bigger than India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iran, Turkey and EU (!) combined and a landmass with natural resources, historical, cultural richness second to none.

Besides what has this to do with the topic?

The Germans are still paying for their war crimes they committed during WW1 and WW2. To Israel and other states. Why should USA be any different? Germany was also once the most powerful military force whom most of the technological/military hardware your country and others have to thank them for but see how they ended.
This site is not USA friendly but I have been following it for years, very few deaths of the total in Iraq were caused by US troops.

Iraq Body Count

I expect the USA killed about 20,000 in the Iraq war civilian and military.

An October 20, 2003, study[83][84] by the Project on Defense Alternatives at Commonwealth Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, stated that for March 19, 2003, to April 30, 2003, "Based on the analysis that follows we estimate that the 2003 Iraq war produced between 7,600 and 10,800 Iraqi combatant fatalities."

Destroying society and leaving then blaming what happens afterwards on the locals is your logic, doesn’t deserve any arguing.
Everyone knows about the deeply flawed and propagandistic Iraq Body Count, but that it is "not USA-friendly" is a first for me. How do you decide this? Are you inventing this?

This website is so "not USA friendly", that US mainstream media outlets - which all supported the war on Iraq - use it as a reference for their statistics. Why would that be?

There've been more studies on US casualty count, one of which even estimated over 1 million deaths by 2007. It was an excellently made study but it was so thoroughly attacked in the Western media, that it no longer is cited in the Western media discussion of the war. Why? Because, as the authors of the present study say, Western politics dictate debate on Western wars, including on the deaths they produce.

Don't take my word for it. You can see things for yourself. Scan through the website of the biggest US newspaper, the New Tork Times, and you'll see that it is purposely ignoring several stories about the Iraq War that made the news elsewhere in the world -- for example, the rise in birth defects in the cities whereon the US used chemical weapons.

Just as the US media was eager to report lies that helped make the case for war, it is willing to attack evidence exposing the suffering and war crimes that the US caused in said wars. And Iraq Body Count is useful for this purpose; it is employed in the US media for the sole reason that it doesn't make the US make too bad. But as the study shows, the war's death toll - especially that caused by Western violence - is severely underestimated.

This site is not USA friendly but I have been following it for years, very few deaths of the total in Iraq were caused by US troops.

Iraq Body Count

I expect the USA killed about 20,000 in the Iraq war civilian and military.

An October 20, 2003, study[83][84] by the Project on Defense Alternatives at Commonwealth Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, stated that for March 19, 2003, to April 30, 2003, "Based on the analysis that follows we estimate that the 2003 Iraq war produced between 7,600 and 10,800 Iraqi combatant fatalities."
if you take the total number of Iraqis killed by the Baathists (estimates vary from 200,000 to two million) and divide it by the number of years Saddam was in power (24, the one number everyone agrees on), you will discover that more Iraqis would have died over the past year had Saddam remained in power than have died in the postwar chaos.

Annual civilian deaths since 2003 (counting from 20 March–19 March each year):
14,007 in year one
12,001 in year two
17,026 in year three
31,418 in year four
20,930 in year five
7,829 in year six
4,747 in year seven
4,133 in year eight
4,433 in year nine
~4250 in year ten 1

The majority of civilian deaths during the first year (at least 55%) were directly caused by US/Coalition forces, who were reported as directly causing around 7% of all deaths in the subsequent period until their formal withdrawal on 31st December 2011.

Muslims are much better at killing Muslims then nonmuslims, the US is not so depraved, cowardly or so inefficient as to target civilians.
LOL. So one bad ruler which your country (USA) watched over and helped to power is now an excuse for pfucking up an entire country and partially region? The premise for the war was weapons of mass destructions. How did that go again?

What did you Americans gain? Nothing other than nearly 4000 casualties, thousands more that were crippled, TRILLIONS of dollars worth of economic losses, thousands of suicides among Iraqi veterans etc. You left no bases and most of the oil deals did go to non-American firms/investors.

Your political goals? Well, you enabled Iraq to get friendly with your sworn enemy the Mullahs in Iran. Well done job indeed.
LOL. So one bad ruler which your country (USA) watched over and helped to power is now an excuse for pfucking up an entire country and partially region? The premise for the war was weapons of mass destructions. How did that go again?

What did you Americans gain? Nothing other than nearly 4000 casualties, thousands more that were crippled, TRILLIONS of economic losses, thousands of suicides among Iraqi veterans etc.

Your political goals? Well, you enabled Iraq to get friendly with your sworn enemy Iran. Well done job indeed.

MMS: Error

So I assume you are admitting you lied or were ignorance of the true causality figures in Iraq and now trying to change the subject to WMD.

Where did you think Syria got all their chemical weapons......Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers

Only a fool would say there no chemical weapons in Iraq when tens of thousands of Iraqis and Iranians were gased to death.
Sure they can't 8 years against iran with military ripped apart in revolutionary turmoil do you think they can defeat USA or israel

Who are "they". You mean 1 Arab country out of 22 which you Mullah's could not even defeat despite having a country 3.5 times bigger and a population 2.5 times bigger?:lol:

Also why not stop the theatrics. You claim to be half Arab from Najaf with family roots to KSA (Hijaz - Sadah) but all I see you doing is writing nonsense about Arabs. Why is that Farsi?

Besides I thought that a person who supposedly lives in the "holy city of Najaf" would be pro-Iraq here but I guess not.

No wonder the qualify of this section is going down sharply with your likes around.
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