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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

Turkey, is a very strong confident country it has no reason to fear any of its opponents it faces in Syria. PAF Air Force recently had humbled Russian mighty Su30s who ran away in Indian Air Force with our limited resources. Turkey Air Force is way head and stronger than ours. My advice is to Turkey carry on with your air strikes as long it takes degrading threats and punishing the parties in Syria who ever they are. No point stopping now

Basically that’s all there is to it. Turkey had a choice humiliation, an economic and social disaster on its door step or confronting the regime and Russia. They choice wisely.

Turkey should not fear a war with Russia. The game is on turkeys courtyard. It’s the Russians who need to ship in hardware and thousands of equipment. The Russians and the regime are in shock right now thinking Turks were happy to run back home after getting a few hits

the Turks should understand that Putin only respects the value of force. For the first time he is taking erdogan seriously
You still don't understand. This will be your Vietnam.

It’s the other way around. Sulaimani begged Putin to save his *** in 2015. Take away Russian jets and Assad would be hiding in his rat hole.

if the Turks start getting into an air battle with their f16s against Russian junk fighters that would be it.
it seems turkey and Russia agreed on deescalation measures

The Turks should just push Assad back and make a buffer zone of abt 100km from their border. Current buffer zone is too small and can easily be cut by a surprise/swift attack.
You named your gangs after al Quds and Palestine but you are more interested in killing muslims. Hizbollah too gave up fighting for Palestine and decided to kill Muslims too. How many muslims have you killed in Syria, Yemen, Iraq? How many have the Israelis killed in the same period. The muslim world has realised now who the greater menace is.

This one will be dead soon.

You are praying for deescalation now?

The road to al Aqsa mosque is through saraqib with these Khamenei scum. They know if they even looked at Israel the wrong way they would be sent back to the Stone Age.

we also what happened when their greatest general was turned into pieces of meat in Baghdad airport. And Iran didn’t do shit
Basically that’s all there is to it. Turkey had a choice humiliation, an economic and social disaster on its door step or confronting the regime and Russia. They choice wisely.

Turkey should not fear a war with Russia. The game is on turkeys courtyard. It’s the Russians who need to ship in hardware and thousands of equipment. The Russians and the regime are in shock right now thinking Turks were happy to run back home after getting a few hits

the Turks should understand that Putin only respects the value of force. For the first time he is taking erdogan seriously

I believe there will be a full on Russian attack on Turkey in the near future. Even the ahadith state that Turkey will be conquered before the end of time.

Turkey is fighting back and causing damage to Assad’s forces and it can also block the Bosporus straits which must be playing on Putin’s mind. If I was Putin I would definitely have a warplan in mind if Turkey does the above.
The road to al Aqsa mosque is through saraqib with these Khamenei scum. They know if they even looked at Israel the wrong way they would be sent back to the Stone Age.

we also what happened when their greatest general was turned into pieces of meat in Baghdad airport. And Iran didn’t do shit
what happened was for the first time after world War II a American base got directly attacked and damaged badly by a enemy nation, brain damaging over tens of US soldiers. What did US do in return?

Shouldn't you be busy crying and mourning for dead Turks killed in Syria? Be humble...
Easier said than done. This is not a video game like sims..
What are the odds of Turkey expanding outside Idlib? I don’t think 9 million refugees can fit in Idlib alone.

They have a perfect excuse to take over all of the North, militarize the borders, expand its operation to Aleppo, Hama and the rest of the North West cities which is heavily urbanized and native to the refugees.
Putin on Feb 27th - NO MEETING
Turkey - okay then, we'll just annihilate pro assad forces
Putin on Feb 28th - oh sh!t, we need a meeting we have to de-escalate before nothing is left.

Turkey should send a low level delegation and continue to pulverise the opposition in Syria


Turkey's UN Envoy Feridun Sinirlioglu: "Turkish soldiers were targeted directly. # The dictator in Damascus may not know the difference. Militants fighting for the regime may not know the difference. If they want to learn the hard way, they will learn."
what happened was for the first time after world War II a American base got directly attacked and damaged badly by a enemy nation, brain damaging over tens of US soldiers. What did US do in return?

Shouldn't you be busy crying and mourning for dead Turks killed in Syria? Be humble...

You are a true patriot. So you live in the US?

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