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Keyword search 'uk violent capital europe' will yield...

UK is violent crime capital of Europe - Telegraph

The United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe and has one of the highest rates of violence in the world, worse even than America, according to new research.

A breakdown of the statistics, which were compiled into league tables by the Conservatives, revealed that violent crime in the UK had increased from 652,974 offences in 1998 to more than 1.15 million crimes in 2007.

It means there are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 population in the UK, making it the most violent place in Europe.

Austria is second, with a rate of 1,677 per 100,000 people, followed by Sweden, Belgium, Finland and Holland.

By comparison, America has an estimated rate of 466 violent crimes per 100,000 population.

What a load of utter bollocks!!

Lets get a few things straight:

1) Guns are not allowed in the UK unless you have a license and their are strict rules and regulations regarding this. Homeowners are not allowed guns. This alone reduces the amount of guns in the UK.

2) The US has many more prisons and majority of prisoners in there are there cos of gun related crime or the crime they committed involved a gun.

3) The UK is tiny, for it to have the figures you mentioned nearly everyone around us would be a criminal.

4) Very importantly it has to be noted those involved in the crimes in the UK are not RANDOM attacks on the public they are specifics i.e. 2 parties have a problem etc. Where as in the US people take a gun out on an afternoon and go on a rampage in a school or the town centre...

Dont try to defend the US with the fabricated figures pal.

Our country is not in the news every month for "X amount dead by gunman" or "xx children dead in school after gunman holds school hostage and kills himself".

It happens across the water in your "perfect" US.

What do people expect? The US is the biggest war monger, of course its people will get up and go on rampages. Dont think it will be peaceful. Its own people will do the dirty work and there will always be someone :D

Statistics are a load of bollocks. Anyone can make them up.

Just look at the way US is policed. All cops carry guns, the first thing they do is pull a gun at you then ask you a question like a retard. No wonder they get shot.

Our cops do not carry guns unless they are trained for it, not any new rookie. And even then they can only draw their guns upon the Inspectors permission! Not without it! And now Tasers have been introduced which are drawn before guns.

UK is civilised and humanitarian unlike the US. The crooks carry guns in US, so they can pull theirs out when the cops pull theirs out - I totally understand that. It only takes one slip of the fat donut finger for the gun to go off and there is NO GOING back!
What ever gave you the idea that the government is failing? I suppose it depends on your definition, but the legitimacy of the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch is still strong. It is true that congress is locked in a partisan deadlock, but the government isn't collapsing, even with the sequester.


Are you out of your ******** mind pal???

When the shootout at the school happened, your government went and decided that TEACHERS should be allowed to carry guns in SCHOOL!!

If you call that bloody strong your mentally retarded and brainwashed pal.

Rather than tighten the laws on guns, your govt is giving more freedom.

Now they gone and provided a blueprint of the 3D plastic gun online, so voila now KIDS go and print a gun off the internet and put a bullet in their 10 year old pals head for beating him on the PS3!!

Only way to reduce gun crime is, make a law saying all guns in households need to be off the streets and handed in by XX date. If they are not handed in, any person(s) caught in possession of firearm will be prosecuted, fined or whatever!

Not go and say "oh Miss Congeniality here is a gun for you" - now what if that teacher is depressed and has mental issues? She might fire on the kids...

If any country is fcuked up its America...
What a load of utter bollocks!!

Lets get a few things straight:

1) Guns are not allowed in the UK unless you have a license and their are strict rules and regulations regarding this. Homeowners are not allowed guns. This alone reduces the amount of guns in the UK.

2) The US has many more prisons and majority of prisoners in there are there cos of gun related crime or the crime they committed involved a gun.

3) The UK is tiny, for it to have the figures you mentioned nearly everyone around us would be a criminal.

4) Very importantly it has to be noted those involved in the crimes in the UK are not RANDOM attacks on the public they are specifics i.e. 2 parties have a problem etc. Where as in the US people take a gun out on an afternoon and go on a rampage in a school or the town centre...

Dont try to defend the US with the fabricated figures pal.

Our country is not in the news every month for "X amount dead by gunman" or "xx children dead in school after gunman holds school hostage and kills himself".

It happens across the water in your "perfect" US.

What do people expect? The US is the biggest war monger, of course its people will get up and go on rampages. Dont think it will be peaceful. Its own people will do the dirty work and there will always be someone :D

Statistics are a load of bollocks. Anyone can make them up.

Just look at the way US is policed. All cops carry guns, the first thing they do is pull a gun at you then ask you a question like a retard. No wonder they get shot.

Our cops do not carry guns unless they are trained for it, not any new rookie. And even then they can only draw their guns upon the Inspectors permission! Not without it! And now Tasers have been introduced which are drawn before guns.

UK is civilised and humanitarian unlike the US. The crooks carry guns in US, so they can pull theirs out when the cops pull theirs out - I totally understand that. It only takes one slip of the fat donut finger for the gun to go off and there is NO GOING back!

Another UK Pak! yapping off his mouth, spurting BS about America, a country he most likely never visited.

First off kid, UK's crime statistics are already bad as they are without guns. Secondly, New Orleans is a ghetto city full of bunch of hoodlums and thugs who make a living off of intimidating weaker people.

Compare your Host country's crimes statistics to those of Switzerland, a country where it is MANDATORY for every household to possess a gun and you'll see the stark contrast. I'm sure you'll feel embarrassed for even opening your mouth and yapping off without even doing proper research.
Well, I have been living in a LOT of country before. United States, Australia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Sweden, China and both Iraq and Afghanistan.

But funny to say, I had been rob twice during my 1 year stay in the UK and got Home Burglarized when I live in Australia just 6 months ago. Both country did not allow gun ownership.

People select news that they would like to hear and pipe down or simply ignore the news that don't go their way. Places are equally violent and there are places that is "No-Go" everywhere in the world. If you think US as a whole is dangerous, I will say the gangs in London and hooligan in Manchester or the Underbelly of Melbourne is probably a bigger problem than that in US

Probably stayed in the rough ends and looked like an easy target....


UK has gang problem.
US has mad dog problem.

US gang is more sophisticated.

In the US your own gang comes to merk you if you leave.

You have to have tatoos and carry out "jobs".

Your prison gang has connections with the outside gang too.

Nothing like that in the UK.

Again, it all depends on which crowds you mix in with.

And these monthly news are not "gang" related, they are members of the public going on public rampages. We do not get them in the UK, unlike the US. It makes the UK extent in this "poll".
UK and US desis at each others throat . Not so long ago i saw a thread on US Pakistanis vs UK Pakistanis on some Pakistani politics forum . That was mad crazy !!

Canada have Beaver and Bieber problem, which I consider worse, especially the latter one

Oh please monsieur, never ever compare Canada to your Yank Land and Beaver is one of our national symbols and Justin beiber aside from being a popular super star is a Canadien at heart whether you agree or disagree with him. Attacking him personally as a national problem is pretty pathetic especially after all the humanitarian work he does in the communitie, while I do not appreciate his music on the contrary, I do not blindly bash him like an idiot.

Americanne laundry list= Keystone pipeline, terrible human rights record, smuggling weapons to Canada, inferiority complex(probably due to 1812 defeat ;) ), Windsor bridge, NAFTA and disrespect of our troops's sacrifises in your media and massive shooting every other day due to lack of gun control or any kind of registry.

Sounds like a broken nation mon ami but hey you are welcome to come over as long as you do not support the Bruins! :)
Another UK Pak! yapping off his mouth, spurting BS about America, a country he most likely never visited.

First off kid, UK's crime statistics are already bad as they are without guns. Secondly, New Orleans is a ghetto city full of bunch of hoodlums and thugs who make a living off of intimidating weaker people.

Compare your Host country's crimes statistics to those of Switzerland, a country where it is MANDATORY for every household to possess a gun and you'll see the stark contrast. I'm sure you'll feel embarrassed for even opening your mouth and yapping off without even doing proper research.

Lets talk about research, you done your research that am a kid? Probably old enough to be your dad mate.

You need to wake up and not be brainwashed like the typical Pak!s in pak! Land - the country has failed because of Pak!s like you who have now fledged to "Mother nature".

On topic, you go and find me stories that have been reported of murders on public streets in the UK.

I guess I already proved myself in my previous post, the truth hurt hence you tried a cheap personal insult which you failed on.

I dont even need to provide you with links in my comments as the events are all fresh in your head of what am talking about.

Like I said if you think the UK is that bad, go and find me proof i.e. links to stories of murders. I think the crime of murder tops the lot, takes a lot to take a life, takes a hell of a lot more to take many lives simultaneously.

Mandatory to own a gun? Why dont you put alcohol into the equation? Ever thought that far? People have 1 too many drinks the guns in the drawer in easy reach and wham bam "boyfriend kills ex girlfriend and her partner". A bit too common son?

Dont mean their are laws, and those laws are right. It goes to show that you are narrow minded and cannot think for yourself.

I dont indulge in convos with folk that cannot think for themselves and take everything on face value and what they are told.

Since you are in America dont be fooled by the "honest" agencies over there they may simply steal your ID and use it in the next fabricated attack they will undergo when you return to **** Land upon your student Visa expiring :cuckoo:
Stereotyping is a part and parcel on this forum . Going by prevalent stereotypes Indians are rapists , Pakistanis are terrorists , Americans are trigger happy folk , Arabs are either desert wanderers or rich Sheiks with a lot of "Arab Money" , Iranians are Photoshop Champions , Brits are tea and biscuit folks throwing in words like "bollocks" , "dear Sir" , "Codswallop" etc while feasting on fish and chips , Canadians Oh well Nothing on them tho :D

All i have to say is go slow on Stereotypes fellas . America do have a Gun problem and they will solve it . Meanwhile in the Subcontinent we have bigger things to worry about . Just sayin !!
UK and US desis at each others throat . Not so long ago i saw a thread on US Pakistanis vs UK Pakistanis on some Pakistani politics forum . That was mad crazy !!

Yes and the jaggers love it.

I dont blame you.

Qaid E Azam was right, if I die today and Pakistan isn't made it will never be made. Because some Pak!s agree to the WEst and Zionist thinking and this would have prevented a Pakistan, it was nearly accomplished but Qaid E Azam was too strong mentally for it to go through!

Its the zionist followers like him on here. They vote for one party then moan 6 months later about it.

And most of these fools always talk about politics anywhere and everywhere yet they dont do anything, all talk lol.

Ah, end of.
One of my favourite website is dailymail.co.uk (don't laugh, it is my form of entertainment). It gives a pretty good picture of what UK is like today.

For Amurika, just watch the night news. No, I don't have a TV.

I once had a choice of being a Amurikan or a Kanadian. I chose right.

Mad Dog Mother Fukers killing people on Mother's day - how appropriate!
Stereotyping is a part and parcel on this forum . Going by prevalent stereotypes Indians are rapists , Pakistanis are terrorists , Americans are trigger happy folk , Arabs are either desert wanderers or rich Sheiks with a lot of "Arab Money" , Iranians are Photoshop Champions , Brits are tea and biscuit folks throwing in words like "bollocks" , "dear Sir" , "Codswallop" etc while feasting on fish and chips , Canadians Oh well Nothing on them tho :D

All i have to say is go slow on Stereotypes fellas . America do have a Gun problem and they will solve it . Meanwhile in the Subcontinent we have bigger things to worry about . Just sayin !!

Its common sense though.

Rather than tighten the laws on gun they are loosening them if you like.

Law introducing should not be a problem in a country like the US fully "developed" should it?

Its not like its Afghanistan were no one cares.

Its a pathetic excuse for a home owner to own a gun to "defend" his home. How do we defend in the UK? We're not allowed guns.

Its so tight here that if your caught with a 3 inch blade (not a knife, just a blade) you will be banged up.

US is simply asking for crime. There is a idiot in every village :D
And for the icing on the cake:

"The company is run by Cody Wilson, a 25-year-old University of Texas law student who has said the idea for freely distributing details about how to produce the guns online was inspired by 19th century anarchist writing. Wilson argues everyone should have access to guns."

State Department orders firm to remove 3D-printed guns web blueprints | Technology | guardian.co.uk

A law student believes the gun should be freely available. A LAW student yeah? Am I reading it correctly? Its very late here...

Generally those qualified in Law pursue a career in politics and be leaders. A potential leader here who thinks it is fine to distribute details on the gun.

If that what your potential leaders are thinking like, and if you see that perfectly normal behaviour must be something wrong with the lot of you across the sea... :what:

Canada have Beaver and Bieber problem, which I consider worse, especially the latter one

Jealous much? atleast Canadians don't hold the record for shooting in schools, colleges, universities, offices, malls, bars and public sites that crown only goes to amricons.

;) Clean up your home and give the rights rather than complaining from your Neighbors.
Oh please monsieur, never ever compare Canada to your Yank Land and Beaver is one of our national symbols and Justin beiber aside from being a popular super star is a Canadien at heart whether you agree or disagree with him. Attacking him personally as a national problem is pretty pathetic especially after all the humanitarian work he does in the communitie, while I do not appreciate his music on the contrary, I do not blindly bash him like an idiot.

Americanne laundry list= Keystone pipeline, terrible human rights record, smuggling weapons to Canada, inferiority complex(probably due to 1812 defeat ;) ), Windsor bridge, NAFTA and disrespect of our troops's sacrifises in your media and massive shooting every other day due to lack of gun control or any kind of registry.

Sounds like a broken nation mon ami but hey you are welcome to come over as long as you do not support the Bruins! :)

As I said before, gun crime HAPPENED almost everywhere in the world, I currently lived in Australia, where you need a firearms license and regular police check to get a pistol at home, guess how many people were wounded by gun in Australia? about 52 every week, that's coming from a City have City wide Gun Control with 4 millions resident. We got 5 shooting in last 3 days.

The problem is not we are lack of gun control, the problem is people using illegal gun (Gun's that stolen somewhere else, or Guns that are not owned by them). How many gun crime or shooting in the US feature the guy using his own registered gun?? Almost all of the recent School/Public massacre have 1 or more illegal element on them.

You got the perp using his mums gun on Sandy Hook
You got the 2 guys in Columbine using guns that purchase by other (They officially own 2 9mm Pistol and 2 Shotgun)
You got the guy from Virginia Tech using magazine that illegally purchase from the gun store form other states.

The problem is never the law, but people who uses those tool to break the law. There are a serious agenda with each and everyone of them, but did those Individual really represent the whole Gun ownership community in the United States? No.

You cannot assume everyone have a weapon in the US is automatically a nutcase.

I don't know how you see the other things as a problem or a "Laundry list" of the US. But if you think Justin Bieber is a norm then you should check this out

Bieber under fire for Anne Frank message - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Music aside, he is an idiot. No doubt about it

Jealous much? atleast Canadians don't hold the record for shooting in schools, colleges, universities, offices, malls, bars and public sites that crown only goes to amricons.

;) Clean up your home and give the rights rather than complaining from your Neighbors.

:lol: when I want to go moose hunting, I will think of Canada, otherwise I am sitting pretty in the United States. Plus we do not hold the record of Gun Violence in schools, colleges, universities, offices, malls, bars and public sites.

Get your fact right first, Mr Think "TANKED" chairman
Plus we do not hold the record of Gun Violence in schools, colleges, universities, offices, malls, bars and public sites.

Get your fact right first

Facts confirmed Yep US holds the record for largest gun shoot outs in schools, colleges, universities...kids are going retard.
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