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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

By the looks of how stupid this attack is ........... it has Rana written all over it. He is a gali mohallay ka tucha badmash and I would not expect anything less than this from him.

Or it could be a die hard biryani khor of Mian biradran acting on his own.

Anyways IK doesn't look that seriously injured. May ALLAH have mercy on all the people injured in this attack and give them speedy recovery.
dont take leg injury easily. can hit an artery leading to blood loss. not a doc. but remember reading about a football player who was lost due to bullet hitting a leg artery
Main assailant was reportedly in Blue Shalwaar Kameez with Black Coat.

The red, white and black shirt guy was to distract probably firing a burst in air.
Edited: The Latter guy actually fought off the gun from the assailant.

This is why I said to please wait as the situation is too fluid.
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Please don't blame military for this incident of for Arshad Sharif's killing.

In this case, attacker could by a Mumtaz Qadri wanna be who swallowed bs peddled on PTV by Javed Leghari and Maryam Aurangzeb that IK was a Qadiani agent.

Similarly we should avoid international investigation for Asrhad Sharif's killing. We know ultimate target for the current round of instability is the army and we will be playing into the hands of the enemies if we let army get weakened.
We need answers on who assassinated Liaqat Ali, Bhutto, Zia, Benazir? It was always certain powerful mafias but who are they? Why no investigation was done? Culprits bought to justice? Everything was brushed under the carpets and people moved on their lives.
dont take leg injury easily. can hit an artery leading to blood loss. not a doc. but remember reading about a football player who was lost due to bullet hitting a leg artery

I based it on visuals of IK in the videos. Though brief but give enough glimpse of him being safe and not that seriously injured.
Does anyone know if there are any weapon checks in these marches. Guessing must be very hard to administer. Hand gun is bad but a automatic rifle or sniper rifle could be much worse.
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