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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

It wasn’t that they were incompetent. It just wasn’t Imran Khan’s time to go yet.

وَ اِذۡ یَمۡکُرُ بِکَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا لِیُثۡبِتُوۡکَ اَوۡ یَقۡتُلُوۡکَ اَوۡ یُخۡرِجُوۡکَ ؕ وَ یَمۡکُرُوۡنَ وَ یَمۡکُرُ اللّٰہُ ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ خَیۡرُ الۡمٰکِرِیۡنَ ﴿۳۰﴾

(al-Anfāl, 8 : 30)

اور جب کافر لوگ آپ کے خلاف خفیہ سازشیں کر رہے تھے کہ وہ آپ کو قید کر دیں یا آپ کو قتل کر ڈالیں یا آپ کو (وطن سے) نکال دیں، اور (اِدھر) وہ سازشی منصوبے بنا رہے تھے اور (اُدھر) اللہ (ان کے مکر کے ردّ کے لئے اپنی) تدبیر فرما رہا تھا، اور اللہ سب سے بہتر مخفی تدبیر فرمانے والا ہے

And when the disbelievers were engaged in hatching conspiracies against you to captivate you or slay you or banish you (from the country on the one side), they were plotting intrigues, and (on the other) Allah was planning His strategy (to thwart their intrigues). And Allah is the Best of the secret planners.

Beshak Zindagi or moat Allah k hath me hai
Anyone saying if army tried to kill imran khan then he can't escaped is completely absurd

From Alpha Bravo Charlie to this.

Babar (DG ISPR) is dumb. The over bloated division whose salary is being financed by taxpayers are talking from their asses.

When you turn your guns against the 5th generation warriors who were your first line of defense, this is bound to happen.

IK is right in blaming your Major General. The plan to perpetrate violence to stop PTI was done by the Establishment.
Misfortune is that IK doesn't have the necessary public support, which can lead to defeat of Yazeed of our time, that is Mir Bajwa and Co.
Seeing the criminal and treasonous acts of Mir Bajwa & Co., for quite some time, I believe that they are fundamentally devoid of any faith or belief. Their concept of life seems to be:

بابر بعیش کوش کہ عالم دوبارہ نیست

Simple answer is that you cannot subdue a powerful institution, like Pakistan Army, by peaceful political means and pleadings. You have to go for blood shed and armed confrontation. For that, IK doesn't have adequate resources. That is my analysis and I stick to it.
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Bajwa got a green light during his recent US visit He is going to be your new King for 10 years. He has no plan to go anywhere write it down.
His gang is creating self inflicted chaos a justification to come all out if anyone thinking otherwise he is a fool.

Remember what he said to babies in LUMS and did opposite within a week.

He isn't retiring or going anywhere he will be your new dictator and he has all the backing from international establishment.

pakistani nation is selfish and dead only can chant slogans they can't fight for their rights want someone else to do that for them.
Proof/ evidence? Source?
Simple answer is that you cannot defeat a powerful institution, like Pakistan Army, by peaceful political means and pleadings. You have to go for blood shed and armed confrontation. For that, IK doesn't have adequate resources. That is my analysis and I stick to it.
In sha Allah things won't come to that stage
But if it does happen
You will definitely gonna be surprised
For that, IK doesn't have adequate resources. That is my analysis and I stick to it.

IK must remain in the game and wait to win from this one opponent. It is infinite game and army is trying to win it. IK just mustn't forget these people, and provide justice to as many as he can after coming to power.

Jealousy safeguard, is that a new brand of beauty anti-bacterial soap? 😂
too much content is provided by him. They must stop giving presser as first they cannot win from politicians in it, and second they are not good at it. I bet army band hasn't made any good song. They alway seek professional musicians for a master piece.
Any idea what caliber projectile?
😂 they haven’t even registered a First Information Report re: the assignation despite detaining “two alleged suspects” and you’re asking about the calibre of the bullet fragments recovered from his leg?

You expect too much from this circus.
In sha Allah things won't come to that stage

You have misunderstood me. If Pakistan is to be saved; things have to come to that stage. Bajwa or no Bajwa, Pakistan is doomed, unless the matter between people of Pakistan and this rouge army is not settled through an armed confrontation and army is forced back to their barracks. That is a necessary step to put Pakistan on the path of progress. But, unfortunately, nation is not ready for this necessary confrontation. Same, as it happened in Turkey. Not the way, it occured in Egypt. See the difference.
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