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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

This is the real game khan had two options and he decided to fight and die but dead nations did nothing what a disappointment he knows the nation he is willing to die for are not ready to stand up. RIP pakistan
People said why isn't he going for full action.

They got the answer when he was shot nothing happened

Establishment did a test run and they know nothing will happen
Bajwa got a green light during his recent US visit He is going to be your new King for 10 years. He has no plan to go anywhere write it down.
His gang is creating self inflicted chaos a justification to come all out if anyone thinking otherwise he is a fool.

Remember what he said to babies in LUMS and did opposite within a week.

He isn't retiring or going anywhere he will be your new dictator and he has all the backing from international establishment.

pakistani nation is selfish and dead only can chant slogans they can't fight for their rights want someone else to do that for them.

Who gave Bajwa the extension and why isn't that person sharing the blame? It wasn't america who did it, nor was it America who fought with the supreme Court to make sure the extension goes through.

And don't blame the people, they voted for a person who they thought would bring change but in reality he brought the same as all those before him and kept Bajwa around for his own selfish interests.

Imran’s allegations against institution absolutely unacceptable, uncalled for: ISPR​

Military’s media wing says army will ‘jealousy’ safeguard its officers and soldiers no matter what

News Desk
November 04, 2022

dg ispr major general babar iftikhar addressing a press conference in rawalpindi photo ispr file

DG ISPR Major General Babar Iftikhar addressing a press conference in Rawalpindi. PHOTO: ISPR/FILE

Hours after former prime minister Imran Khan addressed the nation, Pakistan Army on Friday said that allegations levelled by the PTI chairman against the institution and particularly a senior army officer are absolutely unacceptable and uncalled for, terming them "baseless and irresponsible".

"Pakistan army prides itself for being an extremely professional and well-disciplined organisation with a robust and highly effective internal accountability system applicable across the board for unlawful acts, if any, committed by uniformed personnel," read a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

However, it added, if the honour, safety and prestige of its rank and file is being tarnished by vested interests through frivolous allegations, the "institution will jealousy safeguard its officers and soldiers no matter what".

"The baseless allegations hurled at the institution/officials today are highly regrettable and strongly condemned. No one will be allowed to defame the institution or its soldiers with impunity."

Keeping this in view, the military said, the government of Pakistan has been requested to investigate the matter and initiate legal action against those responsible for defamation and false accusations against the institution and its officials without any evidence whatsoever.

Earlier, the PTI chief addressed the nation for the first time after he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt during the party’s long march in Punjab’s Wazirabad yesterday.

During his address, Imran Khan had asked his party workers and supporters to continue protesting against the assassination attempt on him until three “accused” — prime minister, interior minister and an army officer — resign from their post.

Imran said to ensure an impartial and fair probe it was necessary for the three top officials to step down as “all agencies are under their control”.

He also asked the army chief to make the senior military official resign who he accused of being involved in the assassination attempt.

“This general is taking country towards destruction,” said Imran while alleging that the same military official was behind the torture on PTI leaders Shahbaz Gill and Azam Swati.

Imran maintained that it was incumbent upon the army chief to take action against the “black sheep to save country from disintegration”.

He said that the country’s biggest political party was being pushed against the wall and attempts were being made to kill him.

“We have not learned anything from the past like the East Pakistan incident. I knew that they will try to kill me when I was leaving for long march,” he said.

Imran Khan said the conspirators decided to kill him as they were wary of his long march and added that he had received reports about his assignation plot from the government officials beforehand.

“Establishment was taken aback when they saw that the people this time [in April] did not support their decision to topple my government,” he said.

Imran said establishment is not aware of the ground realities. “Despite knowing that the people are not ready to accept this imported government, they [establishment] are bent on enforcing their decision.”

The PTI chief said his workers and supporters were tortured and intimidated during the party’s last long march because establishment had anticipated that the party will “vanish” though such tactics.

“Four people made a decision behind closed doors to kill me and I had told the nation beforehand. That’s why I had recorded a video naming all four [conspirators].”

Imran said three people — Shehbaz Sharif, Rana Sanaullah and a military official — were behind his assassination plot.

“Would you allow this military official to be probed in this case,” Imran asked army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa. He also asked the army chief to take action against the senior army officer to protect the dignity of the institution.

“Three people made a plan, (they are not the ones whom I named before), they made a plan when they realised that crowd in long march was getting large.

“They wanted to blame my murder on religious fanatics.”
Agreed, they are " A" for political.
Just to put on record Bajwa the B@STARD took action within few hours against those Officers who rightfully demanded the registration of FIR against Capt. Safdar for insulting the sanctity of the Quaid Mausoleum.

NOT only this but the catch of the story is that he did it just in few minutes after the Telephonic conversation with Bilawal.

Those officers were not involved in murder or in any murder conspiracy but they were duty bound to get the case registered as the security of the Quaid Mausoleum was under their institution.

So the lesson which we could learn from these incidents are.

- IF someone from the Institution will perform his duty under legal framework will be discouraged

- Under current leadership Criminal Minded person in Institution would be encouraged, keep in mind Maj. Gen Faisal Naseer is also accused as the main cluript in the smuggling of non-custom paid vehicles in Pakistan.

- Bilawal is Politically adopted for the future by the Institution.

- Current Leadership want to bring Pakistan Army at the level of Sindh Police (Punjab Police is still better in many aspects than SIndh Police).
Mir Bajwa ka aur Bilawal ka boss aik hi hai, quite literally they both report to Donald Lu or some other third rate bureaucrat at CIA, uss ka tu order manna hi tha...
These generals are so stupid, they are fighting their own people. Its a war they cant win. Can there be a general more stupid than these idiots who think they can rule us by imposing thieves on us?

When Imran makes a statement, ISPR come out guns blazing. But these mother f*ckers are sleeping when Sharif family names the generals and incites people to raise slogans against army.

If this f*cking ISPR is going to be political opponent, we are going to kick their as*. These army officers are our servants. Their salary, privileges are all paid for by us. No need to bow down to them. Kick these as*holes out!

The army did all they can to kill Imran. Allah saved him. As the red line has been crossed, gloves are off. There is no respect, there is romance. These as*holes will be taught a lesson inshallah.
This is what happens when you get a taste of meddling in political affairs. Rule political proceedings through an imported regime. These men in khaki have more love for materialism than defending their soil.

100%. Puppet Bilawal is now their favorite. They can mold him into a future prospect.
After all his Grandpa did loyal service for the colonial sepoys for decades, even spear heading their biggest inglorious accomplishment of surrendering E. Pakistan to the Indians.

One thing these colonial sepoys do recognize and something they learnt from their colonial masters is pedigree from "Sir" Shahnawaz Bhutto to his son Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to his daughter another able colonial foot soldier in her own right to now the fourth generation, with added cherry on the top being a Zardari scion. Ghaddar and chor, a enviable combo made in colonial sepoy hell.

As a resident of Islamabad, Isb police nay jo thori bauhaut izzat pichlay 10-12 saal main kamayi thi, sari Rana Sanaullah aur is IG nay duba di hai.

When Imran makes a statement, ISPR come out guns blazing. But these mother f*ckers are sleeping when Sharif family names the generals and incites people to raise slogans against army.

Because us time Nawaz Sharif jo statement day raha tha they were a pressure tactic to get a deal.

Aik bhai bad cop, doosra good cop khel raha tha.

PTI main sab hi bad cop khel rahay hain at the moment, there is no good cop. There were one or two a few months back, but it's all dead now.
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