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Assam's victims of religious hatred.


May 24, 2007
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Assam's victims of religious hatred

In a quiet corner of India, a minority group claims it is the victim of the same kind of prejudice and upheaval endured by Hindus and Muslims during the horrors of partition more than 60 years ago.

The people who say they are the latest victims of religious hatred are large numbers of Muslims of Bengali origin who say that they have been driven away from some districts in India's north-eastern state of Assam during the last two months.

As Assamese regional groups renew their drive against those they believe are "illegal infiltrators" from neighbouring Bangladesh, these Muslims, whose ancestors settled in Assam several decades ago, are becoming easy targets.

"The illegal migrants from Bangladesh are a major threat to our identity. We will become foreigners in our own land unless we keep these people out of Assam," says Sarbananda Sonowal, top leader of the regional party, Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) .

Mr Sonowal has a long record of opposing Muslim Bengali settlers. Until recently, he was president of the All Assam Students Union (AASU) which led the violent agitation against the migrants in the 1980s .

The strength of feeling against people seen to be illegally in Assam is growing.

Groups like the Chiring Chapori Yuva Manch (Youth Forum of Chiring Chapori) have resumed the drive against the "illegal migrants" in northern Assam, the stronghold of the Tai Ahoms who ruled for several centuries before the British conquered the province in the nineteenth century.

In the rich tea-producing district of Dibrugarh - Mr Sonowal's constituency - Chiring supporters have issued a diktat to all local Assamese - employ no migrant, do no business with them, do not travel in vehicles driven by them.

'Pogrom supporters'

Any violation of the diktat, they have warned, will be punished by heavy fines and even physical assault.

The victims of the Chiring's eviction drive are Muslims who migrated to Northern Assam from the state's western districts.

Most Muslims evicted from Northern Assam allege the police have actively backed the Chiring supporters in the pogrom.

The police deny the charges.

But the stories told by the Muslim community paint a very different picture.

"The policemen broke into our house. We produced our citizenship certificates and voter's identity cards, but they insisted we are Bangladeshis. They would listen to nothing," said Mohammed Jehangir, who worked as a mason in Dibrugarh.

Abu Miah, a scrap metal dealer, has a similar tale.

"The police snatched my papers and said they were not good enough to prove my Indian citizenship . When I pleaded, they asked for money. When I refused the bribe, I was beaten up. Finally, I had to pay the police 200 rupees ($4.5) to get my papers back."

In Howli and Bijni, small towns in western Assam's Barpeta district, I met more than 200 Muslims who have been evicted from Northern Assam districts like Dibrugarh, Tinsukia and Golaghat.

I met scores more in the chars (river islands) of Goalpara district bordering Bangladesh.

Government 'indifference'

"The river is merciless. So are the local Assamese youths and the police. They think we are all Bangladeshi nationals. Yet we were born here and we grew up in Assam," said brick kiln worker Maqbool Hossain.

The Assam administration says only about 600 to 700 Muslims may have been evicted from northern Assam districts.

The state minister for agriculture, Wajed Ali Choudhury, says he cannot hazard a guess.

"You are here, you have met many of those evicted, so make your guess," he told me.

Campaigners say illegal immigration must stop

But there is no effort to rehabilitate them in the places they worked.

Many Muslim leaders of the Congress are angry at the "indifference of the state government".

They say the number of those evicted are in thousands rather than hundreds, forced out of northern Assam in trucks.

They are compelled to travel in pitch dark to avoid police attention - and the gaze of the Assamese youth activists.

As I prepared to leave Bijni, one arrived with nearly 50 Muslims, all evicted from Dibrugarh.

Assamese groups say all those they have evicted are illegal Bangladesh migrants.

All Assam Students Union (AASU) advisor Samujjal Bhattacharya insists that "Assam is victim of merciless infiltration".

"Neither the state government nor the Centre wants to tackle the problem because they depend on the migrant vote bank for the victory in elections," said Mr Bhattacharya.

Muslims constitute nearly 30% of Assam's population which makes it the state with the second highest Muslim population after Kashmir.

Only a small number of these Muslims are ethnic Assamese, the rest are of East Bengal origin.

"They keep coming. The border with Bangladesh is porous and once the migrants enter Assam, they are supported by earlier migrants. We cannot fight this problem unless we take to the streets," said Mr Bhattacharya.

But the last time that AASU activists took to the streets in a big way - in the 1980s - thousands died in riots that followed.

The All Assam Minorities Students Union (AAMSU) recently called a state-wide strike and has organised many rallies to protest against the latest developments.

Tension is returning to this forgotten corner of north-east India.


This is the news of 2005, Hindus might have succeded in this operation long ago.
Its not the Hindus ...its the seperatist groups that are behind these. And they are throwing away 'outsiders', meaning non natives. Its not relegious.

Will you look at that! If you take away the name calling you still get your message across without starting a flame war! Keyser
thororius this is getting quite boring, there are always factual elements present in all forums who posts articles like steamrolers and understands squat of them.

Did you even read what it says? hehe it says Illegal immegrants coming form Bangladesh has become a major problem, ofcourse it has been one of the source of problem.

"The illegal migrants from Bangladesh are a major threat to our identity. We will become foreigners in our own land unless we keep these people out of Assam," says Sarbananda Sonowal, top leader of the regional party, Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) "
All region likes to keep their identity intact, marwari businessman in calcutta were looked down upon due to their amazing business stragies of taking over bengali business once upon a time, same in the case try to import yout culture in mass scale in any other states you'll get fitting reply.

Maharashtra assembly , amitabhs wife made a controversial comment over migrant workers there recently.

nothing uncommon.
joey >> Ok! I'll not post anything irritating to you. Happy now? (But I can't gurantee this) BTW what kind of articles do you like? I'll have to consider your choice before deciding to post an article, in the future.
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