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Assam Violence : Thousands flee fearing more attacks

The Bodos want the Bangladeshis out as they are changing the demography of Assam. But the Congress wants them there as they are their vote banks. They have been provided with ration cards, Aadhar cards iden cards and so on. The BJP too wants the Bangladeshis out.

Let's see how it pans out once the BJP comes to power.

That means, these illegals were handed passports and they are officially citizens of India now. But whatever the reason is, this actions needs to be condemned.

Is there an economic angle to it? Are the Bangladeshis usurping all the jobs?
Loss of life is sad and need to be condemned!

I'm sure you are aware what USA did in Iraq, Afganistan and across the globe and I never seen an American crying for the loss of life.
You've been gloating for killing millions of innocents for decades and shedding crocodile tears now. Go get a life you do not have any moral high ground to even open you mouth let alone speak.

Guys, I'm aware that the situation is worsened in years specially near forest areas Asamees considered as mother and protects it like real mother. Bangali illegal migrants are pain but it's due to failure of our govt.

We must have secured our borders and done enough to ensure BD moves on right path of progress and prosperity.

How do you know I didn't condemn US military fought the illegal war in Irag that killed 100 of thousands of innocent people? If you never come across with any of my comments, you can't absolutely sure my standing on the US war in Irag.

How do you know I didn't condemn US military fought the illegal war in Irag that killed 100 of thousands of innocent people? If you never come across with any of my comments, you can't absolutely sure my standing on the US war in Irag.

As for Aghanistan, the Taliban shelter the Alquida whom committed terrorist act on the US soil, US military have the justifiable cause to root out the Alquida whereever they at.
That means, these illegals were handed passports and they are officially citizens of India now. But whatever the reason is, this actions needs to be condemned.

Is there an economic angle to it? Are the Bangladeshis usurping all the jobs?

Not passports. But ration cards and voter Ids. You need to be an Indian citizen to possess a voter id but having acquired one through shady means does not de facto make you an Indian citizen, under the law you're still a non-resident residing in the Republic of India.

As for the Bodos, they simply will not listen to reason like some other tribes, in Nellie even as we rushed the CAPFs to stop any unrest the Lalung tribespeople took the few hours it took for the CAPFs to mobilize and used them to massacre up to 5000 people, all of them muslims, most of them illegals. Of course once the rampage starts Indian citizens end up loosing their lives too considering that once the sharp pointy things are being brandished its quite difficult to differentiate between a Bangladeshi and a Bengali.
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BD illegals need to pack up and go to there own country.
its finally works out...illegal dhoti wala gonna be out....they really are a bunch of dirty peoples...........
That means, these illegals were handed passports and they are officially citizens of India now. But whatever the reason is, this actions needs to be condemned.

Is there an economic angle to it? Are the Bangladeshis usurping all the jobs?
Jobs too, many working in tea factories. This has pissed off a lot of local Assamese. But the Congress cares two hoots as long as they get the BD's votes!
That means, these illegals were handed passports and they are officially citizens of India now. But whatever the reason is, this actions needs to be condemned.

Is there an economic angle to it? Are the Bangladeshis usurping all the jobs?
Not quite, if they are given passport they will be legal, but still won't have the right to vote. What congresse do is they fake voter id cards for them.
So much confusion going on here lol...

Have passports but not nationality.
Can cast vote but are still illegal.
What the crap..
you guys will not find even 1 Assamese working at tea gardens ..assamese have thier own tea lands....the workers are generally adivashi came from south India brought by British......google it n don't post without having any idea.....
you guys will not find even 1 Assamese working at tea gardens ..assamese have thier own tea lands....the workers are generally adivashi came from south India brought by British......google it n don't post without having any idea.....
Have you worked in Assam tea? Check what I said. I didn't mention tea gardens. I mentioned tea factories. There's a world of difference.
The Bodos want the Bangladeshis out as they are changing the demography of Assam. But the Congress wants them there as they are their vote banks. They have been provided with ration cards, Aadhar cards iden cards and so on. The BJP too wants the Bangladeshis out.

Let's see how it pans out once the BJP comes to power.

Doesn't that mean the Congress party has already recognized them as Indian citizens?
Doesn't that mean the Congress party has already recognized them as Indian citizens?
Yes! The Congress party has. But the rest of India doesn't recognize them as Indian. The BDs have sneaked into India for a better life. The Congress jumped at the opportunity. They legitimized their stay and promised them citizenship for votes. No wonder Congress has been winning the Assam elections for the past almost two decades. Wily assholes. The country be damned for votes!
Yes! The Congress party has. But the rest of India doesn't recognize them as Indian. The BDs have sneaked into India for a better life. The Congress jumped at the opportunity. They legitimized their stay and promised them citizenship for votes. No wonder Congress has been winning the Assam elections for the past almost two decades. Wily assholes. The country be damned for votes!

Why don't they **** off to West Bengal instead of doing the Hitler in "Northeast India"?
Indian muslims should listen,

What proof is that the people killed were illegals and not citizens, unless anyone can bring out their identity cards or something they need to stfu

second, but most important these bodo animals killed women and children, thats abhorrent but supported by hindus typically

so unless you or anyone can bring actual proof that these innocent people were illegal then they should be counted as indian muslims

and its up to indian muslims 200 million community to support their fellow indian muslims against slitty eyed mongoloids
Our country,our law!!Plus the ones killed were not Indians to begin with,so why on earth should be show concern on this situation,the militants are actually doing a decent job of driving these illegal pole vaulters back to their original land...:rolleyes:
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