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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

Intuitively you can see why our history textbooks are full of junk,we can clearly see the political agenda behind it.

Thats what separates the intelliogent from the rest.
Mate, this is where we disagree.

To me, the revisionism is in the current history we are taught. We need to revert to trusting our own sources which were debunked as myth at the convenience of the colonialists and then used selectively as and when it suited them.

Actually I agree with you on the currently taught history. Hold no brief whatsoever on that issue. Have had plenty of disagreements with JS on ancient history. Was actually making a point with reference to another gentleman & used you & harpoon as examples of disagreeing without being disagreeable. The "revisionist" word (in this case at least) was used very loosely & not really relevant.
The secular pussies are overdoing their wine and caviar laziness.I wish we slaughter them on the streets before we fix the problem.

After we slaughter the secular pusies on the streets, how do you suggest we fix the problem bro?
Until and unless the hindus unite and sort out their differences,do their soul searching especially the upper castes which prides itself on its decadent intellect and winning petty debates as a high moment of their days.

Until and unless we sort it out and identify the clouds,we are bound to be doomed.The new Yugoslavia.
Slaughtering doesn't means killing,it is how you expose them for what they are and their follies.

I also intended we,not you or me in specifics.
Slaughtering doesn't means killing,it is how you expose them for what they are and their follies.

I also intended we,not you or me in specifics.

Oh I'm sorry the lines must have gotten mixed up then.

I was all for some good old fashioned purging myself.
In a way sagarika ghose has opened our eyes in the way she ridiculed people as internet hindus,it is time we show her in reality.

We should not be doing this pub invasion and all this crap.Just start at home,educate people you know of all these things,clear the minds of people about the ancient india,the diet,the lifestyle,the thought process and the glorious truths.

Wean people away from tobacco,alcohol,random meat.

Use common sense and it ll prevail, i have started and so should like minded ones.
You have started very little.

There are many who started much longer back, and a whole lot more.

They do not bother about the likes of Sagarikas and Arundhatis either.

They plan to do what needs to be done.

And work towards it.

If you are in a war, you do not pick up a jhola and a pen.
I agree with you, i am a little insect infront of many people but the first step is to get our own people who are confused.

I think it is as important as fighting the enemy, i want to do that first.

It happens with a pen(i hate the jhola) and talk.The walk comes much later,happy to have started rather than stuck.

But one thing i noticed is that,most of my friend who are army kids are the stupidest of the lot in this.

I have read before that u were/are an army doc, can you tell us more about the real situation that makes army kids so stupid.
Really? You got your history all backwards. V.P. Singh used the Mandal report to help undercut the BJP's Hindutva plank after the BJP had won some 88 seats. The BJP then upped the ante with rath yatra

Yes,VP singh did implement Mandal report . But that was part of Janata Dal manifesto and BJP knew it already, when it decided to support Janata Dal govt from outside . Remember BJP never opposed the Mandal commision report.

In 1984 Ram Janmabhoomi a movement was launched for the creation of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple by the BJP under the leadership of L K Advani .Its was aimed at consolidation of fragmented Hindu votes on the hindutuva flank . That propelled BJP to secure 85 seats in the 89' election rising from 2 seat it had after the 84' election. And its The success of 89' election that BJP upped the ante with rath yatra not as a reaction to the implementation of Mandal commision report. Had VP Singh not tried to prevent Rath yatra by arresting LK Advani ,the VP singh govt would have completed its full term with the support of BJP in spite of anti Mandal agitation by the upper castes.

our reference to Mulayam Singh becoming Chief Minister in 1989 fails to note that he was CM when he was a part of VP.Singh's Janata Dal. Only much later in 1992 did he create the Samajwadi party.
Mulayam Singh was the president of Lok Dal,a socialist party based on Lohia's ideology that had mass support of OBCs especially Yadavs just like today , among other things believed in the implementation of Mandal commission report.

Lok Dal had joined the Jan morcha party of VP Singh to create the Janata Dal formation in 1989.Till 1986 ,VP Singh was a minister in the Rajiv Gandhi led govt of the congress party.

As for the rest of your post imagining that India was a tranquil sea of peace, it's simply bad history. Atrocities against lower castes were routine and there were plenty of violence between Shavaites & Vishnavaites & is well documented.

plenty of violence between Shavaites & Vishnavaites ?? Plenty of exaggeration i would say .

What you call as violence between Shavaites & Vishnavaites ,are minuscule turf battles among different Matts anand Akhadas of UP to obtain status and gain social importance, whats going on even today around occasions like Kuhmb Mela.

Hindu religion is pretty Sanguine about the role and position of the trinity i,e Brahma,Vishnu and Shivva in Hindu religion. No sect call the other as kafir . In fact they respect each other and actively participate in collective worship. One could find some avatars of Vishu worshiped in a Shiva temple and vice a versa .

Atrocities against lower castes can certainly be defined as discrimination , but not physical violence .There are hardly any example of upper castes mass murdering the lower castes on account of castes or lower castes getting into riot like situation in the urban upper caste dwellings .Among the upper castes the Brahmans had little any political power and most lived donation to the temples.
The fact is india can do very little to change the situation, the demographic changes are here to stay, it is your policies over decades that has led to this situation.
The fact is india can do very little to change the situation, the demographic changes are here to stay, it is your policies over decades that has led to this situation.

Not exactly ....... The only thing required is political will ........Which the congress is lacking because of vote bank politics but that doesnot mean other parties will follow the trail ....

The demographic changes has happened mostly due to illegal migration from bangladesh ....

Once the politicians give a green signal , all the illegals will be flushed out and demographics will be return to orginal ..

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