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Oh dear. You seem to be tiring very fast.

Do please look up the two references before concluding anything about "Western writers". ;-)

I read both of them.

Again, nothing against "Western writers". They come in all flavors, good and bad. Many come with their own agendas or biases.

Two things: you should read Swamy with extreme care, because he is a bigot and an Islamophobe. Do you share those views of his?
Second, I was not at all referring to that but to the Pro article.

I don't believe in such labels. Probably it is fashionable in our "Bharat desh mahan" to label people as such and try to make them apologetic.

He has a viewpoint and though I know very little about him, this particular piece seems to echo my thoughts on how we need our history to be.

As seen through our eyes, objective, academic and thorough.

The treatment needs to be Indian, the subjectivity involved must me from an Indian outlook and the interpretation must be an Indian interpretation.

Not too much to ask I guess.
I read both of them.

Again, nothing against "Western writers". They come in all flavors, good and bad. Many come with their own agendas or biases.

You have obviously done nothing of the kind. LOL.
If you read both of them, you might have noticed that one was written by that famous western author, about a book.

Did you get the name of the book and it's author?

Not too much to ask, I hope?
You have obviously done nothing of the kind. LOL.
If you read both of them, you might have noticed that one was written by that famous western author, about a book.

Did you get the name of the book and it's author?

Not too much to ask, I hope?

Not sure why you would doubt that!

The pro article and the Shashi Tharoor article. The "Churchill's Secret War" book by Madhusree Mukerjee.

For me, this is again just an illustration of how history depends on who is looking.

To me, Churchill remains a genocidal bigot. To Britons he is the finest Brit to ever live.

Why don't you go and iron some khaki shorts? Or something?

Don't talk about things beyond your depth.

I knew you would come up with this.

And whats up with this kinky khakiphobe fetish of yours ?? U see red u read khaki.::lol:

I suggest visit a decent shrink to get it treated unless ofcourse it helps to arouse you at this old age .LOL.:rofl:

So India will turn into 3 separate entity. Moghalistan, Dalistan, and Dravistan. I dont like the stan word and dont want to join in any of the stan at all.

Look how this idiot talking.


He is trying to prove Dravid is Aryan and Sanskrit invented by Dravid. This moron has a severe inferiority complexity being a Dravid. LOL

My My.. he acknowledged that Ram is Aryan and Ravana (Rakshak) are Dravid. hahahahah
I knew you would come up with this.

And whats up with this kinky khakiphobe fetish of yours ?? U see red u read khaki.::lol:

I suggest visit a decent shrink to get it treated unless ofcourse it helps to arouse you at this old age .LOL.:rofl:

No, I do not see khaki when I see red.

When I see cretins with a bigoted agenda, I see khaki. I see them marching around, complete with knobby knees and war-like expressions, latter-day Knights marching to rescue the borders from barbarian attacks. Sadly all you heroes manage to do is burn a few shops, kill a few innocent men, women and children, because your counterparts among the Muslims have killed some innocents in some other part of the country.

A disgusting thought, about disgusting situations.


Found this interesting as well.

Rajiv Malhotra on "Challenges for INDIA to Reclaim its Heritage" - YouTube

At this point, need to read and hear him a bit more to form a definitive opinion. We need people who can present an Indian viewpoint that has been lost in the din.

Just as an example, the French were concerned about the Google book digitization programme.

Google book plan sparks French war of words from Reuters notes that the head of France's national library (Bibliothèque nationale de France) is concerned with Google's plan to digitize library books. Why?

Jean-Noel Jeanneney, who heads France's national library and is a noted historian, says Google's choice of works is likely to favour Anglo-Saxon ideas and the English language.

He wants the European Union to balance this with its own programme and its own Internet search engines.

"It is not a question of despising Anglo-Saxon views ... It is just that in the simple act of making a choice, you impose a certain view of things," Jeanneney told Reuters in a telephone interview on Friday.

Head of France's National Library Not Happy With Google Library Project - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

There is a need for Indian views to be heard loud and clear. I don't really see why this needs to be opposed by anyone.
So India will turn into 3 separate entity. Moghalistan, Dalistan, and Dravistan. I dont like the stan word and dont want to join in any of the stan at all.

Yes, it will. You are not invited to the party. Fear not.

More likely you will take the thought to your grave. ;)

Look how this idiot talking.

Dr. Subramaniam Swamy Vid 2 | Breaking India

He is trying to prove Dravid is Aryan and Sanskrit invented by Dravid. This moron has a severe inferiority complexity being a Dravid. LOL

My My.. he acknowledged that Ram is Aryan and Ravana (Rakshak) are Dravid. hahahahah

For someone from a country that is surely at the darker end of the skin tone in the subcontinent, following a supposedly "egalitarian" ideology (that BTW has a word for Africans meaning slave) and for a people who suffered horribly at the hands of their "own fellows" because of their darker skin color among other reasons, you have a pretty interesting obsession with skin color.

We have all seen the contempt your Westen Pakistanis had because of your physical attributes, despite the "egalitarianism"!

So you think Bangladeshis are "Aryans"? Your fellow claimed they are "Dravidians" and Science is proving there is no difference.

Is it because of the 0.000523976% of some exotic genes from Mars?

Found this interesting as well.

At this point, need to read and hear him a bit more to form a definitive opinion. We need people who can present an Indian viewpoint that has been lost in the din.

Just as an example, the French were concerned about the Google book digitization programme.

Head of France's National Library Not Happy With Google Library Project - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

There is a need for Indian views to be heard loud and clear. I don't really see why this needs to be opposed by anyone.

Nobody anywhere anytime has created obstacles to 'Indian' points of view finding an audience. The objection is to the forcible inclusion of quacks, jet to make up the numbers and make a brave show. If you are looking for the 'Indian' point of view (I am putting it in quotation marks for a reason), you have already come across Mukherjee on Churchill, there is Nilakantha Shastri on south India in general, the unknown but brilliant Suryanarayana Rao on Vijayanagar, Ashin Das Gupta on the Mercantile History of India, largely based on research in Surat...the list goes on and on. It is just that even while they are not Marxist, in even the remote sense of the term, they are also not camp followers of the Hindutva school. So their names never come naturally to the lips of the camp followers.

That hardly means that there is no representation of Indian historians and the 'Indian' point of view.

What is the problem? The fact that a bunch of geezers want their own spokespersons and nobody else in place? The fact that Subramaniam Swamy's toxic views are not endorsed by anyone in professional history circles? The fact that some people want to whine about a non-existent problem, and they take in those who are not in touch with history?

It's your call, entirely, where you want to pitch your tent. Only try not to do it on the fence.
Coming to the Malhotra video, I had hoped that you would detect his egregious blunder right at the outset.

Each and every topic he touched upon related to technology, not to science. Those who are not aware of the difference between pure science and its applied variations need not read further; it is a waste of your time. But to any self-respecting scientist, this assumption by technicians that their work constitutes science, or has anything to do with the scientific method, is hilarious.

This alone shows what a shallow approach the man has, and why any amount of money thrown at a situation without the benefit of a sound theoretical framework merely produces vanity books.

what are Subramanian Swamy's toxic views?

Islamophobia. If he had been hostile to all religion, I would have understood, supported him and Rallied to his support where necessary. He wants an exchange of population.
Nobody anywhere anytime has created obstacles to 'Indian' points of view finding an audience. The objection is to the forcible inclusion of quacks, jet to make up the numbers and make a brave show. If you are looking for the 'Indian' point of view (I am putting it in quotation marks for a reason), you have already come across Mukherjee on Churchill, there is Nilakantha Shastri on south India in general, the unknown but brilliant Suryanarayana Rao on Vijayanagar, Ashin Das Gupta on the Mercantile History of India, largely based on research in Surat...the list goes on and on. It is just that even while they are not Marxist, in even the remote sense of the term, they are also not camp followers of the Hindutva school. So their names never come naturally to the lips of the camp followers.

That hardly means that there is no representation of Indian historians and the 'Indian' point of view.

What is the problem? The fact that a bunch of geezers want their own spokespersons and nobody else in place? The fact that Subramaniam Swamy's toxic views are not endorsed by anyone in professional history circles? The fact that some people want to whine about a non-existent problem, and they take in those who are not in touch with history?

It's your call, entirely, where you want to pitch your tent. Only try not to do it on the fence.

I didn't say there is no representation.

I think it is inadequate and still the predominant narrative of India is by non Indians. A sad state of affairs.

One more example: I recently read the book "The Mughal World: India's Tainted Paradise " by Abraham Eraly.

Amazon.com: The Mughal World: India&#39;s Tainted Paradise (9780753823620): Abraham Eraly: Books

Now, this book has some amazing facts about the Mughal empire I had never seen before, like how 25% of GDP was blown to maintain the decadent lifestyle of a few hundred "Emirs" and royal family and what was life like for the poor folks, the various famines etc.

It also had a neo-colonial treatment of India. A treatment one would think was a thing of the past, relying exclusively on the bigoted writing of some contemporary Britishers who were privately jealous and contemptuous while publicly paying obeisance to the court.

He ends it by claiming something to the effect that the Britishers were on a civilizing mission to India.

This person lives in Chennai and making a living parading this kind of stuff. It may be palatable to certain audience, there is no reason this should be the default narrative for us Indians.
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