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Assad visits Oman After Syria earthquake, Saudi Arabia is linchpin to Assad's normalization

All iranian efforts to keep Asad isolated from arab and western world for own nefarious iranian designs has failed and Asad knows it has brought nothing but misery bloodshed for Syria being in iran's camp
All iranian efforts to keep Asad isolated from arab and western world for own nefarious iranian designs has failed and Asad knows it has brought nothing but misery bloodshed for Syria being in iran's camp
That's not true and it's a very sketchy information about the whole tragedy of Syria.

It was a regime change operation orchestrated by West with full participation of Arab countries. Assad was tenacious and he held on. It was because he does have support. Now that he's victorious, he's being embraced.

Victory at a very heavy cost.

With Americans occupying and stealing Syrian oil in connivance with Kurds. How coincidental that fanning Kurd issue traps Syria, Iran, Turkey & Iraq into constant instability.

The other part of Syria is occupied by mix of different terror groups, again aided and supported by West. And then not to talk about Golan Heights occupied by Israel.
That's not true and it's a very sketchy information about the whole tragedy of Syria.

It was a regime change operation orchestrated by West with full participation of Arab countries. Assad was tenacious and he held on. It was because he does have support. Now that he's victorious, he's being embraced.

Victory at a very heavy cost.

With Americans occupying and stealing Syrian oil in connivance with Kurds. How coincidental that fanning Kurd issue traps Syria, Iran, Turkey & Iraq into constant instability.

The other part of Syria is occupied by mix of different terror groups, again aided and supported by West. And then not to talk about Golan Heights occupied by Israel.
Iran is playing double game in Syria they iran hit their enemies in Syria plus they also hit Syrian establishment and Syrian armed forces plus iran created and helped sdf with U.S against daesh Daesh was against the creation of kurdish state so iran with america plotted against Daesh plus iran supports all kurdish terrorist separatists groups in the region so iran too collaborated with U.S against Syria and the region plus we all have been seeing the trio drama of america iran israel for the past 45 years that they will annihilate and destroy each other but they haven't instead the three troika iran israel and america have destroyed neighbouring states like Syria Afghanistan Libya Iraq etc
Asad should next visit Bahrain Kuwait Egypt and Jordan
Asad not only persevered but defeated all india iran nato backed terrorists in Syria and now the world wants to do business with Syria long live Pakistan Syria brotherhood long live Asad

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