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Saudi crown prince: Israel and Saudi Arabia moving closer to normalization ‘every day’


Sep 30, 2016
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If this happens, both should get a Nobel. This conflict is the root of many others and with this resolved, there won't be fuel for others.
The FoxNews interview with HRH MBS:

PM Netanyahu soon after at the UN:

The FoxNews responding interview with Netanyahu is to be aired tonight USA time but presumably it will be very upbeat and complimentary about MBS, KSA and the future.

Let's not forget though that besides all these historic nice words, and they are historic, there are no doubt some hard negotiations still to come.
Very good interview. I just hope Saudis are smart enough not to let the Biden/Democrats push any of their woke garbage onto Saudi.
The billion dollar question. The elephant in the room. What will Pakistani generals do when KSA decides to recognise Israel? After all, KSA has a lot of influence on many domestic and foreign policies in Pakistan.

PS. This question is strictly for Pakistani members.
saudis just thrown palestinians under the bus, actually not bus but under a jumbo jet.

They did that a very long time ago. What about Pakistan? Is Pakistan going to follow in the footsteps of KSA? History and logic says so.
It is inevitable. The 'palestinians' have held the region back for long enough. The Arabs are fed up with them and all they get for the billions they've poured into the 'palestinians', is being spat on when they visit Al Aqsa.
resistance for your land is everything.

They did that a very long time ago.
yh but now saudis are saying its ok everybody we the custodian of two holy mosque now request you to open your eyes to see the carnage under the wheel of the jumbo jet.
It is inevitable. The 'palestinians' have held the region back for long enough. The Arabs are fed up with them and all they get for the billions they've poured into the 'palestinians', is being spat on when they visit Al Aqsa.
Israel has held back the region for long enough with its ongoing ethnic cleansing
They did that a very long time ago. What about Pakistan? Is Pakistan going to follow in the footsteps of KSA? History and logic says so.
you will see munir at the wailing wall with jewish skull cap showing respects.
Question is, what would be the reaction of Muslims of Arabian peninsula?

Not all of Arab people in peninsula are atheists.

One of the main reasons of Islamic revolution in Iran, was Shah's recognition of Israel. It angered people to death. Let's see if any sign of honor is remaining in Arab souls.
Question is, what would be the reaction of Muslims of Arabian peninsula?

Not all of Arab people in peninsula are atheists.

One of the main reasons of Islamic revolution in Iran, was Shah's recognition of Israel. It angered people to death. Let's see if any sign of honor is remaining in Arab souls.

Sooner or later they will demolish because of recognizing runty Zions
Sunni Muslims abandoning their Sunni Muslim brothers in Palestine being occupied and subjected to daily humiliation and ethnic cleansing by a Jewish supremacist regime.

Not surprising.
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