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‘Ask your grandads’: Russian defense minister warns Germany against ‘strength & unity’ strategy


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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
‘Ask your grandads’: Russian defense minister warns Germany against ‘strength & unity’ strategy
Published time: 12 Aug, 2018 00:32
Edited time: 12 Aug, 2018 09:05


FILE PHOTO: Immortal Regiment march during the Victory Day celebrations © Eduard Korniyenko / Reuters

The Russian defense minister has reminded his German counterpart that approaching Moscow from a “position of unity and strength” is not the wisest idea, citing the bitter history of WWII that should’ve made Berlin more prudent.

“We are open for dialogue. We are ready for a normal cooperation, but not at all from a position of strength,” Sergey Shoigu told Rossiya 24 TV station. “I certainly hope that the time when we could be talked to, as someone once said, as a second- or third-class country has now irretrievably passed.”

Referring to the original question from the host, Yevgeniy Popov, who noted the recent call by the German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, to engage in dialogue with Moscow only from a “position of unity and strength,” Shoigu reminded his counterpart that, while Russia seeks peace, it will not tolerate being coerced.

“After everything Germany has done to our country, I think, they should not talk on the issue for another two hundred years,” Shoigu said. “Ask your grandparents about their experience of talking to Russia from the position of strength. They will probably be able to tell you.”

Shoigu explained that NATO, including Germany, cannot come to grips with the reality of seeing Russia return to the world stage as an independent actor with a strong and powerful military force.

“We are not going to threaten anyone. We’re not going to start a war with anyone,” Shoigu said, noting, however, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking unprecedented measures to make sure the military is fully ready for any untoward surprises. “We’re doing a massive job to restore our army. Yes, the time has passed when we had no funds or time for the army.”

READ MORE: Uncertainty, tension in world affairs push Moscow & Beijing together – Russian defense minister

“We now have a totally different army. And if that frightens someone, do come visit to see how we live,” he added, in an interview recorded after the wrap-up of the Army Games in Russia, extending an invitation to the NATO militaries so far missing out on the biggest annual international military competition.

Where did you pull this nonsense from?

From Putin he said it during his celebration speech in May 2018 and explained with tgat how important good relations between Germany and Russia are. After all WW II was staged from outside anyways. The goal was to bring Germany and Russia against each other. Its a simple fact, that if Germany and Russia work together some other countries get sidelined.
He should also ask his own grandparents. The Germans massacred over a quarter of the russian population.

Now I know where the news like "Mao Zedong killed 56 millions Chinese" come from. Brazen lies seems to be in your DNA.
Now I know where the news like "Mao Zedong killed 56 millions Chinese" come from. Brazen lies seems to be in your DNA.

How much was it of the then population. Enlighten us. How much people had russia in 1940. How much were killed.

But im glad you think it was no big deal. Im a facist through and through and some idiots make bullshit claims regarding facism.
I am embarrassed for my country. We used to be brave and highly intelligent fighters, engineers, philosophers etc etc. Since we lost WWII, we haven’t been the same. We are absolutely drowning in the tyranny of guilt. Our politicians are absolute jokes (as Merkel proves big time), our people are soft “progressives” who get indoctrinated in schools and feel like we always HAVE TO take the so called “moral high ground” (even if it isn’t). Our army (The “Bundeswehr”) is spending millions on TVs, child care for kids of soldiers and we send our troops to foreign operations in Africa (for literally no reason). Oh and of course [illegal] mass immigration is killing our culture and justice system. We’re fucked and the world laughs at us. Our military were admired during the two world wars, now this ..

From Putin he said it during his celebration speech in May 2018 and explained with tgat how important good relations between Germany and Russia are. After all WW II was staged from outside anyways. The goal was to bring Germany and Russia against each other. Its a simple fact, that if Germany and Russia work together some other countries get sidelined.

I wouldn't put it past Merkel to grow an alliance with Russia as a 4th Reich. She is so stupid letting Putin have control over Germany's fuel supply.
‘Ask your grandads’: Russian defense minister warns Germany against ‘strength & unity’ strategy
Published time: 12 Aug, 2018 00:32
Edited time: 12 Aug, 2018 09:05


FILE PHOTO: Immortal Regiment march during the Victory Day celebrations © Eduard Korniyenko / Reuters

The Russian defense minister has reminded his German counterpart that approaching Moscow from a “position of unity and strength” is not the wisest idea, citing the bitter history of WWII that should’ve made Berlin more prudent.

“We are open for dialogue. We are ready for a normal cooperation, but not at all from a position of strength,” Sergey Shoigu told Rossiya 24 TV station. “I certainly hope that the time when we could be talked to, as someone once said, as a second- or third-class country has now irretrievably passed.”

Referring to the original question from the host, Yevgeniy Popov, who noted the recent call by the German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, to engage in dialogue with Moscow only from a “position of unity and strength,” Shoigu reminded his counterpart that, while Russia seeks peace, it will not tolerate being coerced.

“After everything Germany has done to our country, I think, they should not talk on the issue for another two hundred years,” Shoigu said. “Ask your grandparents about their experience of talking to Russia from the position of strength. They will probably be able to tell you.”

Shoigu explained that NATO, including Germany, cannot come to grips with the reality of seeing Russia return to the world stage as an independent actor with a strong and powerful military force.

“We are not going to threaten anyone. We’re not going to start a war with anyone,” Shoigu said, noting, however, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking unprecedented measures to make sure the military is fully ready for any untoward surprises. “We’re doing a massive job to restore our army. Yes, the time has passed when we had no funds or time for the army.”

READ MORE: Uncertainty, tension in world affairs push Moscow & Beijing together – Russian defense minister

“We now have a totally different army. And if that frightens someone, do come visit to see how we live,” he added, in an interview recorded after the wrap-up of the Army Games in Russia, extending an invitation to the NATO militaries so far missing out on the biggest annual international military competition.

Russia is in no position of Bullying.
Better talk, than intimidate.
I am embarrassed for my country. We used to be brave and highly intelligent fighters, engineers, philosophers etc etc. Since we lost WWII, we haven’t been the same. We are absolutely drowning in the tyranny of guilt. Our politicians are absolute jokes (as Merkel proves big time), our people are soft “progressives” who get indoctrinated in schools and feel like we always HAVE TO take the so called “moral high ground” (even if it isn’t). Our army (The “Bundeswehr”) is spending millions on TVs, child care for kids of soldiers and we send our troops to foreign operations in Africa (for literally no reason). Oh and of course [illegal] mass immigration is killing our culture and justice system. We’re fucked and the world laughs at us. Our military were admired during the two world wars, now this ..

I wouldn't put it past Merkel to grow an alliance with Russia as a 4th Reich. She is so stupid letting Putin have control over Germany's fuel supply.
But the Germans and Japanese despite losing the war have succeeded in making the world dependent on its manufacturering. Britain an old enemy of Germany is mad for its BMW's Mercs and VW group cars. What was not achieved by war has been achieved by peaceful means.
But the Germans and Japanese despite losing the war have succeeded in making the world dependent on its manufacturering. Britain an old enemy of Germany is mad for its BMW's Mercs and VW group cars. What was not achieved by war has been achieved by peaceful means.

With cars you can not create a new world order. Hitler would be rolling in his grave seeing how German leadership has destroyed their military and given away the country to foreign invaders. How sad for a great country to sink sooooooooooooo low.
How much was it of the then population. Enlighten us. How much people had russia in 1940. How much were killed.

But im glad you think it was no big deal. Im a facist through and through and some idiots make bullshit claims regarding facism.

Was it not you talking about the European values like human rights and democracy? Now that you have admitted that you are a fascist through and through, do I really need to tell you that you lied about European values because fascists don't recognize human rights and democracy?
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