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Asia's largest solar field switched on in India

I had posted a thread on this forum when Clinton Foundation launched this project.

try google for a change!
Actually it is you who should google.

The Power Plant proposed by CCI is an entirely different one.It will be a 3,000MW behemoth.This is totally separate.
Also, in September 2009, The Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), a programme of the US-based William J Clinton Foundation, had announced the setting up of the world's largest solar power plant in Gujarat with an estimated investment of Rs 50,000 crore likely to flow into the State over the next five years (up to 2013). The proposed 3,000 MW plant —one of the four being set up by CCI across the globe — promised to make Gujarat the solar power hub of India. Gujarat had identified four locations along its international border with Pakistan for solar projects
REVE - Regulacin Elica con Vehculos Elctricos -
So it would better if you research before you post.

Ajay Devgn invests in Gujarat solar power plant:tup:
Another feather in the Lion's cap. He's the best we've got today to save the country. Hail NaMo and his awesome governance! Any Gujaratis here, you guys are damn lucky to have him. Can rest of the country borrow him for a much more important role? :D

5-10 more CMs like Modi and Modi himself as the PM combined would transform our country into a leading world power in use of renewable energy.

While we have solar rich states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Andhra etc, there are many north European countries pioneering in other renewable energies as well. Iceland for example is a master of tapping geo-thermal energy. If we could sign up cooperation with them, it would be awesome for India.

My state has a lot of small and big waterfalls for example, but we need investment for building more hydel power plants.
says the guy who has ABSOLUTELY no life apart from going on PDF every day posting junk about india. post all your boasting achievements in the indian fanboy section, not in world affairs.

why would we be butthurt? dont kid your self buddy.
we being jealous of you is like we being jealous of africa's achievements.

listen, if i started to post every single achievement that china has made, the entire world affairs section would be full of china related posts. i guarantee you boy, you will be butthurt then.
because as great and commendable as india's achievements have been, we break records in many different areas on a weekly basis.

i read many articles that has china surpassing many countries in many things, but if i started to post all of that, i will have no life. i like to go outside and get some fresh air, meet up with friends, enjoy life instead of in here posting threads about how great china is.
seriously, if i started china's achievements, it will shut everyone up.
there is a reason everyone mentions china all over the world, because we achieve things, our global power and influence is growing at a fast pace.

look, i know india is rising fast too, and i know you are proud of your country just like we are of ours, but your obsession is creepy. in a strange way, we respect each others achievements even though we like to make fun of eachother.

just post your india related stuff in the indian fanboy section, unless it has anything to do with world affairs.

Hehe. I can almost smell you burning inside. What I post and where I post is none of your business. It is for the mods to decide. If you can't stand Indian fanboy stuff why do even open it ???

ignore trolls guys..dont feed them.just ignore and report their post.MOD will take care of them.


great news. :yahoo: :yahoo:
Due to the geographic locatio near to equator many states get sunlight the most.

Not just Gujarat but Rajasthan, maharashtra, South Tamilnadu, MP,UP, Odissa all have immense potential.

But it takes a man to MODIfy the destiny and potential of a state.

Gujarat is lucky to have that man.

The great thing about Gujarat is land acquisitions which are very easy ..
Hats off for Modi for doing it .

It's not that CMs of Maharashtra , TN , MP are retarded ..
We don't have such mega scale projects because problems in land acquisitions

You might be knowing about Jaitapur Nuclear power plant .. There were revolts after the land was authorized
Burning guys??? now you`ll need a hell lot of burnol...:rofl:

Gujarat goes green with solar panels on Narmada Canal

The small Indian state in the west side of India sharing its borders with Pakistan, Gujarat is promisingly developing and its Chief Minister, Mr. Narendar Modi is doing a very commendable job. The Janmarg BRTS and the GSRTC Volvo Wifi buses already being hit projects, now joins one more in the line – The state now generates electricity from solar panels laid atop the Narmada Canal.

The solar panels are being laid atop the Narmada branch canal near Chandrasan village of Mehsana’s Kadi taluka, around 75 km from Ahmedabad.The Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) will install these solar panels for about 1 km over the Narmada Canal for generating 1 MW of solar power. The engineering, procurement and construction contract for the project has been awarded to Sun Edison at a cost of Rs17.71 crore. In traditional solar energy plants, the solar panels are laid on the land and in this unique method, the solar panels will be covering the canal. This project is believed to have the following uses-
1. The electricity is generated from renewable solar energy and hence it is clean and environment friendly.
2. Since the canals are covered with solar panels, there will be no explicit need to acquire lands to install the solar project.
3. The water evaporating from the canals will be reduced as the canal will be covered.
4. The power generated will be supplied to villages alongside the canal, which will lead to lower transmission losses.
What was dismissed as an outlandish announcement by chief minister Narendra Modi is turning into reality. Hats off Mr. Narendra Modi

Gujarat goes green with solar panels on Narmada Canal - GoGreenGuyz
And that is why Narenda Modi is better than Congress. :cheesy:

The states in Southern India could benefit more from solar power due to their proximity to the equator, but why is it left up to Modi to do this kind of work in Western India instead?

The south Indian states although near the equator have a massive monsoon season ..
The solar panels will become pretty useless in rainy season

While this is feasible in Gujarat and Rajasthan because it has high sunlight exposure and also low rainfall ..

And hats off to media for undermining the achievements of Rajasthan and potraying Gujarat as the most developed state
While on the other hand Maharashtra has higher GDP , higher GDP per capita and we don't even kill girl babies
The south Indian states although near the equator have a massive monsoon season ..
The solar panels will become pretty useless in rainy season

While this is feasible in Gujarat and Rajasthan because it has high sunlight exposure and also low rainfall ..

And hats off to media for undermining the achievements of Rajasthan and potraying Gujarat as the most developed state
While on the other hand Maharashtra has higher GDP , higher GDP per capita and we don't even kill girl babies

Numbers are manipulative. Maharastra wealth is concentrated in some area, whereas gujrat wealth is distributed.

don't bluff us by numbers, we are literate.
Numbers are manipulative. Maharastra wealth is concentrated in some area, whereas gujrat wealth is distributed.

don't bluff us by numbers, we are literate.

I think as far as Narendra Modi is concerned some people tend to go for propaganda rather than facts and policies..

Some say Gujarat is a solar state , Gujarat has land, Gujarat has this, Gujarat has that...

As if everything can be built without any Governement policy or inititiative

I had highlighted some policies like Jyotigram or Sardar Sarovar and how it benefitted people

Look at Sanand and look at Singur today..
Modi did not build a factory in Sanand.. He built an ecosystem

And once you build an ecosystem ..sustainability follow..
That is why Ford, Maruti, Hero etc etc are follwoing..

As far as Solar is concerned
People tomo tom about Solar of centre.. i.e. JNURM..
Do you know that Gujarat had a solar policy in 2009

solar has high cost and it takes a visionary to generate a ecosystem so that in the long term it becomes sustainable
So Gujarat is going to absorb the high cost of solar of 15 Rs/unit and then it will come down to a competitive level of 5 Rs/unit..
If Gujarat Govt did not buy the expensive power you cannot feed the baby !!!
I urge members that before going for propaganda just learn and do some research
For a start the solar policy of gujarat of 2009

I am talking from a state which once was the industrial capital of India
And now it is destroyed beyond repair..

All due to propaganda of the politicians !!!



Modi must resign



Modi must resign

I want to see him as Ondian PM. Modi PM, Nitish Rural dev minister, Antony def min, pranav and manmoham in finance ministry, Naveen as industry min, Jaswant foreign min,
Welspun Gets $161 Million to Finance India’s Largest Solar Plant
Welspun Group gained 8.85 billion rupees ($161 million) from lenders led by Central Bank of India to finance the country’s largest solar project.

Welspun, India’s biggest solar developer
, signed long-term loans for its 130-megawatt venture in the Mandsaur district of Madhya Pradesh, the company said today in a statement. The solar plant, India’s largest according to Welspun, will power 660,000 homes when switched on in May next year.

Federal and state authorities are encouraging solar energy to boost generation and cut power shortages that are impeding economic growth. The central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has an annual power deficit of 17.9 percent, according to Welspun.

The company has more than 300 megawatts of clean energy projects in construction or operation with plans to commission 1.75 gigawatts of solar and wind in the next few years, it said.
Welspun Gets $161 Million to Finance India
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