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Asian, European firms keen to win contract of second nuclear power plant

Japanese, they are the only one haviing first hand experience in dealing with leaked nuclear wastes.

Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Map

There will be no new power station approved until 2030 as per BAL government. So this discussion of second nuclear power plant is waste of time.
There will be no new power station approved until 2030 as per BAL government. So this discussion of second nuclear power plant is waste of time.

Dude, where did you hear this?

2nd nuclear power station will be in service by 2030 and so construction will start in 2024/2025.
Unlikely fusion will be ready even in 15 years time.

BD needs clean power(emissions) fast and the 2nd nuclear plant by 2030 is the way to go.
well i'm optimistic... hoping to see some good results from the reactor currently being built in france....
i think the chinese achieved netoutput=net input not sure but i read something along the lines of that a couple of months ago
hopefully germany comes to it's senses that solar alone can't help them with current battery tech

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