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Ashura day rained blood from sky in England + Evidence

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Dec 5, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
At ashura in Karbala, Imam Husain who is grandson of Prophet of Islam Muhammad (pbuh&hf) be killed. In islamic books narrated that at ashura that Imam Husain killed in Karbala, blood has been rained.

This article is a view of this event mentioned at Anglo Saxon Chronicles .
The Tragedy of Karbala

Most Muslims know of the Tragedy of Karbala, however, it is only the followers of the Aylul Bayt (‘a) who understand the teachings in Islam according to the Holy Aylul Bayt (‘a) who were slaughtered by the enemy in the desert sands of Karbala, Iraq. Imam Hussain (‘a) was the last of "Al Kisa ", the "Holy Five", for which the entire universe was created. Ref: Hadith al-Kisa.

Anglo Saxon Chronicles

So what does the "Anglo Saxon Chronicles" have to do with such a gruesome event of which the likes the world had never seen?


When our correspondent from the Gulf sent in these scanned pages, Haji had highlighted one section of the chronicles and after having read her highlighted segment, my mind immediately travelled to the desert sands of Karbala and then to our Lady Zaynab’s (‘a) speech in Kufa [see segment above]. In that speech there is one particularly important statement for the purpose of understanding this exercise. Lady Zaynab (‘a) has said in the above speech:

"Would you doubt if after all blood rains from the skies above."
When I read this speech for the first time, a while ago, I visualised exactly what our Lady Zaynab (‘a) had said, however after researching for some time of it having rained blood in Arabia I found that it did indeed rain blood in Great Britain in the same year as the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (‘a).

The Chronicles state that:

In the year 685 AD (Christian Calendar):

"685. In this year in Britain it rained blood, and milk and butter were turned into blood."

The recording of the event in a distant land (Great Britain) who had no interest other than recording history, was the only way that I see that it could have come to light as a proof.

When he (‘a) was martyred, the sky wept blood for Imam Hussain (‘a).

It is reported that when Imam Hussain (‘a) was killed not only the residents of the heavens cried for Imam Hussain (‘a), but even the skies cried for him and they wept blood for this Mazlum. This is reported not only in the Shi’a books but also in the most important Sunni references:

“On the day of the martyrdom of al-Hussein (‘a) the sky rained blood . . . .”


Thakhaa’er al-Uqba pp 144, 145, 150.

Al-Sawaa’eq al-Muhriqah pp 116, 192.

“There was not a stone which was not lifted but underneath it was found blood . . . . ”


Al-Sawaa’eq al-Muhriqah pp 116, 192.

Tathkirat-ul-Khawaas p 284,

Tafsir ibn Kathir vol. 9, p 162 . . . . .

Nadra al-Azdiya, a woman who was contemporary with the Imam Husayn, is said to have reported:

‘When al-Husayn b. ‘Ali was killed, the sky rained down blood, so that next morning we found our wells and water jugs filled with it.’[24]

Therefore, the conclusion to this literary exercise is that there is irrefutable proof that the skies did rain blood over much of the world after the event of killing the Grandson of Prophet Muhammad (‘s), Imam Hussain b. Ali b. Abu Thalib (‘a), reflecting the enormity of the tragedy and the truth in the powerful words of Sayyeda Zaynab (‘a).

We ask for Sayyeda Zaynab (‘a) to forgive us for any mistakes in this work insh’Allah.

Authors: Hj Hala and Hj Zaynab El-Fatah
Illustrations: Provided by Hala
Chief Editor: Hj Nurzaynab El-Fatah
Production: Hj S. Abidin
Published Date: 7th June, 2002.
Modification Date: 19th January, 2009/ 21st Muharram 1430
Publication ID: 02chroniclesZaynab. Anglo Saxon Chronicles & Lady Zaynab bint Ali (‘a)
Copyright: © Victory News Magazine, 2009
we in the sub continent had the belief that a blood red windy storm followed after the murder of an innocent. I have seen it with my own eyes when I was very young back in the late 70s and it was quickly attributed to a murder of a young at the hands of someone.

there are some natural phenomenons where some can be explain and some cant be explained. people of different faiths attribute them according to their religion.

I tend to play down such coincidences, such bloody rain should have happened in Mecca and Madina or Syria where Yazid was residing, why UK?

names of Allah and Muhammad on the fruit and finding names on stones and clouds and all is all good but lets not take it very seriously otherwise people who have no such affection to a faith or personalities make fun of it.
we in the sub continent had the belief that a blood red windy storm followed after the murder of an innocent. I have seen it with my own eyes when I was very young back in the late 70s and it was quickly attributed to a murder of a young at the hands of someone.

there are some natural phenomenons where some can be explain and some cant be explained. people of different faiths attribute them according to their religion.

I tend to play down such coincidences, such bloody rain should have happened in Mecca and Madina or Syria where Yazid was residing, why UK?

names of Allah and Muhammad on the fruit and finding names on stones and clouds and all is all good but lets not take it very seriously otherwise people who have no such affection to a faith or personalities make fun of it.

U should read the text once.
It is reported that when Imam Hussain (‘a) was killed not only the residents of the heavens cried for Imam Hussain (‘a), but even the skies cried for him and they wept blood for this Mazlum. This is reported not only in the Shi’a books but also in the most important Sunni references:

“On the day of the martyrdom of al-Hussein (‘a) the sky rained blood . . . .”


Thakhaa’er al-Uqba pp 144, 145, 150.

Al-Sawaa’eq al-Muhriqah pp 116, 192.

“There was not a stone which was not lifted but underneath it was found blood . . . . ”


Al-Sawaa’eq al-Muhriqah pp 116, 192.

Tathkirat-ul-Khawaas p 284,

Tafsir ibn Kathir vol. 9, p 162 . . . . .

Nadra al-Azdiya, a woman who was contemporary with the Imam Husayn, is said to have reported:

‘When al-Husayn b. ‘Ali was killed, the sky rained down blood, so that next morning we found our wells and water jugs filled with it.’[24]
U should read the text once.
It is reported that when Imam Hussain (‘a) was killed not only the residents of the heavens cried for Imam Hussain (‘a), but even the skies cried for him and they wept blood for this Mazlum.

I am sure the heavens cry for the death of every single innocent.
Hussains ra sacrifice was tragic no doubt but it revived Islam.

I respect your devotion but please be ready for mockery and disappointment from people who live to hate Ahle Baith ra.
I am sure the heavens cry for the death of every single innocent.
Hussains ra sacrifice was tragic no doubt but it revived Islam.

I respect your devotion but please be ready for mockery and disappointment from people who live to hate Ahle Baith ra.

I dont think anyone can tell mochery about Prophet(pbuh) grandson.

Yes bro u ate right today is war between followers of Prophet(pbuh)grandson-who fought against Bani umayyah- and who follow enemies of ahlalbait.
I am sure the heavens cry for the death of every single innocent.
Hussains ra sacrifice was tragic no doubt but it revived Islam.

I respect your devotion but please be ready for mockery and disappointment from people who live to hate Ahle Baith ra.

How did it revive Islam ? :unsure:

If anything the Muslim World lost a wonderful person who would've made a great Caliph !

Maybe Hussein (RA) should've approached the situation differently....maybe going to Kufa was not the best of decisions after all !
or it might be ink from giant pen that lord ganesha has ... who knows.. :girl_wacko:
I am sure the heavens cry for the death of every single innocent.
Hussains ra sacrifice was tragic no doubt but it revived Islam.

I respect your devotion but please be ready for mockery and disappointment from people who live to hate Ahle Baith ra.
Sir to hell with those who hate Ahlulbayt PBUH what important to you is that you have no problem with that since it's a historic reality.
How did it revive Islam ? :unsure:

If anything the Muslim World lost a wonderful person who would've made a great Caliph !

Maybe Hussein (RA) should've approached the situation differently....maybe going to Kufa was not the best of decisions after all !
Well yes Imam Hussain PBUH revive Islam since Al umayah worked hard to twist the instructions of Islam to their needs Hussain approached them that way because they left him no other options. the corruptions in their black days had a havoc on the Islam and Muslims by the way Imam Hussain wasn't the only one who stand against Al umayah actually the madinah residents made a big revolution against yazid the caliphah also Abdullah Ibn Alzubair also stand against them so yes Imam Hussain ignites the Muslims rejection to Umayah ruling the Islamic state since they were corrupted.
How did it revive Islam ? :unsure:

If anything the Muslim World lost a wonderful person who would've made a great Caliph !

Maybe Hussein (RA) should've approached the situation differently....maybe going to Kufa was not the best of decisions after all !


thats where you loose the plot

remember, everything a Prophet, a messenger, an imam or a saint does is a Will of God,.

have you read what Iqbal says?

"Katal e Hussain Marg e Yazid hey , Islam zinda hota hey her Karbala key ba'ad"

going by your logic, Muhammad PBUH shouldnt have gone to Taif which resulted him getting stoned. so many times he was trashed and insulted in Mecca while he walked to Qa'bah...

Imam Hussain RA might have died a quiet and anonymous death in Madina, but he stood up to the excesses and tyranny of Yazid..
recall the saying of the Prophet PBU about standing up to tyrant ..(from speaking up against the tyranny to considering it wrong in the heart).

you and I dont have to be a Shia to miss the philosophy (apologies for the lack of term) on the entire journey from Madina to Karbala. just like today we have a sizable majority of people who continue to live in denial about the real face of Taliban despite loosing 50,000 fellow citizens at their hands... yet there are some who can see the real face of taliban and back in those days, Imam Hussain RA sacrifice and the way he was slaughtered left no doubt for true Muslims who was on the right and wrong.

the hypocrites try to play it down as the fight for the crown between two houses but it was a fight for Islam. this was the journey of faith and it demanded blood.

Ali Azmat says... "qurbai key bahu may Milti hay Azaadi..."

Well yes Imam Hussain PBUH revive Islam since Al umayah worked hard to twist the instructions of Islam to their needs Hussain approached them that way because they left him no other options. the corruptions in their black days had a havoc on the Islam and Muslims by the way Imam Hussain wasn't the only one who stand against Al umayah actually the madinah residents made a big revolution against yazid the caliphah also Abdullah Ibn Alzubair also stand against them so yes Imam Hussain ignites the Muslims rejection to Umayah ruling the Islamic state since they were corrupted.

I dunno what Hussein (RA) achieved the way he did ?

I think the Opposition should've been in a different manner - the Last Stand at Karbalah is symbolic in a romanticized way but I can't see what it actually accomplished except being a terrible tragedy in that the blood of such a wonderful person & his family was shed !


thats where you loose the plot

remember, everything a Prophet, a messenger, an imam or a saint does is a Will of God,.

have you read what Iqbal says?

"Katal e Hussain Marg e Yazid hey , Islam zinda hota hey her Karbala key ba'ad"

going by your logic, Muhammad PBUH shouldnt have gone to Taif which resulted him getting stoned. so many times he was trashed and insulted in Mecca while he walked to Qa'bah...

Imam Hussain RA might have died a quiet and anonymous death in Madina, but he stood up to the excesses and tyranny of Yazid..
recall the saying of the Prophet PBU about standing up to tyrant ..(from speaking up against the tyranny to considering it wrong in the heart).

you and I dont have to be a Shia to miss the philosophy (apologies for the lack of term) on the entire journey from Madina to Karbala. just like today we have a sizable majority of people who continue to live in denial about the real face of Taliban despite loosing 50,000 fellow citizens at their hands... yet there are some who can see the real face of taliban and back in those days, Imam Hussain RA sacrifice and the way he was slaughtered left no doubt for true Muslims who was on the right and wrong.

the hypocrites try to play it down as the fight for the crown between two houses but it was a fight for Islam. this was the journey of faith and it demanded blood.

Ali Azmat says... "qurbai key bahu may Milti hay Azaadi..."

Tis true that whatever a Prophet does is the Will of God - about the rest of us - I'm not so sure !

Otherwise Islam wouldn't have given us the Democratic Principle within the Koran if Divine Guidance was still possible !

I think the Tragedy of Karbala is an extremely heart touching tragedy where a wonderful person whom the Prophet (PBUH) dearly loved as his Grandson died along with his family for something that achieved little in terms of tangible results - the Umayads were there & the Caliphate continued on to have been a mockery of its earlier more pristine self under the first 4 Caliphs till its ultimate end at the hands of Ataturk Sahib !

I'm not saying that Hussein (RA) should've lived anonymously in Medina or Mecca for that would've been insulting to him & to the memory of his Grandfather (PBUH); I'm just saying that heading to Kufa despite knowing that the Kufans are no longer with you & have even executed one of your emissaries/companions & that the Army of Yazeed is catching up, wasn't a very wise decision !

It could potentially be thought of as even more unwise if one factors in that you're traveling with your Family with as young as 6 month old kids to certain death !
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I dunno what Hussein (RA) achieved the way he did ?

I think the Opposition should've been in a different manner - the Last Stand at Karbalah is symbolic in a romanticized way but I can't see what it actually accomplished except being a terrible tragedy in that the blood of such a wonderful person & his family was shed !
Shedding his blood is the scream Imam Hussain had for Muslims to wake up and to know that Islam is not what Al umayah preaching the people is. Islam is fair justice mercy which is Al umayah don't know it Islam is no corruptions while Al umayah are corrupted family hence they should not rule the nation also Islam is real not a fake religion with few instructions that pore in the favor of tyrants as it today showing in the suni countries where dictators rule in the name of Allah unfortunately.
I dunno what Hussein (RA) achieved the way he did ?

I think the Opposition should've been in a different manner - the Last Stand at Karbalah is symbolic in a romanticized way but I can't see what it actually accomplished except being a terrible tragedy in that the blood of such a wonderful person & his family was shed !

Tis true that whatever a Prophet does is the Will of God - about the rest of us - I'm not so sure !

Otherwise Islam wouldn't have given us the Democratic Principle within the Koran if Divine Guidance was still possible !

I think the Tragedy of Karbala is an extremely heart touching tragedy where a wonderful person whom the Prophet (PBUH) dearly loved as his Grandson died along with his family for something that achieved little in terms of tangible results - the Umayads were there & the Caliphate continued on to have been a mockery of its earlier more pristine self under the first 4 Caliphs till its ultimate end at the hands of Ataturk Sahib !

I'm not saying that Hussein (RA) should've lived anonymously in Medina or Mecca for that would've been insulting to him & to the memory of his Grandfather (PBUH); I'm just saying that heading to Kufa despite knowing that the Kufans are no longer with you & have even executed one of your emissaries/companions & that the Army of Yazeed is catching up, wasn't a very wise decision !

It could potentially be thought of as even more unwise if one factors in that you're traveling with your Family with as young as 6 month old kids to certain death !
Who told you that or it was your mighty brain at its work.
Shedding his blood is the scream Imam Hussain had for Muslims to wake up and to know that Islam is not what Al umayah preaching the people is. Islam is fair justice mercy which is Al umayah don't know it Islam is no corruptions while Al umayah are corrupted family hence they should not rule the nation also Islam is real not a fake religion with few instructions that pore in the favor of tyrants as it today showing in the suni countries where dictators rule in the name of Allah unfortunately.

I respect your opinion; I just don't agree with them !

Who told you that or it was your mighty brain at its work.

It was my mighty brain at work !
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