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ASEAN finally makes united stand on China bold reclamations


May 14, 2013
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August 5th, 2015


From left to right, Myanmar's Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario, Singapore's Foreign Affair Permanent Secretary Chee Wee Kiong, Brunei's Foreign Minister Mohamed Bolkiah, Laos Foreign Minister Thongloun Sisoulith, Malaysia's Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak, Vietnam's Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, Thailand's Foreign Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn, Cambodia's Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, Indonesia's Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Secretary General Le Luong Minh pose for a group photo at the opening ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015. (AP Photo/Vincent Thian)

KUALA LUMPUR—Southeast Asian nations want China to stop land reclamation in the disputed South China Sea, a regional official said on Tuesday, but China insisted it had a right to continue the activity.

Le Luong Minh, secretary general of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations, said Asean foreign ministers expressed concerns in a meeting on Tuesday over massive Chinese island-building activities that had escalated tensions in the area.

The flash point issue has taken center stage at the Asean 48th Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting here.

China, which is attending a series of sideline meetings, has insisted it will not talk about the dispute during the meeting.

That position prompted a sharp rebuke from the Philippines, which along with Vietnam has been involved in the most direct territorial confrontations with China.

“As we speak, we see no letup on the unilateral and aggressive activities of our northern neighbor in the South China Sea,” Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario told fellow Asean foreign ministers at an afternoon meeting.

US officials have said the amount of land reclaimed by Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan in the disputed area over the last 45 years totals 40 hectares, a fraction of the more than 1,200 hectares reclaimed by China in the last 18 months alone.

Washington has said it will call for a halt to aggressive actions by Beijing and other claimants to allow a diplomatic solution to the rift.

Washington is not a party to the conflict but says a peaceful resolution of the problem and freedom of navigation are in the US national interest. China rejects any US involvement.

Del Rosario on Tuesday said that Manila “fully supports and will proactively promote the call of the United States on the ‘three halts—a halt in reclamation, halt in construction and a halt in aggressive actions that could further heighten tensions.”

But Del Rosario stressed that Manila would not be bound by it unless other claimants agreed to the same.

Diplomats and analysts have long maintained that China’s stance is aimed at preventing Asean from presenting a more united front.

But delegates say China will not be able to escape the issue in Kuala Lumpur.

“This is not Cambodia or Laos,” one diplomat attending the talks said, referring to a 2012 foreign ministers’ meeting in which host Cambodia—China’s ally—was accused of preventing discussion of it.

Gap in behavior

China recently pledged to start substantive negotiations on a “code of conduct” (COC) with Asean governing behavior in the resource-rich and busy waterways, but there is a gap between its pledge and the situation on the ground, Minh said.

“We are calling for the termination of such activities, which are of concern to us, and eroding trust and confidence among the parties, and complicating the very process of negotiating” the code of conduct, Minh told The Associated Press.

China, Taiwan and several Asean members—the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei—have wrangled over ownership and control of the South China Sea in a conflict that has flared on and off for decades.

Tensions rose last year when China began building artificial islands in the Spratly Islands, which the United States and Beijing’s rival claimant countries fear could impede freedom of navigation and overflights in a major transit area for the world’s oil and merchandise.

The disputes have led to deadly confrontations between Beijing and Hanoi, and Washington and governments in the region are concerned that greater military deployments increase the risk of miscalculations and accidental clashes that could spiral out of control.

Need for self-restraint


Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said Asean ministers called for more self-restraint in handing the dispute.

He told reporters Asean was exploring the “possibility of putting in place preventive measures” to ensure that disagreements among claimants would not flare into a regional conflict. He declined to give details.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, however, said the activities were in Chinese territory and there should be no double standards on the issue, in reference to land reclamation work by other claimants.

He said all parties should support China and Asean in speeding up negotiations for a code of conduct.

“It’s not a constructive move to exercise double standards on the issue,” Wang told reporters on the sidelines of the Asean meetings. “China and Asean are capable enough to work together to maintain the peace and stability in the South China Sea.”

Kerry to discuss row

Asean foreign ministers will meet their US, Chinese, Australian and several other foreign counterparts on Thursday in the Asean Regional Forum, an annual Asian security meeting.

In Washington, US state department spokesman Mark Toner said on Monday that Secretary of State John Kerry would tackle the territorial issues in Malaysia.

“This is a forum in which critical security issues need to be brought up and discussed,” Toner told reporters, adding that the United States would view as “provocative” any moves to “significantly increase the physical size or functionality of disputed features, or to militarize them.”

The United States and some Southeast Asian states have watched with growing alarm as Beijing expands tiny reefs in the South China Sea, topping some with military posts to reinforce its disputed claims over the strategic waters and fanning fears of future conflict.

No mood for talks

Del Rosario also hit out at what he described as “massive reclamation activities” and construction by Beijing in the disputed sea which had “undermined peace, security and stability.”

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang signaled Beijing was in no mood to talk about the South China Sea.

“China has never believed that multilateral fora are the appropriate place for discussing specific bilateral disputes,” Wang said on Monday before flying to Malaysia.

Doing so will “heighten confrontation,” he said, adding that China would not bow to pressure to stop its land reclamation.

Positive start

But US and Southeast Asian officials insist the dispute must be raised.

“Asean can and should play a vital part in effecting an amicable settlement,” Aman told delegates. “Above all we must be seen to address this issue peacefully and cooperatively. We have made a positive start but we need to do more.”

Beijing claims control over nearly all of the South China Sea, a key shipping route thought to hold rich oil and gas reserves.

Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei—all Asean members—also have various claims, as does Taiwan, many of which overlap.

Beijing has long insisted that disputes be handled on a bilateral basis between rival claimants.–

Asean finally makes united stand on China bold reclamations
Southeast Asian nations back halt to land reclamation in South China Sea
Aug 4, 2015


Southeast Asian countries on Tuesday backed a U.S. call to halt land reclamation in the South China Sea, underlining unease in the region over Beijing's continued expansion on disputed islands.

China has said it does not want the issue raised at this week's meeting of foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Kuala Lumpur.

But Malaysia Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said member nations agreed that "exercising self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate tension must be enhanced" in the South China Sea.

Philippines Foreign Minister Albert Del Rosario accused China of carrying out "massive reclamation activities" in the disputed waters.

"We see no let up on the unilateral and aggressive activities of our northern neighbor in the South China Sea," he said at a meeting in the Malaysian capital.

"The massive reclamation activities ... have undermined peace, security and stability in the South China Sea," he said, urging Southeast Asian countries to address the issue with China.

In an earlier statement, Del Rosario said the Philippines was ready to help de-escalate tensions if China and other claimant states agreed to be bound by the same conditions.

Neither China nor the United States are members of ASEAN, but both will be represented during several days of talks. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday and Thursday.

"The Philippines fully supports and will pro-actively promote the call of the United States on the '3 halts': halt in reclamation, halt in construction, and halt in aggressive actions that could further heighten tensions," Del Rosario said in a statement.

"We will agree to be bound only if China and other claimant states agree to the same."


Singapore's Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam told reporters in Kuala Lumpur that the South China Sea could not be ignored, adding that Singapore was not happy with an informal code of conduct signed by ASEAN and China in 2002.

"South China Sea is an issue. We cannot pretend that it's not an issue," he said.

"We have got to move beyond philosophical discussions to actually say what is in the substance of the agreement."

In a speech at a Singapore university on Tuesday, Kerry addressed tensions in Asia and said that the United States wanted a region where "countries cooperate to prevent small disputes from growing into large ones."

Malaysia, the current chair of ASEAN, has said the topic was not off-limits and would be raised. In opening remarks on Tuesday, Aman said ASEAN should play a major role in reaching an "amicable" solution to the territorial dispute.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have overlapping claims.

China has shown no sign of halting its construction of artificial islands in disputed areas.

It has also accused the United States of militarizing the South China Sea by staging patrols and joint military drills, while the United States has called for a halt in China's artificial island building in the area.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in comments likely to provoke regional neighbors and Washington, said the United States and the Philippines should "count how many runways there are in the South China Sea and who built them first."

In a front page commentary on the overseas edition of the Communist Party's official People's Daily, a senior academic said that the U.S. was teaming up with Japan to "disrupt" the South China Sea.

"Japan has been cooperating with the United States to hype up the 'China threat', making noise for their alliance to interfere in the South China Sea," Su Xiaohui, a senior researcher at the Foreign Ministry-backed China Institute of International Studies, wrote.

"This is not beneficial to regional peace and stability."

(Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in BEIJING, Manual Mogato in MANILA, David Brunnstrom in SINGAPORE and Angie Teo in KUALA LUMPUR; Editing by Mike Collett-White)

Southeast Asian nations back halt to land reclamation in South China Sea| Reuters
Jungle journalism making sensationalist claims again. Can anybody quote a joint ASEAN statement that either singles out China OR singles out land reclamation as an issue? To be very clear, jungle rumors and jungle hearsay will not suffice here. We need to see real quotations from ASEAN.
Talk shxt and get nothing done at the end.
Instead of asking China to participate in multilatetal talk with ASEAN, why don't the members of ASEAN who have SCS dispute settle the issue withib themselves before talking to the outsider aka panda?
They can't and don't want to do it...
I just don't get it. Bunch of losers....:coffee:
China warmonger government is suppressing the freedom of information to continue on their indoctrination of lies.

Controlling their billion of people's mind to ensure their policy of survival tsk.
Southeast Asian nations want China to stop land reclamation in disputed sea, Beijing adamant
Aug. 4, 2015


By EILEEN NG, Associated Press

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Southeast Asian nations want China to stop land reclamation in the disputed South China Sea, a regional official said Tuesday, but China insisted it has a right to continue the activity.

Le Luong Minh, secretary-general of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations, said ASEAN foreign ministers expressed concerns in a meeting Tuesday over massive Chinese island-building activities that have escalated tensions in the area.

China recently pledged to start substantive negotiations on a "code of conduct" with ASEAN governing behavior in the resource-rich and busy waterways, but there is a gap between its pledge and the situation on the ground, Minh said.

"We are calling for the termination of such activities, which are of concern to us, and eroding trust and confidence among the parties, and complicating the very process of negotiating" the code of conduct, Minh told The Associated Press. "In the face of the situation, it is even more urgent for ASEAN and China to early conclude the COC."

China, Taiwan and several ASEAN members — the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei — have wrangled over ownership and control of the South China Sea in a conflict that has flared on and off for decades.

Tensions rose last year when China began building artificial islands in the Spratly Islands, which the U.S. and Beijing's rival claimant countries fear could impede freedom of navigation and overflights in a major transit area for the world's oil and merchandise.

The disputes have led to deadly confrontations between China and Vietnam, and Washington and governments in the region are concerned that greater military deployments increase the risk of miscalculations and accidental clashes that could spiral out of control.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said ASEAN ministers called for more self-restraint in handing the dispute.

He told reporters the grouping is exploring the "possibility of putting in place preventive measures" to ensure that disagreements among claimants would not flare into a regional conflict. He declined to give details.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, however, said the activities were in Chinese territory and there should be no double standards on the issue, in reference to land reclamation work by other claimants. He said all parties should support China and ASEAN in speeding up negotiations for a code of conduct.

"It's not a constructive move to exercise double standards on the issue," Wang told reporters on the sidelines of the ASEAN meetings. "China and ASEAN are capable enough to work together to maintain the peace and stability in the South China Sea."

U.S. officials have said the amount of land reclaimed by Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan in the disputed area over the last 45 years totals 40 hectares (100 acres), a fraction of the more than 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) reclaimed by China in the last 18 months alone.

Washington has said it will call for a halt to aggressive actions by China and other claimants to allow a diplomatic solution to the rift. Washington is not a party to the conflict but says a peaceful resolution of the problem and freedom of navigation are in the U.S. national interest. China rejects any U.S. involvement.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said Tuesday that Manila "fully supports and will proactively promote the call of the United States on the 'three halts' — a halt in reclamation, halt in construction and a halt in aggressive actions that could further heighten tensions." But he stressed that Manila will not be bound by it unless other claimants agree to the same.

ASEAN foreign ministers will meet their U.S., Chinese, Australia and several other foreign counterparts on Thursday in the ASEAN Regional Forum, an annual Asian security meeting.

ASEAN wants China to stop work in disputed sea: official - US News
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