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So, what make u worry abt building ASEAN Political-Security Community??

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the AMS should carefully and clearly redefine and reinterpret the scope and definitions of “sovereignty”, “non-interference”, and “territorial integrity” principles stipulated in the ASEAN Charter.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...human-developments-news-16.html#ixzz2KYsLT3nC

Do you want your country policy to be dictated by the other 9 country? Your country is not exactly in line with the ASEAN ideal. ASEAN is a regional forum not a political-economic-security entity. ASEAN job should maintain peace in the region not to take care of another country garbage.

To strengthen democracy, enhance good governance and the rule of law and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, the political and legal cooperation under the APSC blueprint should be designed and directed to “integrate” the political and legal systems of the AMS. For this purpose, ASEAN should adopt strong conventions on anticorruption and good governance, maritime disputes, environmental protection, human trafficking, illicit drug trade, extradition and mutual legal assistance, money laundering and other forms of transnational crimes.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...human-developments-news-16.html#ixzz2KYu5SCO8
read between the line

Do you want your country policy to be dictated by the other 9 country
? .
It is better than to be dictated by China or US, pls note that ur country will collapse if it face with US sanction. Strengthen ASEAN political system will help us to counter any sanction threat.
Reashot Xigwin said:
Your country is not exactly in line with the ASEAN ideal. ASEAN is a regional forum not a political-economic-security entity. ASEAN job should maintain peace in the region not to take care of another country garbage
So, its time for you to grow up now, u can't be a kid begging for China-US 's mercy forever
It is better than to be dictated by China or US, pls note that ur country will collapse if it face with US sanction. Strengthen ASEAN political system will help us to counter any sanction threat.

Well, instead of China or the US you're going to be dictated by the other 9 country or whoever have the grace to lead us. How wonderful. I'm all tingling over here.

So, its time for you to grow up now, u can't be a kid begging for China-US 's mercy forever

Its obvious you're the kid here. If you're eager to surrender your country sovereignty just to be in a "big group" to feel save. You obviously don't have any confidence in your country managing its affair.
Well, instead of China or the US you're going to be dictated by the other 9 country or whoever have the grace to lead us. How wonderful. I'm all tingling over here.
U have a chance to lead them, too
Its obvious you're the kid here. If you're eager to surrender your country sovereignty just to be in a "big group" to feel save. You obviously don't have any confidence in your country managing its affair.
Living alone, you will die in US-China's hands, too, N.Korea is clear example for u.
U have a chance to lead them, too

Oh sure its a common knowledge a Thai is much better in managing the Vietnamese, or Malaysian is much better in managing the Burmese. In case you didn't know its sarcasm.

Living alone, you will die in US-China's hands, too, N.Korea is clear example for u.

In case you've been living under a Rock. We this thing called the UN. If that doesn't enough Indonesia is one of the founder of Non-Aligned Movement. So it may come to a surprise to you, but we're not actually alone .
Oh sure its a common knowledge a Thai is much better in managing the Vietnamese, or Malaysian is much better in managing the Burmese. In case you didn't know its sarcasm.

Then Thai-Malay should share their experience in managing their economy while we will share our experience in building strong army to them.

pls note that : we have Good combat tactic, Perfect spy, ballistic missile , nuke capable missile ,CBU-55 that can kill thousand troops, special 'mud men' who can sabotage enemy's base and withdraw without being detected.
Reashot Xigwin said:
In case you've been living under a Rock. We this thing called the UN. If that doesn't enough Indonesia is one of the founder of Non-Aligned Movement. So it may come to a surprise to you, but we're not actually alone .
No one will make friend with u when u're under US's sanction. So, you will be alone and die.
Then Thai-Malay should share their experience in managing their economy while we will share our experience in building strong army to them.

This is about politic not about military. Are you saying that the Vietnamese can't lead for sh!t? So they needs to resort for other country to manage their affair.

No one will make friend with u when u're under US's sanction. So, you will be alone and die.

I wonder why a moron like you without any understanding of foreign policy is allowed to speak is beyond me. Oh I won't count on it. We are vital to US "pivot" to Asia. If the US actually pull an embargo to us, we can nationalize all their investment in the country & move toward China. Do you want us to join China side? We can share the Whole ASEAN between us. The Indo-China which include you goes to the Chinese, while Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore & Brunei will belong to Indonesia.

US-Indonesia Expand Defense Partnership
I wonder why a moron like you without any understanding of foreign policy is allowed to speak is beyond me. Oh I won't count on it. We are vital to US "pivot" to Asia. If the US actually pull an embargo to us, we can nationalize all their investment in the country & move toward China. Do you want us to join China side? We can share the Whole ASEAN between us. The Indo-China which include you goes to the Chinese, while Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore & Brunei will belong to Indonesia.

US-Indonesia Expand Defense Partnership
China can colude with US to sanction you,learn something from Iran, N.K before saying something idiot
China can colude with US to sanction you,learn something from Iran, N.K before saying something idiot

Seriously? The part where China takes part in sanctioning Iran and NK is when Iran and NK violated U.N's resolution against their Nuclear Program. There hasn't been any bilateral sanctions from China to either Iran or NK as China itself is still buying Iran's oil and supplying NK with key materials for their weapon programs. China is simply doing business with them.

In this discussion of yours with Reashot, Indonesia is unlikely to get any sanctions from UN as we have never been violating its resolutions. So, China will not be colluding with U.S to sanction us, or the other ways around as any sides that befriend Indonesia, they will have the key to win South East Asia.
Seriously? The part where China takes part in sanctioning Iran and NK is when Iran and NK violated U.N's resolution against their Nuclear Program. There hasn't been any bilateral sanctions from China to either Iran or NK as China itself is still buying Iran's oil and supplying NK with key materials for their weapon programs. China is simply doing business with them.
SO you believe that Iran violate U.N's resolution when she allows IAEA to visit her nuclear plant
Nuclear watchdog IAEA inspects Iran, finds no violations - Iranian source

TEHRAN, June 12 (RIA Novosti, Nikolai Terekhov) - An unannounced IAEA inspection of Iranian nuclear sites has failed to find any banned uranium-enrichment activities in the world's most inspected country, a source in the Iranian nuclear energy authority told RIA Novosti.
Nuclear watchdog IAEA inspects Iran, finds no violations - Iranian source *LINK*
It's a lie to find an excuse for tougher sanction and China also support that lie.
nufix said:
In this discussion of yours with Reashot, Indonesia is unlikely to get any sanctions from UN as we have never been violating its resolutions. So, China will not be colluding with U.S to sanction us, or the other ways around as any sides that befriend Indonesia, they will have the key to win South East Asia.
Then, they will lie abt you, they will denounce that you have some kind of weapon of mass destruction like CBU-55, ballistic missile that can attack to Aussie, and ...ops, you're sanctioned.
SO you believe that Iran violate U.N's resolution when she allows IAEA to visit her nuclear plant

It's a lie to find an excuse for tougher sanction and China also support that lie.

Then, they will lie abt you, they will denounce that you have some kind of weapon of mass destruction like CBU-55, ballistic missile that can attack to Aussie, and ...ops, you're sanctioned.

We are a Regional power and a very valuable ally to have in the region. If the world superpower is faced with choosing between Indonesia or Vietnam guess which they're going to pick. The problem with Iran or the NK is that they're "weak." For example the US maintain diplomacy with the Giant Communist China while they still keeping their "medieval sanction" toward small communist cuba. Point is if you're powerful they will try to talk to you if you're weak they won't even bother talking with you.
SO you believe that Iran violate U.N's resolution when she allows IAEA to visit her nuclear plant

It's a lie to find an excuse for tougher sanction and China also support that lie.

Do some research before you talk big okay? Allowing IAEA to visit their nuclear facilities doesn't make them clear from all suspicion regarding the enrichment of nuclear material to the stage of nuclear weapons.

See the list bellow:

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1696 – passed on 31 July 2006. Demanded that Iran suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and threatened sanctions.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 – passed on 23 December 2006. Made mandatory for Iran to suspend enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and cooperate with the IAEA, imposed sanctions banning the supply of nuclear-- related materials and technology, and froze the assets of key individuals and companies related to the program.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747 – passed on 24 March 2007. Imposed an arms embargo and expanded the freeze on Iranian assets.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1803 – passed on 3 March 2008. Extended the asset freezes and called upon states to monitor the activities of Iranian banks, inspect Iranian ships and aircraft, and to monitor the movement of individuals involved with the program through their territory.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1835 – Passed in 2008.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 – passed on 9 June 2010. Banned Iran from participating in any activities related to ballistic missiles, tightened the arms embargo, travel bans on individuals involved with the program, froze the funds and assets of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, and recommended that states inspect
Iranian cargo, prohibit the servicing of Iranian vessels involved in prohibited activities, prevent the provision of financial services used for sensitive nuclear activities, closely watch Iranian individuals and entities when dealing with them, prohibit the opening of Iranian banks on their territory and prevent Iranian banks from entering into relationship with their banks if it might contribute to the nuclear program, and prevent financial institutions operating in their territory from opening offices and accounts in Iran.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1984 – passed on 9 June 2011. This resolution extended the mandate of the panel of experts that supports the Iran Sanctions Committee for one year.

- United Nations Security Council Resolution 2049 – passed on 7 June 2012. Renewed the mandate of the Iran Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts for 13 months.

Then, they will lie abt you, they will denounce that you have some kind of weapon of mass destruction like CBU-55, ballistic missile that can attack to Aussie, and ...ops, you're sanctioned.

Nah, that is unlikely, we already been committing such destructive and genocide actions during our war in East Timor, we even used napalm bomb to burn those East Timorese villages and militia bases, the same bombs the U.S used during Vietnam war right? But there's no U.N sanction against that because our diplomats play their role properly. We already had many of strategic weapons that may threaten Aussie since the first time we got Battleship and jet bombers filled with napalm bombs. Instead of sanctioning us, they befriended us.

Even when the U.S embargoed us from the late 1990's until 2004, we managed to grow fast and doing just fine.

China can colude with US to sanction you,learn something from Iran, N.K before saying something idiot

Nah, we will not sanction Iran, since Iran is our close ally right now.

But NK always has the rebellious nature, she deserved to get sanctioned furthermore.

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