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Asad Umar admits ISI DG told NSC he ‘sees no conspiracy’

ISI should make its findings public?? Why? Just to soothe ego of a spoiled brat, and what is the guarantee he would accept those findings too??
ISI found your Mafroor leader culprit in Panama Leaks JIT. You Patwaris called this JIT report engineered to remove your beloved leader. Now ISI is clean like an angel 😎
Then why resisting judicial commission ?

Why judicial commission?? Why Imran Khan not formed it from March 07 to April 07?? Isn't SC is under influence of "Woh Kon Tha", how SC will favour Imran Khan now??
Why was ISI doing investigation in Panama papers and submitting reports in JIT?
That was Haram ISI because it found his Mafroor leader corrupt. Present ISI is Halal because it found Imran Khan's allegations baseless
Because it was no conspiracy but interference

Elections in 2018 were also constitutional yet you Patwaris called PM Imran Khan selected until your corrupt leader was selected from the same assembly as PM

You nailed Patwarism 🤣🤣🤣

Imran Khan himself accepted that all allies were managed by Selectors, so Imran Khan was selected. Now all allies are managed by political give and take not by generals and even Imran Khan is complaining that THEY are Neutrals.
Forget Imran Khan for a minute and look at this from a moral point of view.

Ask your conscience.

- Is it acceptable for a corrupt money launderer to become PM?
- Is it acceptable for a sizeable number of ministers to be corrupt/murderers out on bail?
- A party leader whose an absconder and a certified criminal?
PTI Secretary-General Asad Umar said Wednesday that the ISI DG had told the NSC meeting he did not see a conspiracy against the government. He, however, said the DG did not produce any document in the meeting to support his claim, adding that it was all verbal.

Talking in a TV show, Asad responded to a question about ISPR chief’s presser denying a conspiracy, saying the army spokesman had only said the JCSC and all services chiefs were present in the meeting and he did not say what their opinion was.

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Secondly, he said the ISPR chief had said the ISI DG told the meeting he did not see a conspiracy and it was true that he had said said that. But, he said, he did not present in the NSC meeting any detailed report or document to corroborate his finding.

He said there had been no document other than cipher presented in the meeting. Asad Umar also said that the DG ISPR had never claimed that all the services chiefs also did not see any conspiracy.

Why Dy. Speaker National Assembly citing this meeting declared all of the opposition members as GHADDARS??
PTI govt ejected ...still lost in the definition.
And please there will be no sanctions placed on Pakistan for importing Russian oil or wheat.

Stop with the misinformation.
Imran Khan himself accepted that all allies were managed by Selectors, so Imran Khan was selected. Now all allies are managed by political give and take not by generals and even Imran Khan is complaining that THEY are Neutrals.
That's why neutrals are managing by elections for Patwari Haramkhor League in Punjab?
Even the so called traitors PTM and a murderer Jokhio were brought out to vote for NCV. Yes, the courts released them with due process to vote for NCV for Showbaz to win.
DG ISI gave briefing that there was no SAZISH, all Services Chiefs remained silent, they didn't supported government narrative by not confronting DG ISI, Asad Umer is saying that they didn't deny Sazish neither they supported Sazish narrative. Asad Umer wanted that COAS and other Chiefs should confront PM directly.
NSA confirmed there was interference. What more do you want? Use your brain. Will Biden and CIA chief come down and tell Pakistanis yes, we did SAZISH against your pm. The memo is a reality not a hallucinated write up. This gov tried everything starting from memo does not exist to interference did not happen, before taking uturns on it.
If you want to play the fool or a patwari (same difference), go on. Don't expect everyone else to.
You have given the pitch to the donkey, how will you bat now ??

I hope OP gets to make money during this PDM government. He is putting in a lot of work, what a dedicated hard worker. Just like in a movie Limitless a pill activated 100% of brain power, these PDM supporters are able to drop the brain power to 0% after eating khota briayani.

Bravo to our loyal Dajjal followers.
They were living in Sindh House because government was attacking on their lodges in Parliament.
They didn't vote for Shehbaz Sharif. Prove 20 crore in court and get jailed them.

We can't buy oil from Russia because of sanctions.

کراچی میں روسی قونصل جنرل آندرے وکٹرووچ فیڈروف نے کہا ہے کہ غیرقانونی مغربی پابندیوں کا حل نکالا جائے تو روس اور پاکستان کے درمیان معاشی تعاون بڑھ سکتا ہے۔​

Privatisation of Mulki Asasy is always part of every budget. This was part of PTI Manifesto too.
kis ko fool banatay ho just apnay ap ko.

recently gawadar ke liye electriciry ka mou sign kara hau iran se. Iran per tou sanctions bhi hai.

Russia se india oil lei raha, europe gas lai raha tum apna manjan bechtay phir rahay ho
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