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Shut down the border until the fence is built, and in the meantime find alternate business for the border traders.

Once the fence is built we need to implement biometric systems to track exactly who comes and goes across the border.
Name the country which bans Ramadan fasting, long beards, veil, Muslim names, Muslim burials etc?

Name the alleged Muslim country that colludes with idol worshippers against a Country that was created in the name of Islam.

Shut down the border until the fence is built, and in the meantime find alternate business for the border traders.

Once the fence is built we need to implement biometric systems to track exactly who comes and goes across the border.

We need to heavily mine the Pakistan/Afghan border.
Name the alleged Muslim country that colludes with idol worshippers against a Country that was created in the name of Islam.

We need to heavily mine the Pakistan/Afghan border.
The Afghanistanis need to understand we (Pakistan) are their brothers not India.
Afghani were employed in pia? And security?? And ground staff ?? They would need support from locals , who care if they were pak or Afghan bad name to pia as well pak and its pak responsibility bottom line

This is not first time though it all started after Afghan invasion in 80s drugs weapons smuggling and trafficking in general
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Afghani were employed in pia? And security?? And ground staff ?? They would need support from locals , who care if they were pak or Afghan bad name to pia as well pak and its pak responsibility bottom line

Nobody cares we are too busy blaming others
Afghani were employed in pia? And security?? And ground staff ?? They would need support from locals , who care if they were pak or Afghan bad name to pia as well pak and its pak responsibility bottom line
An afghani was even employed as Assistant Director in Passport department so its not surprise
We are the ones who have hosted their (Afghanistani) refugees.

They (Afghanistan) should be grateful for that.

In the name of the utterly failed strategic depth over several decades, Afghanistan has been ruined by Pakistan. No point Pakistan crying now about its failed relationship.

Even now, if PAK establishment stops playing the silly double game and stops terrorism support, neither India, nor Afganistan, nor Iran will treat it as the pariah state. That will lead to regional pe ace and development.
In the name of the utterly failed strategic depth over several decades, Afghanistan has been ruined by Pakistan. No point Pakistan crying now about its failed relationship.

Even now, if PAK establishment stops playing the silly double game and stops terrorism support, neither India, nor Afganistan, nor Iran will treat it as the pariah state. That will lead to regional pe ace and development.
We are not supporting terrorism.

Same way India tries to pursue it's interests in Afghanistan, Pakistan will too.

Besides Pakistan has the upper hand because we share a border with Afghanistan and the same culture.

Iran has huge differences with Afghanistan. Should I elaborate?
Some of my friends just back home from their rotation there.

Our presence in Afghanistan is only going to increase. And going to be pretty open moving forward from what I hear.

I do not know about Islam or idol worshippers. But I do understand we have common interests. And they need our help.

What Pakistanis probably forget is that Afghanistan has always been an Indian neighbor.

It's just that in the past 70 years, the creation of Pakistan as a hostile area in between has caused the contact to be arduous logistically.

The ties remain strong. And like Iran, I am quite sure will only get stronger.

Simply put, the region cannot be held hostage to our personal acrimony. It's really time to move on.

Cheers, Doc
Some of my friends just back home from their rotation there.

Our presence in Afghanistan is only going to increase. And going to be pretty open moving forward from what I hear.

I do not know about Islam or idol worshippers. But I do understand we have common interests. And they need our help.

What Pakistanis probably forget is that Afghanistan has always been an Indian neighbor.

It's just that in the past 70 years, the creation of Pakistan as a hostile area in between has caused the contact to be arduous logistically.

The ties remain strong. And like Iran, I am quite sure will only get stronger.

Simply put, the region cannot be held hostage to our personal acrimony. It's really time to move on.

Cheers, Doc

Don't flatter yourself. :lol::rolleyes::disagree:

You have no religious or cultural ties to Afghanistan.
You don't have a border with Afghanistan.

You cannot compete with Pakistan when it comes to Afghanistan.
Don't flatter yourself. :lol::rolleyes::disagree:

You have no religious or cultural ties to Afghanistan.
You don't have a border with Afghanistan.

You cannot compete with Pakistan when it comes to Afghanistan.

I'm talking about Indian soldiers in Afghanistan.

It's a regular posting.

Cheers, Doc
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