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As they say in Kerala, there's more to life than GDP - The Globe and Mail

Some points I want to make:

1.We don't fight over religions,and are tolerant (comparitively atleast)
2.General population takes part in politics in much more actively and correctly.
3.High literacy rate exposure to foreign culture and world.
4.Our forefathers didn't screw up,and gave us some kind of a head start.
Communist party was created for upholding the rights of the working class.
And the working class became endangered after decades of their policies and actions.
Communists fought to give farmlands to the working class from feudal lords.
The farmlands disappeared over the decades, working class became feudal.

Industrialization does have a saturation point in a geographical area like Kerala, breaking it will lead to desertification.
Benny...In which class do you belong??..............I remember i read in some of your post that you own acres and acres of land in TN & Kerala....................Was that true
No .........They Declared Independence on 18th June 1947 .............

So in 1936 when the Temple Entrance Proclamation was done it was basically done as the need of the hour rather than as a steping stone to total independence as you stated earlier or is that the Dewan was a visionary who foretold WW2, the decline of Britian, the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny and eventually the independence of India.

You are referring to rights of tribals. Naturally agricultural land reforms benefited only those who were involved in agriculture. Which is why I put Land and education together. The tribals and others got access to better opportunity via education. Not many today remember the naxal movements in kerala run primarily by the tribals.

Basically the article I quoted states that the land distribution killed off Agriculture in Kerala..but helped in the upward social mobility by providing funds for education.

The answer is Thorium and greed.

How is Greed and Thorium connected to Temple Entrance Proclamation.
So in 1936 when the Temple Entrance Proclamation was done it was basically done as the need of the hour rather than as a steping stone to total independence as you stated earlier or is that the Dewan was a visionary who foretold WW2, the decline of Britian, the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny and eventually the independence of India.

Basically the article I quoted states that the land distribution killed off Agriculture in Kerala..but helped in the upward social mobility by providing funds for education.

Ya, I read the article and I agree with its gist.

C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar was an extraordinary intellect, a brilliant man. Too bad it took a assassination attempt to knock some sense in him. I think a socielist C something Mani cut his nose :lol: ......

How is Greed and Thorium connected to Temple Entrance Proclamation.

My bad, I thought you were referring to the attempt of Travancore to declare independence.
temperament of the people. Kerala model may not work everywhere. where do the income needs to sustain? that must come from Foreign countries?
then, Communism which helped. else, Namboodiris and Nairs under Resp. Rajah's patronage will only remain rich with all the lands belonging to them.
harpoon said:
One of the reasons why the Govt and the people of Kerala panics everytime the news of Saudization or Omanization or other....izations comes out.
Add emiratization to it :D

Yes. For sustainable tourism.

I think what he meant is that Kerala does a poor job in marketing itself or the people it targets.

Hmmm..gotcha Machu!!
Benny...In which class do you belong??..............I remember i read in some of your post that you own acres and acres of land in TN & Kerala....................Was that true

Not in TN anymore, but some acres in various outskirts of my district.

Call me a feudalistic farmer.
With all due respect to Keralites, there is no industry in your state. Most of you guys emigrate to gulf countries, work hard for relativey less pay compared to Arabs, then send that money back. You are forced to stay away from your families, and work hard in a afar away land.

You guys might have all kinds of good social indicators because of the fact that you have gulf money, but entire India cannot develop like you guys did by becoming immigrant gulf labour.
Some points I want to make:

1.We don't fight over religions,and are tolerant (comparitively atleast)
2.General population takes part in politics in much more actively and correctly.
3.High literacy rate exposure to foreign culture and world.
4.Our forefathers didn't screw up,and gave us some kind of a head start.

True, tolerance, co-existence and democratic values can be seen throughout the state.

And I also agree that much of our social development comes mostly thanks to the groundwork laid by the pre independence rulers of Kerala, who spent much of their money on social developments rather than building great palaces etc etc ...

But whether you are communist or not (and I am certainly not) the socialist post independence governments of Kerala did contribute to education, healthcare and other socio economic areas.

For the future, however, we need to make sure that we can use our excellent pool of skilled workforce to the maximum within our state.

And one of the first steps should be to improve our transportation infrastructure in all areas.
Sure, improvements have been made (Upgraded parts of NH 47, Kochi Metro, new container terminal in Kochi or the new terminals and airports) but there is much to do ...
With all due respect to Keralites, there is no industry in your state. Most of you guys emigrate to gulf countries, work hard for relativey less pay compared to Arabs, then send that money back. You are forced to stay away from your families, and work hard in a afar away land.

You guys might have all kinds of good social indicators because of the fact that you have gulf money, but entire India cannot develop like you guys did by becoming immigrant gulf labour.

Kerala is definitely a bad model for development. The HDI has been at the cost of social development. Treatment of women is FAR from satisfactory, alcoholism is rampant and levels of frustration is Way too high.

A recent study by Sakhi, a south asian women's organization showed that over 90 % of women feel unsafe while travelling on Kerala roads after sunset o_O . Over 98% women in Thiruvananthapuram and 99% women in Kozhikode cited sexual harassment as their major concern. This in a state where the literacy level is 94 %.

This is primarily because men do not have much work. Idle mind being a devils workshop and all that.
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Hartal rates have came down big time, it has a negative effect these days.

Only because there is nothing left to Hartal against and most people pay up to the local and non local communist leaders before the hartal can start.

Communist extortion is a way of life. Hafta vasule ...by any other name.
Only because there is nothing left to Hartal against and most people pay up to the local and non local communist leaders before the hartal can start.

Communist extortion is a way of life. Hafta vasule ...by any other name.

Not true.
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