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As they say in Kerala, there's more to life than GDP - The Globe and Mail


Mar 26, 2011
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As they say in Kerala, there's more to life than GDP

Special to The Globe and Mail
Published Friday, Feb. 26 2010, 6:34 PM EST
Last updated Thursday, Aug. 23 2012, 1:37 PM EDT

Any good sex therapist will tell you it's not what you've got that matters. It's more important how you use what you've got.

The same sound advice applies in an economy, too. Statisticians and politicians alike obsess over the latest ups and downs of GDP, assumed to reflect the progress of an entire economy. But in practice, a well-endowed GDP means nothing if it isn't put to good work. If extra economic production (measured by an expanding GDP) does not bring improvements in the human condition, then what's the point?

An outstanding example of this maxim in practice is provided by the economic and social experience of Kerala, a state on the southern tip of India. Kerala has the same population as Canada, crammed into an area smaller than Nova Scotia. But apart from the crowds, Kerala's most unique feature is how it has leveraged its limited GDP to achieve remarkably strong outcomes in health, education and quality of life.

Kerala's literacy is the highest in India, well above 90 per cent. Infant mortality is the lowest. Thanks to grassroots education programs and economic opportunity for women, its birth rate is one quarter of that in the rest of India - lower, even, than in the United States. By these social indicators, Kerala could even be considered a "developed" economy, despite its Third World levels of output. On my own recent travels through the state, I witnessed almost none of the grinding, desperate poverty commonly encountered in most of India.

A stark statistical indicator of Kerala's social success is provided by the United Nations ranking of countries according to its Human Development Index. Taken as a whole, India performs miserably in this ranking and has been slipping (from 126th in 2006 to 134th today) despite its free-market economic boom. Shockingly, even while India's expansion has been praised by everyone from business analysts to our own dancing Prime Minister, the relative well-being of Indians has actually been declining. Steel tycoons, call-centre entrepreneurs and Bollywood producers are certainly loving it - in 2008, 53 billionaires possessed combined wealth equal to one quarter of the annual output produced by India's 1.2 billion people. But the UN statistics confirm that most Indians are not benefiting nearly enough.

Kerala's GDP per capita is decent by Indian standards, but not spectacular. But its superior education and health outcomes push it well up the human development ranking. It boasts the highest HDI of any Indian state. If it were a country, Kerala would rank 77th in the world - ahead of countries with much higher GDP per capita, such as Turkey, South Africa and Peru.

Kerala's unique approach reflects its fascinating political culture. For most of the last half-century, it has been governed by elected Communists (either alone or in coalition with other left parties). Economically, the government has made a priority of public services, small-scale co-ops and rural land reform instead of chasing call centres and outsourced jobs from Western offices. Productivity in some of Kerala's smaller workshops is pre-industrial, but that's still better than doing nothing, which is the fate of tens of millions of dispossessed workers elsewhere in India. Kerala's government has strongly resisted the corporatization of agriculture, and this has helped it achieve the lowest rural poverty in India. Again, the contrast with the rest of the country - 200,000 desperate farmers have committed suicide in the past decade - is jarring.

Kerala's investments in its people have, perhaps ironically, made its people one of the state's most lucrative exports: About two million Keralans work in the Persian Gulf countries (many as doctors, nurses and engineers), sending back billions of dollars worth of remittances each year. But there is also a growing high-tech sector in Kerala itself, centred around a technology park where 25,000 people are employed in the state capital. The complex is owned by the state government but operated in partnership with global IT corporations. This funny co-existence of capitalism and socialism is called "flexible communism" by the locals.

Business owners bemoan the hassle and lost productivity resulting from the strikes and protests that are a regular feature of daily life in highly politicized Kerala. On the other hand, it's precisely because they feel empowered to fight for their interests that Keralans have managed to win the highest standard of living in their vast, diverse country. Other parts of India lose very little work time to strikes, yet their people are demonstrably worse off.

Perhaps that's a lesson for all of us. Higher GDP doesn't automatically translate into human prosperity. We have to stand up and make it happen.

As they say in Kerala, there's more to life than GDP - The Globe and Mail
Thanks Gelf countries, without your kindness in letting my countrymen in and slaving their *** off to provide for their families back home, Kerala would be a basket case.

Kerala has been able to havew a high HDI because of high remittances.

Because the state had a head start when it's Monarchs, The kingdoms of Travancore and Cochin concentrated on social reform and education.

Now is not the time for complacency. We have a good base now, time to focus more and more on GDP.

Kerala also has a massive alcoholism problem, and abysmal suicide rates. It's Urban infrastructure is crumbling.

Frankly, our standards should be higher,

Much higher :)
Why can't this model be replicated to other parts of India? Does it have something to do with their history and culture???
Thanks Gelf countries, without your kindness in letting my countrymen in and slaving their *** off to provide for their families back home, Kerala would be a basket case.

Kerala has been able to havew a high HDI because of high remittances.

Because the state had a head start when it's Monarchs, The kingdoms of Travancore and Cochin concentrated on social reform and education.

Now is not the time for complacency. We have a good base now, time to focus more and more on GDP.

Kerala also has a massive alcoholism problem, and abysmal suicide rates. It's Urban infrastructure is crumbling.

Frankly, our standards should be higher,

Much higher :)

LOL. Finally you said something I agree with :P

Why can't this model be replicated to other parts of India? Does it have something to do with their history and culture???

The question to be asked is it sensible to replicate this model in other parts of India ? As a mallu I would HATE to start any business in kerala or even live in Kerala.

I would just like to appreciate it from far.

On the other hand I do not mind living in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore or Gujarat.

But yes, a lot of it does have to do with its history and culture.
LOL. Finally you said something I agree with :P

The question to be asked is it sensible to replicate this model in other parts of India ? As a mallu I would HATE to start any business in kerala or even live in Kerala.

I would just like to appreciate it from far.

On the other hand I do not mind living in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore or Gujarat.

But yes, a lot of it does have to do with its history and culture.

Why would you not want to start your business in Kerala?
Why would you not want to start your business in Kerala?

Because my family has business in kerala and I know what a pain in the *** it is. :lol:

The entire labour force comes from the North east. Regular hand outs to politicos....the regular need to maintain good relations with politicos and certain influential people. The constant need to drink and make others drink to have a "good time". Not worth it.

Forgot to mention nosy neighbors and relatives who does nothing except talk about people and spying on others. :P
Why would you not want to start your business in Kerala?

Bcs in an instant you will become petty bourgeoisie.

Wow Commies.....................Lal Salam................

Then why Commies failed in WB? I believe the social reform in Kerala has more to do with the mentality of Keralites themselves.
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Why would you not want to start your business in Kerala?

Kerala is a fiefdom of Communists and trade Unions. They have dried up every enterprise in Kerala.

Keralites prosper everywhere except Kerala.

As I pointed out before, Kerala before becoming Independent, had Kings and Queens who were keen on Human development.

Kerala had no shortage of social reformers who spoke out against societal injustices of the day.

It is time to ditch socialism, Kerala can do more, Much more with it's immense Human potential.

It saddens me really :(

Why can't this model be replicated to other parts of India? Does it have something to do with their history and culture???


It always was a gateway for India to the outside world. From the Romans, to the first Muslims to the Venetians to the Potrugese, they all traded with Kerala.

It has a unique Matriarchal tradition.

After Independence, I guess one good thing is that they are intolerant of Massive gaps in power in society.

LOL. Finally you said something I agree with :P

I know we had our differences.

But let's face it, Kerala has commies on one side, on the other side you have the Congress party who imposed Fabian socialism on India leading to it's anaemic growth and labeled it 'Hindu' rate of growth.
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Communist party was created for upholding the rights of the working class.
And the working class became endangered after decades of their policies and actions.
Communists fought to give farmlands to the working class from feudal lords.
The farmlands disappeared over the decades, working class became feudal.

Industrialization does have a saturation point in a geographical area like Kerala, breaking it will lead to desertification.
Communist party was created for upholding the rights of the working class.
And the working class became endangered after decades of their policies and actions.
Communists fought to give farmlands to the working class from feudal lords.
The farmlands disappeared over the decades, working class became feudal.

Industrialization does have a saturation point in a geographical area like Kerala, breaking it will lead to desertification.

I thought the early communist leaders in the 50's did a lot to break exploitative power structures.

There can only be so much industrialization in Kerala.

It's biggest draw has always been tourism.
I thought the early communist leaders in the 50's did a lot to break exploitative power structures.

There can only be so much industrialization in Kerala.

It's biggest draw has always been tourism.

Even tourism industry is not properly planned.
Other than a few good campaigns overseas, the basics are neglected.
Thanks Gelf countries, without your kindness in letting my countrymen in and slaving their *** off to provide for their families back home, Kerala would be a basket case.

Machu I agree on this one.
The output of the state as reported is low but still the economy is doing well because keralites are doing well in "gelf" countries:pleasantry:.

I can not talk for those sitting and laying eggs in New Zealand :D

Even tourism industry is not properly planned.
Other than a few good campaigns overseas, the basics are neglected.
but i read in a newspaper that kerala won some international award recently.
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machu I agree on this one.
The output of the state as reported is low but still the economy is doing well because keralites are doing well in "gelf" countries:pleasantry:.

I can not talk for those sitting and laying eggs in New Zealand :D

but i read in a newspaper that kerala won some international award recently.

I am actually surprised the money in it's entirety is not extorted away.

You still have to invest in schools. And hospitals.

Some people argue HDI is because of people others the government.

Kerala is a fiefdom of Communists and trade Unions. They have dried up every enterprise in Kerala.

Keralites prosper everywhere except Kerala.

As I pointed out before, Kerala before becoming Independent, had Kings and Queens who were keen on Human development.

Kerala had no shortage of social reformers who spoke out against societal injustices of the day.

It is time to ditch socialism, Kerala can do more, Much more with it's immense Human potential.

It saddens me really :(


It always was a gateway for India to the outside world. From the Romans, to the first Muslims to the Venetians to the Potrugese, they all traded with Kerala.

It has a unique Matriarchal tradition.

After Independence, I guess one good thing is that they are intolerant of Massive gaps in power in society.

I know we had our differences.

But let's face it, Kerala has commies on one side, on the other side you have the Congress party who imposed Fabian socialism on India leading to it's anaemic growth and labeled it 'Hindu' rate of growth.
Bcs in an instant you will become petty bourgeoisie.

Then why Commies failed in WB? I believe the social reform in Kerala has more to do with the mentality of Keralites themselves.
Don't forget the Land Reforms of EMS........the CM of First democratically elected Communist government in World
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