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As China rankles Philippines, India goes on Asean charm offensive

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I would rather say that after a few generations, the people from the countries that formerly made up China will begin to grasp the concepts of democracy. Much like the former soviet states are doing now. And India and the other democratic powers will be there to guide them. :azn:

I love it.

I really do hope you guys remember this moment and what your views are now. Wait 20 years then think back, maybe then, just maybe you'd realize what fools you are.
I would rather say that after a few generations, the people from the countries that formerly made up China will begin to grasp the concepts of democracy. Much like the former soviet states are doing now. And India and the other democratic powers will be there to guide them. :azn:

When China ever gets democracy it certainly won't be the crappy democracy India has. So no you won't be guiding anyone besides yourself to oblivion.
This fits into the same category of delusions where Indians think they can sell SK Japan and Taiwan weapons to fight China.

It is you who is disillusioned here.. Show me any GOI statements to support your idiotic statement. if you can not then stop your BS. BTW the guy you replied to is another Chinese from Malaysia..
Are you serious?Indian buy weapon from russia lol.How they manage to sell weapon to them?If they able to make weapon indigenously,I still dont believe the usa will allow sk,japa to buy it.

Like I said. A special category of delusion.
As China is bullying with neighbours it was ment to happen...It includes Japan,Taiwan,South korea,veitnam,Russia,mongolia,Philippines,India, Vietnam, Indonesia, bhutan,brunie allmost all her neighbours have bad taste about China...

nah,brunei and indonesia dont have issue with China.Dont so stupid to put all SE asian country in the list.And also the mongolia and russia,i dont know why you think China is bullying them,provide some news to support your statement.thanks. Same case the india do with bangladesh and pakistan,should i call this is bully?
I had this guy approach me to have my company showcase its self in China at the upcomng Chinajoy conference. He heard about our platform and said "maybe our govt. can use it." To which I said" we are afraid that they may copy/ paste the platform , let alone the govt's need/ emphasis on everything being hosted within its walls.". He looked at me agreed " you are right, we are finding technology companies more and more wary of the our illegal infringements"
Report the personal attacks as Chinese tend to get personal after a bit of debate.

We must be a bit more patient with the Chinese members - they are not used to having debates nor do they recognize that an individual can have thoughts which are anti establishment. They tend to get personal because they generally don't know most facts as well. This is not because they are not intellectual enough - it is just that they have always had their freedom stifled.
I would rather say that after a few generations, the people from the countries that formerly made up China will begin to grasp the concepts of democracy. Much like the former soviet states are doing now. And India and the other democratic powers will be there to guide them. :azn:

ROFL,india not the only democracy country in the world and you think chinese are stupid and need people to guide them how to democracy?You are overestimating yourself-india.
I love it.

I really do hope you guys remember this moment and what your views are now. Wait 20 years then think back, maybe then, just maybe you'd realize what fools you are.

Hey......I know it hurts to realize that the rest of the world hates you. But it is not as if we brought it about, it's all because you show such nice gestures to your neighbors. Anyway, if the great USSR could come to such a fate, I don't see the slightest reason why that cannot happen to you. Besides, inspite of whatever you think you guys are now, you are not even close to what the soviet union was at it's prime. They had half of the world on their side and yet they couldn't make it. Guess what your chances are.......
So what the important of democracy if some country even bad than no democracy?Im not saying that democracy is not good,but dont you bring every issue into democracy,this just show how you stupid in it.

Are you trying to say something? Please present it in coherent prose. Thanks.
We must be a bit more patient with the Chinese members - they are not used to having debates nor do they recognize that an individual can have thoughts which are anti establishment. They tend to get personal because they generally don't know most facts as well. This is not because they are not intellectual enough - it is just that they have always had their freedom stifled.

See this is the special type of retardation only you idiots could bring up. Chinese anywhere have far better education than you who repeat your meaningless dribble over and over again. Its also pointless as I live in the US and Cardsharp Canada. We are perfectly capable of arguing with semi brain dead idiots like yourself.
It is you who is disillusioned here.. Show me any GOI statements to support your idiotic statement. if you can not then stop your BS. BTW the guy you replied to is another Chinese from Malaysia..

So whats the problem if i am a chinese from malaysia?Racist huh?There are many chinese in philiphies,brunei ,sg,indonesia,thailand and vietnam too.So what you think this is a problem?
I would rather say that after a few generations, the people from the countries that formerly made up China will begin to grasp the concepts of democracy. Much like the former soviet states are doing now. And India and the other democratic powers will be there to guide them. :azn:

20 years is too soon. When I meant a few generations - I mean at least 40 odd years.
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