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As China rankles Philippines, India goes on Asean charm offensive

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Many ASEAN countries have no conflicts or dispute with China at all. For those countries, they remain close to China. I do not think they will choose india over China.

So for the ASEAN tilts towards india, I do not see such trend. Certain countries, they may choose to do so, but not for ASEAN overall.

With overly Arrogant China, it will not find too many friends. You can find friends in NK, Pakistan and few others but world is now waking up and preparing to see the bully right into its eyes.
That they fear and hate us and think you're useless and weak.

You don't even speak for your country nevermind the rest of Asia.

I don't expect you to understand the concepts of democracy which allow me to speak for whomever I want. Perhaps a few generations down the line, Chinese society will evolve enough to grasp these rather simple principles.
Your consistently useless posts that have nothing to do with the thread prove you are incapable of any kind of independent thinking.

Do refrain from personal attacks. Try to contribute something which is not guided by anger but by rational thought and logic even if your society frowns upon these characteristics. It is not as hard as you might think - just stick to topic at hand. Thanks.
I don't expect you to understand the concepts of democracy which allow me to speak for whomever I want. Perhaps a few generations down the line, Chinese society will evolve enough to grasp these rather simple principles.

Too bad, I've always wondered what freedom feel like.
Let me say something since im from SE ASIA. From what i see now,China will still very important to SE asia.China have been 1st trade partner with many countries in se asia.Malaysia is one of them.They is no such say we will be on india's side because india still cannot provide the se asia a good benefit.I dont think SE asian will tend to india without any cause,someone say philiphines tend to india?oh come on,i doubt you have been to pinoy place.They are more rely on US.
That they fear and hate us and think you're useless and weak.

First of all, the news is in Filipino media and the comments posted are of few individuals which is not worth a penny..

Here see what ASEAN Secretary has to say.

“India and ASEAN are natural partners,“ said ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan. “Together we are a formidable force.”

I think you have high enough IQ to realize which statement is worthy enough. If not, I can't help.
Do refrain from personal attacks. Try to contribute something which is not guided by anger but by rational thought and logic even if your society frowns upon these characteristics. It is not as hard as you might think - just stick to topic at hand. Thanks.

Report the personal attacks as Chinese tend to get personal after a bit of debate.
Let me say something since im from SE ASIA. From what i see now,China will still very important to SE asia.China have been 1st trade partner with many countries in se asia.Malaysia is one of them.They is no such say we will be on india's side because india still cannot provide the se asia a good benefit.I dont think SE asian will tend to india without any cause,someone say philiphines tend to india?oh come on,i doubt you have been to pinoy place.They are more rely on US.

This fits into the same category of delusions where Indians think they can sell SK Japan and Taiwan weapons to fight China.
I don't expect you to understand the concepts of democracy which allow me to speak for whomever I want. Perhaps a few generations down the line, Chinese society will evolve enough to grasp these rather simple principles.

So what the important of democracy if some country even bad than no democracy?Im not saying that democracy is not good,but dont you bring every issue into democracy,this just show how you stupid in it.
As China is bullying with neighbours it was ment to happen...It includes Japan,Taiwan,South korea,veitnam,Russia,mongolia,Philippines,India, Vietnam, Indonesia, bhutan,brunie allmost all her neighbours have bad taste about China...
Report the personal attacks as Chinese tend to get personal after a bit of debate.

Really. Constantly stating that we have no freedom despite living in the US and Canada is not a personal insult?

I'm not going to generalize Indians like you generalize Chinese but I can say that you two are complete morons.
I think you have high enough IQ to realize which statement is worthy enough. If not, I can't help.

And clearly you don't have enough IQ to realize what passes for diplomatic politeness and gloss.

*you should hear all the nice things Obama said during Hu's presidential visit*
I don't expect you to understand the concepts of democracy which allow me to speak for whomever I want. Perhaps a few generations down the line, Chinese society will evolve enough to grasp these rather simple principles.

I would rather say that after a few generations, the people from the countries that formerly made up China will begin to grasp the concepts of democracy. Much like the former soviet states are doing now. And India and the other democratic powers will be there to guide them. :azn:
This fits into the same category of delusions where Indians think they can sell SK Japan and Taiwan weapons to fight China.

Are you serious?Indian buy weapon from russia lol.How they manage to sell weapon to them?If they able to make weapon indigenously,I still dont believe the usa will allow sk,japa to buy it.
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