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Arundhati Roy says Western journalists told 'No negative news from India'

Maybe I'm not communicating clearly enough. I'll try to be less wordy. My problem is with your assertions

1) India is not exporting natural resources

Obviously India is exporting natural resources. It was a nonsensical assert to make in the first place.

OK I ll give you that, I meant India is not selling resources to anyone at cheap rates.

2) India only export raw material in order to obtain parity in the balance of trade with China.

There is no evidence that India is exporting for the sole reason of balancing trade with China. Trade happens as a matter of convenience, China needs natural resources, Indian companies feels able to meet this market demand. There is no bureaucrat in Delhi saying "our trade deficit with China is too large, get some companies exporting to China whatever it takes"

Did I say that India is exporting iron ore to China "solely" to reduce the trade deficit? I didn't. I was justifying why India needs those minerals. Even if India is unable to use all the iron ore it mines, it can still export it and make money out of it. And if that helps in reducing the trade deficit, even better.


However I still fail to see how am "doing the same thing", due to which you felt the need to refer to "that issue" today.
I would say she is smart Indian without any bias

In an interview with Times of India published in August 2008, Arundhati Roy expressed her support for the independence of Kashmir from India after massive demonstrations in favor of independence took place some 500,000 separatists rallied in Srinagar in the Kashmir part of Jammu and Kashmir state of India for independence on 18 August 2008, following the Amarnath land transfer controversy.[18] According to her, the rallies were a sign that Kashmiris desire secession from India, and not union with India.[19] She was criticized by Indian National Congress (INC) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for her remarks.

In a 2001 opinion piece in the British newspaper The Guardian, Arundhati Roy responded to the US military invasion of Afghanistan, finding fault with the argument that this war would be a retaliation for the September 11 attacks: "The bombing of Afghanistan is not revenge for New York and Washington. It is yet another act of terror against the people of the world." According to her, U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair were guilty of a Big Brother-kind of doublethink: "When he announced the air strikes, President George Bush said: 'We're a peaceful nation.' America's favourite ambassador, Tony Blair, (who also holds the portfolio of prime minister of the UK), echoed him: 'We're a peaceful people.' So now we know. Pigs are horses. Girls are boys. War is peace."

She disputes U.S. claims of being a peaceful and freedom-loving nation, listing China and nineteen 3rd World "countries that America has been at war with – and bombed – since the second world war", as well as previous U.S. support for the Taliban movement and support for the Northern Alliance (whose "track record is not very different from the Taliban's"). She does not spare the Taliban: "Now, as adults and rulers, the Taliban beat, stone, rape and brutalise women, they don't seem to know what else to do with them."

In August 2006, Roy, along with Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and others, signed a letter in The Guardian called the 2006 Lebanon War a "war crime" and accused Israel of "state terror."[35] In 2007, Roy was one of more than 100 artists and writers who signed an open letter initiated by Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism and the South West Asian, North African Bay Area Queers and calling on the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival "to honor calls for an international boycott of Israeli political and cultural institutions, by discontinuing Israeli consulate sponsorship of the LGBT film festival and not cosponsoring events with the Israeli consulate..
She criticizes anything and everything. Some of her criticism is valid.
Anyway, people need to give space to such critics of policy, democracy and society.
@roy_gourav, google "mining scams in India".

Mate am in the mining industry, I know a thing or two about mining scams, in India and the world over. Every country in the world has suffered from these sorta scams. Yes preventive measures needs to be taken to stop these scams and curb corruption, sure. But that doesn't mean India should just sit there with all its resources locked up, scared of these scams.

Its just like any other crime. If tomorrow street crime increases in your city, what do you do? Do you try and get rid of the crime or do you stop stepping out of your home?

I would say she is smart Indian without any bias

Yes when it comes to unbiased and level headed views, she is right up there with Najam Sethi and Pervez Hoodbhoy. :disagree:

Just cause whatever she says, aligns with your point of view, doesn't make her unbiased.
Just cause whatever she says, aligns with your point of view, doesn't make her unbiased.

Just cause whatever she says, not aligns with typical indians point of views does not make her biased.. Its good habit to have look on different issues without wearing glasses of nationalism.
Indian politics starts with the mind set

"Thou shall not talk about Pakistan , as Friends"

And so , all politicians by default spew hate because any other view is not tolorated
Just cause whatever she says, not aligns with typical indians point of views does not make her biased.. Its good habit to have look on different issues without wearing glasses of nationalism.

I hope Pakistanis do what they preach. Although if this forum is anything to go by, the moment someone posts a video of Hoodbhoy and Najam Sethi, they get called qadiani, raw, cia agent and what not, and their argument is discredited straight away.

I couldn't care less about what Arundhati Roy has to say, its the hypocrisy of some posters on the this forum that makes me cringe.
I hope Pakistanis do what they preach
I hope you also practice what you preach :)
I couldn't care less about what Arundhati Roy has to say, its the hypocrisy of some posters on the this forum that makes me cringe.

Yes you don't care about her views that's why you said that her views are not unbiased because i am agree with her views and hypocrisy exist on other side of border as well
Is she a good looking women


I think she has a good head on her shoulders
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