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Arundhati Roy calls for end to Indian ‘occupation’ of Kashmir

Posting once is enough. People can read. If the same news is posted again and again it is called spamming.

Ok, I edited my post. Happy?

That is because they don't ask for Balochistan to go independent of Pakistan. They are true Pakistanis ,who all the while condemning the excesses of the Army, don't call for secession or compromising their national sovereignity.

Najam Sethi calls for Baloch separatism as much as AR calls for Kashmiri separatism.
noone gives 2 shts what this woman says and i still have not got my reply if you guys have a problem with us controlling Kashmir why not do something about it? i guess your leadership still has the painful memory of 1965 stuck in there minds where as the local populace does not because they think they achieved victory in that war i can only pity such fools. :disagree:
AROY again :)
My point is who's listning to her plea,I mean now day even Indian news channel don't bother to call her in debate.Last time I heard in CNN IBN ,she was blabbering and repeatin same point again and again like a broken record.:lol:
Incredible brave woman you mean bilalbhai. there are good indians and she is one of them

I guess she is the only good indian then. Because she's the only indian that talks of liberating kashmir
lol this woman is a Naxalite sympathizer, Israel hater, and she even went as far to criticizing Anna Hazare only those with mental retardation agrees with her views especially those on terrorism in India like 26/11 which she claims is not the work of religious based ideals rather wider issues like poverty unemployment etc :lol:
Ok, I edited my post. Happy?

Its not that it makes me happy..But just makes you look a little less desperate....posting the same news over and over.

Najam Sethi calls for Baloch separatism as much as AR calls for Kashmiri separatism.

I dont remember him saying so..he just asks for accountability of the FC and autonomy/development of balochistan.
Its not that it makes me happy..But just makes you look a little less desperate....

I think Indians should be the last people talking about "repeating news" :lol:

I dont remember him saying so..he just asks for accountability of the FC and autonomy/development of balochistan.

His words aren't any different from AR's. Neither are Pervez Hoodbhoy's words, who said Pakistan should hand over its nukes, & disband its program. But you don't see him threatened to be charged with sedition, do you?
I think Indians should be the last people talking about "repeating news" :lol:

And its funny coming from you who just did it few posts back :lol:

His words aren't any different from AR's. Neither are Pervez Hoodbhoy's words, who said Pakistan should hand over its nukes, & disband its program. But you don't see him threatened to be charged with sedition, do you?

Yes they are different in the sense they dont ask for National sovereignity of Pakistan to be compromised..That is not the case with the anarchist hippie here..

BTW they getting charged or not is not my concern....My concern is if some Indian, whoever it may be, violates Indian law then the Rule of Law will be upheld.Nothing wrong.
Yes they are different in the sense they dont ask for National sovereignity of Pakistan to be compromised..That is not the case with the anarchist hippie here..

You don't even know the history of Najam Sethi. Najam Sethi fought alongside Baloch nationalists in their armed struggle against the military establishment in 1973-77. So yes, he did much more than AR to compromise Pakistan's national sovereignty.

BTW they getting charged or not is not my concern....My concern is if some Indian, whoever it may be, violates Indian law then the Rule of Law will be upheld.Nothing wrong.

Just goes to show how 'free' India is with laws like these ;)
How many times have Paks attacked Najam Sethi's message or NFP's message than attacking them ?

Whatever they say they immediately become unpatriotic, anti-Army, liberal fascists etc..

That's because they don't have an original thought between the two of them. All of their articles are just rehashed Indian/western propaganda. We might as well skip the middlemen and read the original source. In any case, there is a healthy debate within Pakistan about the balance of power between army/civilians, as well as the issue of religious extremism.

A Roy details the Indian army's actions in various internal revolts on people under IA's control. Most democracies keep a close eye on their security forces' excesses -- whether police, paramilitary or army. In India, however, the level of jingoism has reached such heights that anyone who dares stand up for their rights is dismissed as unpatriotic.

Nothing trumps National Sovereignty. Those who are not willing to live under Indian 'occupation' can move to the land that gives them what they want.

This begs the question. The issue itself is that Indian 'sovereignty' is illegitimate in Kashmir.
You don't even know the history of Najam Sethi. Najam Sethi fought alongside Baloch nationalists in their armed struggle against the military establishment in 1973-77. So yes, he did much more than AR to compromise Pakistan's national sovereignty.

Have any source or is it straight out of your ________ ?

Just goes to show how 'free' India is with laws like these ;)

Every nation has its own laws to protect the National Integrity...India is a Democracy, not an Anarchy..What you say is an anarchist society where every Tom Dick and Harry can preach sedition..If a case is filed against her it just shows the Rule of Law is still there in India. ;)
i still have not got my reply if you guys have a problem with us controlling Kashmir why not do something about it?

My approach would be to expose the truth about Indian occupation and brutality to the world through mass media. The whole concept of soft power is alien to the Pakistani establishment, and that has been India's greatest advantage over Pakistan.
Arundhati Roy calls for end to Indian ‘occupation’ of Kashmir and Pakistanis getting excited, as if India will give up Kashmir ! Get this straight, Ms. Roy does not represent India just like Ajmal Kasab doesnt represent Pakistan
That's because they don't have an original thought between the two of them. All of their articles are just rehashed Indian/western propaganda. We might as well skip the middlemen and read the original source. In any case, there is a healthy debate within Pakistan about the balance of power between army/civilians, as well as the issue of religious extremism.

You just proved what I accused you people of.

A Roy details the Indian army's actions in various internal revolts on people under IA's control. Most democracies keep a close eye on their security forces' excesses -- whether police, paramilitary or army. In India, however, the level of jingoism has reached such heights that anyone who dares stand up for their rights is dismissed as unpatriotic.

A Roy is not given credence because she only focusses on one side of the story and worse still exaggerates it to such hyperbole by inserting her own imagination,prejudices that not even her peers give her any credibility.

And as for standing up for their 'right', their 'rights' are not absolute and with every right comes a duty towards the state. Dont do the duty, dont claim the right.Its really that simple.

This begs the question. The issue itself is that Indian 'sovereignty' is illegitimate in Kashmir.

We don't think so.
Have any source or is it straight out of your ________ ?

It is common knowledge that he supported the Baloch national movement, & was caught by the forces, & remained a political prisoner from 1975-77.
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