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Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare

My mother has been crying since the morning seeing Anna Hazare's condition and his patriotism,i also had tears in my eyes when i saw how weak he has become..he is doing all this for the nation,risking his life.And now my mother along with my dad is at Ramlila Maidan..not willing to move an inch from there.I ll be there with her tomorrow morning as well-Point is the sacrifice the 74 years old guy is making.And opportunists like Arundhati Roy are no less than 'desh drohi'

Come on yaar Hazare is just a bit of drama. Roy is an intelectual critical thinker
Come on yaar Hazare is just a bit of drama. Roy is an intelectual critical thinker

We dont need pro maoist, pro seperatists, anti national intelectual critical thinkers ! If it was China, she would be in jail already ! Infact this woman is the drama queen, always looking to grab some head lines.
Come on yaar Hazare is just a bit of drama. Roy is an intelectual critical thinker

Dude,don't go by what the crazy bat says.Most of the unoriginal ideas that she gets comes from unoriginal television chat shows or newspaper editorial sections.As long the vestiges of powers in defense rest with the Parliament and the Judiciary is independent,The Lokpal will not supersede any branch of government in any manner.

The real reason that the government or the opposition isn't favoring such a piece of legislation is because it will undermine the very political platform they operate in.If the Jan Lokpal bill gets passed as law,any candidate or potential candidate will naturally be put through extensive checks of fraud via the opposing political party and any discrepancies or cooked up allegations might be submitted to the Lokpal (which by law they will be forced to investigate)thereby ending the candidate's future if they get implicated,some even before they kick off.Many promising political stars will be serious jeopardy if the bill get enstated.In a country where political career is largely based on your family's previous exploits or personal virtues serving under a party for numerous years,it will come in as a body blow to all the major parties.

Imagine if the Lokpal was active during Rajiv Gandhi years,the Bofors scam would've effectively ended his term in office with him having no chance of getting elected back again.Can you even imagine a similar accusation on Rahul Gandhi? It will terminate his chances on being Prime Minister forever.Same would apply to many national and regional players in the mix.Political dynasties will evaporate given such a scenario.The current government works in a framework of compromise between the Judiciary and Executive branches and a law like this would shake the very core of Indian politics.

That's why political parties are losing sleep over the issue.
Suzzane roy is just cribing, Anna is no superman and too expect that he would have address every issue is plain stupid. And What as Suzzane A Roy has done for the home state. Moreover other than attacking Anna she has not been able give a single suggestion as how to address the monster of Corruption.
Anna Hazare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That lokpal will create an alternative oligarchy.
Please watch this if you don't watch it before.I think some of your questions will be answered through this video.

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When I was in school our teachers used to talk of Anna Hazzare during lessons on Civics. At that time I was not sure of who this guy was. He is at the forefront of social reforms in Maharashtra. He has forced several cabinet ministers and government officials to resign. Many have to tried to find taint his image but have failed. Truly a modern day Gandhi and a more effective one.
Why Bharatis hate this woman so much, She speaks very hones and truthfully. God bless this women :)
she speaks the truth against bharati terrorist army in kashmir as well as Maoists. She also got rewards for her books. She's more qualified then you :rofl:

She havnt done any think for the country except bashing. Stupid Lady dying for popularity by any means.She seems to be mad. I am not sure what is the criteria of Booker's for award. Some of her nonsenses on other issue may be ignored as she was trying to gain politically. But here she looks to be mad while writing. She is completely anti-national and does not deserve to be part of any social groups. She can not be tolerated even for some time.Stupid and sens-less article and comment.
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