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Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare

Is there anything this women doesn't blast? A complete pessimist I tell yah
Shes prolly feeling left out.

Jhola brigade will have a hard time siding with her this time though:lol:
Umm... Big figures in US history like MLK jr, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by their own people. Does it mean they are hated by the majority??

Of course it's silly.

Dmoecracy doesn;t have to be same for each and every country. What works in the West does not mean it will work in India. Its silly to assume that this draft doesn;t help. It helps more than sitting on one;s *** and assuming politicans will save INdia. Keep dreaming for 60 more yrs.
Ever heard of Asma Jahangir?

Don't bother using logic with people who are caught up in the media-created 'hype du jour'.

The fact is that the ruling elite will find ways to circumvent the system and it will be business-as-usual as soon as the media gets tired of this particular hype and moves on to some other juicy story.
I wish there were more people like this woman on both sides of our border she always make thought provoking interesting comments

you already have nadeem paracha, pervez hoodhboy who are more as equal critics as her but the only difference is that they are sane and this lady has lost it......they dont support the taliban as gnadhians with guns while this lady does....
I said besides it, meaning it doesn't have its own prisons.

your english is royally screwed......

But even though it doesn't have its own prisons, it has the power of investigation, surveillance & prosecution.

again no...its does not have conviction power which is more important...even if they prosecute if the accusd is found not guilty he can go away..its not like lokpal itself will sentence him...moreover the lokpal will mostly be made up of retired judges who know the legalities..so no problem...
Arundhati Roy=Indian Dolores Umbridge.
Reading the comments, what comes to my mind is people are misled on the Janlokpal features. Some myths I see

a) It investigates, prosecutes and gives judgement :

>>>>>> Completely false. Jan Lokpal has powers to investigate the corruption and make a case and from there on Judiciary takes on. Where this body will succeed where CBI fails is that this is going to be independent and hence doesnt fear/favor anyone in government. Remember in Raja's case, CBI was doing nothing for couple years till SCourt rapped them.

b) Creates Oligarchy: - meaning seperate body of super powers

>>>>>There are good amount of checks and balances. After every case is completed ( Janlokpal requires closure in 2 years), the details are published to the public. Hence any wrong doings on any investigation can easily be found by public, media, politicians, judiciary.
Hence its activities are completely ACCOUNTABLE to public.

In addition Janlokpal is required to be transparent in its proceedings through regular updates ( info which doesnt compromises investigation). Result - Totally TRANSPARENT process

Now compare this with CBI's dodged manner of investigation in Bofors and release of Quotrachi's assets. No one has clue why CBI was sitting idle without any appeal for months. [Ofcourse we all know Sonia's clout on this gov]

When such accountability and transparency is implemented, the changes of this body is very less. Even if something goes wrong, its brought to public notice at the earliest ( not change of govts as it happens now) and acted upon

c) Who will ensure this body is not corrupt?

>>>Valid question, reflects our distrust to any public body. Any public person can raise complaint against any member of the lokpal in Supreme Court and the court should take this case and investigate and complete in timebound manner ( x months, dont recollect the figure).

Now tell me, in current setup, you find CBI officer corrupt or Chief Eclection COmmissioner corrupt, do you've any means to prosecute them ---nah. You get into details, you soon realise that the Team Anna was thought through every detail and framed up a strong bill

d) How can this body control 1.2 crore govt babus/politicos

>>>This body is not to monitor their activities on daily basis but only on corruption complaints. The very implementation of the lokpal bill and its stringent punishments will automatically induce fear among babu's and most will stop it.(I hope). Now lets say that doesnt happen, we need a large body of investigating officers and the expenditure thereof.....You dont need external funds, but more corruption this body prevents, more savings the government has in its kitty and it can fund this Lokpal body. Remember roughly 75% is ciphoned off due to corruption, before it reaches the public. Now imagine what magic this 75% savings can do.

e) Its the public which fuelled corruption / We Indians are basically corrupt:

>>>>There are 3 kinds of people - 5% who will be honest irrespective of the environment, 90% - who ride the tide - good example is how desis who bribe here but become honest with go abroad and 5% - who will be always corrupt irrespective of the envornment.

The 90% populace easily can be made honest, when you provide such a system to them. Rarely you see a desi going extra mile to get his work done quick in US, since he knows system there doesnt allow it.

f) Center cant create Lokayuktas. ONly states should do it.

>>>I Agree on this on paper, but tell me, are you ready to fight it in each state. We are looking at getting this done in 20+ states where no lokayktas exist. This is clear case of divide and rule employed by Congress.
Also, this ends up in different states having its own version of Lokayukta ( which is currently the case with 5-6 states having Ayukta). What the Janlokpal bill requires a uniform implementation through the country..

As a humble protestor, if we dont push this bill through this time, we will never get another chance.
Good thing about this movement is that it took the politicians by surprise, but now awake, do you think politicians will give us a second chance. [ Do you know 13 RTI activists killed this year so far?]

f) Parliament is Supreme/Against democracy:

>>>>All these are glorified terms/institutions of the core coonstitution 'We, the people'. Remember its the people that matter, not these symbols.
That said, the democracy, we elect 'Representative'. Note that we dont a Maharaja, but a 'Representative' who should represent the people wishes. Now tell me, when such huge movement is happening, did any MP visited his constituency and seeked opinion ? None. So what kind of democracy we are running.

We didnt give license to these MPs to present their personal views or party's views. They are there for the people

Guys, think of this : What does this 74 year old and his associates trying to gain by this. Next election? Suitcases?. Nope.
Lets give this team a chance.
Reading some immature comments from some people here..who don't even know the Jan Lokpal completely,i can only laugh.

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

why ? Let the jokers do their work

Every one have right for criticism. This is the beauty of Indian democracy

Dnt you know "kutte to bhokte hi rahte hai " she is a lady version;)
criticism is okay..but everytime you come in front of media..something anti-India!? there must be something fishy.
Don't bother using logic with people who are caught up in the media-created 'hype du jour'.

The fact is that the ruling elite will find ways to circumvent the system and it will be business-as-usual as soon as the media gets tired of this particular hype and moves on to some other juicy story.

That is a very lame excuse(the bold part). In no case you can put a 100% stop to it, there will be always flaws in the system for someone to hide. But "MAJORITY" can be tackeled (Say around 60%). and thats more than enough to live a 60% better life.

and I will be happy if the situation even improves 30%!!!...So stop being a pessimistic, Optimism will only bring good result.
My mother has been crying since the morning seeing Anna Hazare's condition and his patriotism,i also had tears in my eyes when i saw how weak he has become..he is doing all this for the nation,risking his life.And now my mother along with my dad is at Ramlila Maidan..not willing to move an inch from there.I ll be there with her tomorrow morning as well-Point is the sacrifice the 74 years old guy is making.And opportunists like Arundhati Roy are no less than 'desh drohi'
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