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Artillery Btn moved to LoC as Pak shells Poonch posts again

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The indian only understands force, talk peace and he becomes aggressive, show him the clenched fist, and he becomes a lamb.

You are a fool to believe that..every time, you have tried to be aggressive, you have come off worst than you strtd.

May that be 47-48, when you lost Kashmir 3/5th of Kashmir due to your foolish aggression.

or 65 war ..where you lost more men and material and gained nothing for it..and in the process made mortal enemy, which 6 yrs later will break you country into half.
Kargil...where despite being aggressive and loosing numerous men ..all you gained was international humiliation.
3 Pakistani soldiers were killed by the Indian army on the LOC just last year in September. Less than a year ago . Check out the responses of Indian members on that thread and contrast it with the chest-thumping responses of the Pakistani members on here . Shows you the difference between the two people's culture and civilisation.


:) Proud of my countrymen for their maturity when the Pakistani soldiers were killed on the LOC .

There are countless threads of Pakistan people alo being nice when Inian soldier dies
Whatever became of India pre 1947 was not in our hand, we did what we could, maybe you forgot Pakistan was sliced from India due to a single fanatic person.

We can count of 48, 65, 71 and 98 and what can you talk about a stand-off alone :tdown:
When it puts icing on your cake, talking on the likes of '71 is fine, but when you are cornered with the likes of Punjab massacre or Gujarat genocide, it all becomes past history......talk about cherry picking..... just a reminder, today's Pakistan is not of 1971, it doesn't has to defend a land thousand miles away separated by enemy territory.... for you are a witness to the game being played in erstwhile Afghanistan and Pakistan taking it's stand against the likes of NATO.
When it puts icing on your cake, talking on the likes of '71 is fine, but when you are cornered with the likes of Punjab massacre or Gujarat genocide, it all becomes past history......talk about cherry picking..... just a reminder, today's Pakistan is not of 1971, it doesn't has to defend a land thousand miles away separated by enemy territory.... for you are a witness to the game being played in erstwhile Afghanistan and Pakistan taking it's stand against the likes of NATO.

why do you Pakistanis insist up on insulting your own country. if you compare your state and Army with street Rioters, all we can do is smile and leave. we have standards and values which you obviously don't. However, It should be obvious even for a moron to not compare events like state/Army using rape as a Policy to deal with an insurgency and a riot by idiots that happened after incidents like assassination, Pilgrim Train Burning.
well, there you have it. You can keep ranting about Genocide, minority oppression, Khalistan, Kashmir.
You are a fool to believe that..every time, you have tried to be aggressive, you have come off worst than you strtd.

May that be 47-48, when you lost Kashmir 3/5th of Kashmir due to your foolish aggression.

or 65 war ..where you lost more men and material and gained nothing for it..and in the process made mortal enemy, which 6 yrs later will break you country into half.
Kargil...where despite being aggressive and loosing numerous men ..all you gained was international humiliation.

Forget about it he is a lost case . He knows the facts but he won't admit them . Ghairat is more important than facts you see.

There are countless threads of Pakistan people alo being nice when Inian soldier dies

not good enough . The situations are both very similar yet the reactions are extremely different. Anyway carry on :tup:
A salute to our brave soldiers, keeping the hordes away from the motherland.

RIP to the poor indian soldiers, they were only doing their duty, condemn their political masters for ordering them to fire on innocent women and children.

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RIP to the poor indian soldiers, they were only doing their duty, condemn their political masters for ordering them to fire on innocent women and children.

So you are happy that your country violates ceasefire?

And we think these people should be given another chance! Making peace with people with no respect to values is foolish to say the least.
So you are happy that your country violates ceasefire?

And we think these people should be given another chance! Making peace with people with no respect to values is foolish to say the least.

We only retaliate to unproved firing.
When it puts icing on your cake, talking on the likes of '71 is fine, but when you are cornered with the likes of Punjab massacre or Gujarat genocide, it all becomes past history......talk about cherry picking..... just a reminder, today's Pakistan is not of 1971, it doesn't has to defend a land thousand miles away separated by enemy territory.... for you are a witness to the game being played in erstwhile Afghanistan and Pakistan taking it's stand against the likes of NATO.
Punjab and Gujarat are not external matters, they are classified as Internal issues, I can name few from across the border also but the point is about war or conflicts with Pakistan.. so stop derailing the topic.

Pakistan taking stand against NATO, when did that happen? Do you mean stopping their supplies?
Its a matter of shame that you guys are allowing/ignoring the drone attacks on your 'soil' and then you say you guys are taking a stand? How will you go against NATO, pray tell me, the day US decides it has enough of you guys, see what collapses first.
what is the scenario now? Is the fire exchange still going on? it should be ceased.
Who Pakistanis and Indians putting their hands up to invaders from Afghanistan and Uzbekistan ? Actually it was your ancestors who put up their hands and converted to the invaders religion . Indians mostly stood their ground and maintained their history, religion , culture and dignity .

Btw the rule was far less than 1000 years . Start picking up other books rather than 'Pakistan studies'.

Nah ur hindu kings just married their daughters to evil central asians... try sleeing now.
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