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Article about Pakistan economy and role of its Army

Only thing that is important is if this control helps making economy better or not.If things not become better in next 5 to 10 yrs even if army has control over economy they will not be able to keep this control as public will ultimately become fed up of the system and may revolt due to loss of trust on govt .
Stupid article without the basic understanding of the Pakistani economy.
Things are bad and reforms are not done .
To carry out reforms and to make things better in last 3 years, the government is ready to take hard decisions now .
They have slowed down the economy to stabalize the economy . There has been cry and hue in media.. If their is not and things calm down investors are lining up.
Preceptions are made in media and infront of pod media government cannot do anything .
An article by Taha Siddiqui, haha what more can you expect....

"some have speculated that the earlier announcement was just a PR exercise aimed to fool creditors like IMF" hahaha, like what??? Can someone tell this f-tard that the budget was presented in june and IMF approved the loan in july. And yes, according to this ___ IMF got duped.

@waz @The Eagle Title is wrong, is in the wrong section and also the content is not pasted here.

Btw, there was 1138 Billion Rs spent on defense in 18-19, and in budget 19-20 it is estimated to be 1152 Billion Rs, I don't know where did he came-up with 17.6% increase percentage? And this is public info and that too with the rupee devaluation. Just to be clear 18-19 budget was revised number of times because of government change in the form of mini budget.
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Almost all financial indicators have seen a downward trend. The growth rate fell by almost 50 percent from 6.2 percent to 3.3 percent.

This MF does knot know GDP growth was 5.2 % not 6.2 %

Is this the case, this story is told in India that Pakistan Army has more control than its government. Want to ask people across border if its true and what are thier views on this.
Economy has always been better under military rule -FACT

People don't care who is running the show as long as they are kept happy -FACT

Army is the most popular institution in Pakistan -FACT

Given internal and external threats Pakistan face including a much larger hostile neighbor with a defence budget 7X ours , we cannot afford defence spending cuts. Anyone in our boots would do the same.

As far as his drivel of "millitant groups organizing in Pakistani soil targeting Afgh and Ind" is concerned;
1- IOK is not India to begin with. And Pakistan is not organizing any group to conduct attacks there, mostly it is a result of India's own policies towards Kashmir. Since 2003-4, Pakistan is complying with US and India as far as the use of militant groups in Kashmir is concerned. Training camps were shut down and assets were frozen. We cannot hang certain individuals to appease India now. So, deal with it.
2- Afghanistan - Again, no evidence presented by author of any group operating from Pak soil. Atleast after Zarb-Azab, there is no stronghold of any group left along Af-Pak border.
3- Indo-Afghan alliance continues to use Afghan soil to arm, train, fund and support anti-Pakistan Baluch terrorists and TTP elements -A fact conveniently ignored by Taha 'bourne' Siddique. That means Pakistan is now justified to use any option available to it against anti-Pakistan countries.
At the end of the day if people of Pakistan are happy with military on top, then world body should respect sentiment of people....This is one thing which i do not like about is their preaching habbit to nation about kind of goverance one should adopt...
On a side note, the writer was the same person who made the ridiculous claim of having escaped an abduction attempt by 10 ISI commandos.

What a Kanjar.
If people are happy under Military rule, why push Democracy? Military is undoubtedly most popular institution.

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