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Arshad Khan, aka #Chaiwala

@Taimoor Khan @Maverick_D .....Can u please tell me what is background of Yousufzai Pashtun community, what are their traits? I m Yousufzai Pashtun but I don't anything regarding my own community...

Asking both of you....:)
I had the DP of little girl...u r correct as I like the children, especially of northern areas. So thats why I chose that DP of beautiful little girl...Now, I m having another DP, this time of boy, he also belongs to Northern areas....:)

This account was never associated with girl and never I had Turkish flag....My location and gender is as same it was when I joined the forum....:enjoy:

I m male, 23 years old Pakistani who loves children. :-)
I too was wondering where that cute adorable little child had gone too, this new pic is equally cute and yes I have been to the Northern areas, the kids are very cute indeed.Kudos
@Taimoor Khan @Maverick_D .....Can u please tell me what is background of Yousufzai Pashtun community, what are their traits? I m Yousufzai Pashtun but I don't anything regarding my own community...

Asking both of you....:)

I havent done research on individual Pakhtoon tribes as such, but rather Pakhtoons as an ethnicity, I was more interested in understanding the ancient Pakistan and its Indus civilization, which lead me to research Pakhtoon origins.

There is a Jew guy who made a documentary about it. He managed to even find some tablets near Mardan, written in Aramaic, a language which was before Hebrew. Ignore the Jewish non sense, but its gives an interesting perspective from the other side.

Not on me it depends which Kind of search you have done and saved in your browser cookies and according to your search history youtube suggest you videos which means every browser different suggestion.:lol:

You need to change your search habits brother.

@Moonlight @friendly_troll96
lmao he must be a noob to blame recommended videos on you that show up on his screen. :eek::lol:
khair here's the noob's guide to youtube:
1) watch youtube in incognito
2) clear + pause youtube history
3) use privazer if your youtube goes nasty
What exactly did you find objectionable in my post. I was trying to analyze the statement made by the other poster based on the biblical timeline.
After a second reading, my mistake, sorry, I got confused between the posts:-)

Here is the family tree of Qais Abdur Rasheed

View attachment 344738

According to Pakhtoon own account, Qais was the first among them to accept Islam and not only that, he took his "baith" on Prophet (PBUH) hand personally. On his return, he spread Islam among the Pakhtoon tribes. So that makes him close to Talut (Saul) time wise.

Aristotle, he researched the origins of Hebrew. Hebrews means "wanderers from east". According to him, the Ancient hebrews were a tribe of "Indus", dislodged by the deluge of Noah. Quran also mentioned that ancestors of Bani Isreal were with Noah on the arc. This actually brings in another , however off topic point, about ancient Pakistan and its Indus civilization, when connecting dots, it seems Indus civilization was infect the nation of Noah, to which we the present day Pakistani draw lineage from, geographically speaking. Looking at bigger pictures, for Pakhtoons or Bani Isreal, its a journey back to the lands of their ancestors, call it grand plan of Allah the Almighty.

The lot of BS in your statement considering that return of 10 tribes is considered absolutely essential in Judaic end time prophecies as without their return your "Messiah" wont appear. Atleast learn about your own faith first before coming up outlandish claims.

As for Khazar connection, it maybe bullshit to you, but Bani Isreal was neither Caucasian or pale skin europen/Russian look alike. Most of Jews today are from Russia/Ukraine/eastern European linage. And that is where the Khazar empire was. Jews today, majority of them are Jews by faith, converted Jews, and everyone respect that as its the matter of faith, but to say they are the Bani Isreal of holly land is utter non sense.

Thomas Ledlie explain: "Israelites, or the Ten Tribes, to whom the term Israel was applied – after their separation from the House of David, and the tribe of Judah, which tribe retained the name of Judah and had a distinct history ever after. These last alone are called Jews and are distinguished from the Bani Israel as much in the East as in the West."

Bottom line is, Jews at best are the people of Judah, They are not people of Israel, home of lost tribes. You have lied to the world and hijacked the history. At best , your country should have been named as Judah. As Israel got nothing to do with Jews or Judaism. Dont talk BS, Israel and Judah were sworn enemies, they fought with each other for 100 years! Even today, Pakhtoon tribes have hostility against each other which is passed down generation after generation.
Again, the answers are in the quote that you cited me.
You can not play with reality and facts to fit it in your Ideology, but believe in what you want, it does not really matter

Here is the family tree of Qais Abdur Rasheed

View attachment 344738

According to Pakhtoon own account, Qais was the first among them to accept Islam and not only that, he took his "baith" on Prophet (PBUH) hand personally. On his return, he spread Islam among the Pakhtoon tribes. So that makes him close to Talut (Saul) time wise.

Aristotle, he researched the origins of Hebrew. Hebrews means "wanderers from east". According to him, the Ancient hebrews were a tribe of "Indus", dislodged by the deluge of Noah. Quran also mentioned that ancestors of Bani Isreal were with Noah on the arc. This actually brings in another , however off topic point, about ancient Pakistan and its Indus civilization, when connecting dots, it seems Indus civilization was infect the nation of Noah, to which we the present day Pakistani draw lineage from, geographically speaking. Looking at bigger pictures, for Pakhtoons or Bani Isreal, its a journey back to the lands of their ancestors, call it grand plan of Allah the Almighty.
Saul's son is not jeremaya who was a prophet 400 years after
Saul's sons are:yehonatan(Jonathan),malkisho'a and avinadav-all died with saul in battle,saul had another son named eshba'al,and two girls meirav&michal,michal married to david,and another two sons from his mistress named armani&mefiboshet
Again it is probably missionaries who gave them the tradition that they are from the "10 lost tribe",like people in africa or central america or mormons in the us.
*maybe you have other proves which i would love to see,it's interesting issue
his new pic


  • FB_IMG_1476916181728.jpg
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Yeah he looks kinda ugly in the videos and every other pic except the orginal chai wali one. Doesn't know how to carry tees and suits and pose for the camera (not his fault of course), and has a droopy lower lip (he could try keeping his mouth closed).

Them jaahils giving him makeovers and fucking up his hair and overall looks should know that just because a hairstyle is popular doesn't mean it'll automatically look good on any face shape nor can every guy pull off the clean shaven look.:hitwall::sick::tdown:

In chai wali pic he's easily an 8.5/10 while in so called raju ban gya gentleman ones a poor 4/10.
laanat hmaray stylists pe. *gaaliyan*

what are you guys talkin about? i'm confused as muffins. :undecided:
now i am intrigued. would love to see your pic and styling sense.
Again, the answers are in the quote that you cited me.
You can not play with reality and facts to fit it in your Ideology, but believe in what you want, it does not really matter

Have you bothered reading and understanding? Its not rocket science really, Jews, the follower of the religion called Judaism came from the southern Kingdom of Judah, however, the northerners, the ten lost tribes, were a separate entity, and got nothing to do with Judaism. You lot deliberately lie and present Jews as race, rather followers of a religion. Bani Israel is the race, not Jews. Bottom line is, when the original Israel , which was NOT Jewish, was enemy of Judah (home of Jews), why on earth the present country who called itself home of Jews, named itself as Israel. The term Israel was exclusively used for the northern Kingdom.

Just a food for thought.

This is how the ancients of Bani Isreal looked like, according to the western depiction, nothing to do with Muslims:




This is how the modern day Jews look like:


download (1).jpg


And this is how modern day Pakhtoon look like:




It seems someone has carried on the tradition of past and someone just forgotten about it or perhaps was alien to the traditions to begin with.
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