Not really an easy option on this type of bird, check :
View attachment 292727
A good Martin_Baker weighs 130-150 lbs almost a tenth of the Super Mushshak's 1,675 lbs empty weight.
Of course, attachments and the whole canopy would have to be redone too and would gain weight. At some
point, you might need to use very light pilots or even take one seat out but the latter would severely impact
formation of the trainees.
And yet, despite all of the above, some sites say it indeed has ejection seats. Not having seen one myself save
on pictures and videos, I can't say for sure but I'd need a few precise images or diagrams to believe it.
How do they clear the canopy without an explosive flange?
Does it fully eject? No pop out charge is apparent!
In any case, what is the 3rd person AKA passenger to do : bail out from the side door? With a parachute?
Maybe someone can tell us who's touched it IRL?
GN all, Tay.