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Army warns of 'stronger response' in case of any 'misadventure' by India

The best thing about DG ISPR is he has much less medals but a lot more strength of character...
Awards of PA cannot be compared with the crap the Gangadesh terrorist army gives to its terrorist for killing the unarmed civilians, showering volleys of pellets on the innocent kids, using captives as human shield etc.
Army warns of 'stronger response' in case of any 'misadventure' by India
Dawn.comUpdated August 09, 2019

In a post shared on Twitter on Friday, Gen Ghafoor responded to a video of Indian Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen Kanwal Jeet Singh Dhillon. — ISPR/File
The Army's media wing on Friday dismissed a statement made by the Indian Chinar corps commander — in which he accused Pakistan of being "involved in disrupting the peace in Kashmir Valley" — as "usual blatant lies".

Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen Kanwal Jeet Singh Dhillon, during an interaction with reporters, was asked if he thought Pakistan would "increase their attempts to try and spoil the law and order situation in the Valley".

"Pakistan Army and Pakistan have always been involved in disrupting the peace in Kashmir Valley. So I would like to believe that they are good enough to do it and recently there's been statements which have come up in which they are openly threatening about certain incidents in the Valley," Dhillon had responded. "Notwithstanding we will take care of all of them, let anyone come and try and disrupt the peace in Valley, we will have him eliminated."

Director General (DG) Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, in a tweet shared in the early hours of Friday, termed the statement "an attempt to carve out casus belli for a misadventure to divert world attention from precarious situation & atrocities in [Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir] IOJ&K".

'Casus belli' is a Latin expression meaning "an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war".




Usual blatant lies. An attempt to carve out causes belli for a misadventure to divert world attention from precarious situation & atrocities in IOJ&K. While IOJ&K faces media blackout, AJ&K is open to foreign media & UNMOGIP to visit place of their own choosing. Can you do same? https://twitter.com/chinarcorpsia/status/1159556740741865472 …

Chinar Corps - Indian Army


"Lately #Pak has been openly threatening about certain incidents in #Kashmir. Notwithstanding we'll take care of all of them; let anyone come & try & disrupt the peace in valley, we will have him eliminated!"- #ChinarCorpsCdr#IndianArmy #commonCausePeace @SpokespersonMoD @adgpi


1:48 AM - Aug 9, 2019
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Ghafoor added that while Indian occupied Kashmir was facing a media blackout, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) was open to the foreign media and the United Nations Military Observers group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) could visit places of their choice in AJK.

"Can you do the same?" he asked Lt Gen Dhillon.

In another tweet, Ghafoor said that Pakistan would respond to any attempt of "misadventure" by the Indian Army with a response "even stronger" than on February 27, when the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had shot down Indian aircraft inside Pakistani airspace and captured a pilot.

Gen Ghafoor added: "Thousands of Indian troops have failed to suppress just struggle of brave Kashmiris for decades. Current surge won’t succeed either".

India this week revoked Article 370, which gave occupied Kashmir an autonomous status, and legislated to bifurcate the Valley into Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir.

In response to New Delhi’s move to annex occupied Kashmir, Pakistan on Wednesday resolved to downgrade diplomatic relations with India and suspend all bilateral trade.

India, however, has termed it an "internal matter" and asked Pakistan to review its decision. Meanwhile, a communications blackout and security clampdown imposed late Sunday in occupied Kashmir entered its fifth day on Friday. By Thursday, Indian security forces had arrested more than 500 people in the region.

UN chief urges not to change Kashmir status
UN Secretary General António Guterres on Thursday called on all parties to refrain from taking steps that could affect the status of Jammu and Kashmir, which is recognised as a disputed territory by the United Nations and the Security Council.

Noting that the secretary general was following the situation with concern, the statement clarified that the UN position on Kashmir was tied to its own charter and applicable Security Council resolutions. He also appealed to both India and Pakistan to show “maximum restraint” while looking for means to resolve this 70-year-old dispute.

Earlier on Thursday, the United States also noted that India’s decision to annex Kashmir could increase instability in the region.

“The secretary general calls on all parties to refrain from taking steps that could affect the status of Jammu and Kashmir,” said a statement issued by his office.
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Okay let me get it straight. Dg ISPR clearly said "if indian army takes up any misadventure then pakistans response will be greater than 27th"
But why will india take up any misadventure now ? Onus of taking the misadventure is upto pakistan coz we have already done our thing in kashmir.
Its funny actually, we are waiting for pakistans misadventure and pakistan is waiting for indian misadventure. Mean while public stays glued for coming years and nothing happens. :no:
Oh Munga....punga le na

Indians will get attacked by the mujadeen and they will blame pakistan and try to show their super power. Hope you get that bro
Yes Imran khan has also talked about pulwama style attack. Good luck in that case again narrative will be with india again and how the rest of events follows no one can guess. Besides fatf meeting coming next month or so p5 will be ready with the stick on every possible institutions.
Nor just relax....remember fed 26...india was a superpower. Untouchable by us..
Feb 27...they got bitchslapped and didnt come back. God is always with the patient. Indians are good at talking. Let them.
ya kia story hai?
Aap ki housing society ka Kya bana waisay why you talk about housing societies all the time if they have snached your land or something like that
Aap ki housing society ka Kya bana waisay why you talk about housing societies all the time if they have snached your land or something like that

housing society, real estate destroyed Pakistans economy specially khis law and order.

and housing scheme is just a symbolic representation of ever expanding maslihat enterprise the job they are not suppose to do but they do and have to make compromises
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