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Army wants to become part of CPEC administration

Someone please explain why there is no accountability of Army ? Why NAB is not allowed to probe scams in
DHA, Askri, Fauji Foundation, Royal Palm, New Islamabad Airport, NLC, dealings with Malik Riaz, Bol Network etc ?
Who told you that? wait few days you will be surprised ;)
Who told you that? wait few days you will be surprised ;)

Gen. Sharif is working on establishing strict rules for military accountability. I don't know if those will hold true after he'll leave. Wish Pakistan has a few more generals after him, who are like him so this ship called Pakistan, can head in a good direction. Together with civil and military accountability, you'd solve a huge issue of accountability all across!! Fair play or everyone :enjoy:
CPEC should be monitored by the Army, there is no reason to trust a corrupt regime in Islamabad.
And who would ensure that Army is properly overseen?

Who told you that? wait few days you will be surprised ;)
yeah we have been hearing this for how much a decade. Heck they can't even take the name of Musharraf in Panama leaks and you're talking about serving ones :lol:
And who would ensure that Army is properly overseen?

yeah we have been hearing this for how much a decade. Heck they can't even take the name of Musharraf in Panama leaks and you're talking about serving ones :lol:

Because Musharafs name isn't on the Panama list.


ISLAMABAD: The military establishment has sought a formal role in the administration and execution of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to accelerate work on $46 billion projects – a proposal which the federal government is reluctant to accept.

The army has shared with the federal government proposal of setting up a CPEC Authority, sources told The Express Tribune. The authority is proposed to be headed by a chairman, who is to be assisted by director generals, responsible for execution of the CPEC projects.

They said the move is aimed at getting a formal role in the execution of all the projects, which will be financed under the $46 billion package, offered by China. The CPEC is a network of roads and rail links which will link western China to the Arabian Sea through Pakistan’s Gwadar port. However, independent analysts see it as a move to venture into an area, which is predominantly under the civilian control. Currently, the security of the CPEC is already with the army and it has raised a strong force of about 15,000 personnel to protect the Chinese investment and its citizens.

After doing spadework, which continued for about one and a half year, Pakistan and China signed agreements for implementation of the $46 billion projects in April last year. However, progress on the projects has remained slow.

The minister for planning, development and reform, Ahsan Iqbal, confirmed to The Express Tribune that he received an informal proposal to set up the CPEC Authority about six months back.

Iqbal, however, said he did not find the proposal feasible. In his views, the authority would add another layer of bureaucracy, which would slow down the pace of work instead of accelerating it. “Setting up an authority will mean involving three-dozen more people in decision-making process,” Iqbal said.

Currently, various ministries are responsible for implementation of the CPEC projects and the Planning Ministry coordinates with all of them. He said the CPEC Authority could undermine the role of Central Development Working Party (CDWP) and Executive Committee of National Economic Council (Ecnec) –the federal bodies responsible for approval of development schemes.

The sources said there was also a proposal for making the CPEC a part of the National Action Plan, the country’s counter terror policy adopted in the wake of the December 2014 brutal attack on a school in Peshawar. This proposal was also not accepted at the highest level of the civilian setup.

Currently, the pace of work on the CPEC projects is slow but Iqbal said it was because of China. “Pakistan has done its part of work and is waiting for approvals from the Chinese side,” he added.

For example, the contractor could not be moved on Gwadar Eastbay Expressway project at the agreed dates due to change of executing agency by Chinese authorities. Similarly, the work on Multan-Sukkur motorway and Thakhot-Havelian road projects was also delayed.

“The Chinese expect that both civilian and military sides match their pace of work for quick implementation but probably the civilian government is short on expectations”, said the Centre for Research and Security Studies’ Executive Director Imtiaz Gul

He said if there was a military desire for having a formal role in the CPEC execution, it might well be motivated by Chinese desire for quick implementation. Reportedly, over a dozen projects in infrastructure, energy, water supply and health sectors are facing significant delays.

Early this week, army chief General Raheel Sharif said for sustainability of the CPEC, transparency and good management were extremely important. He was speaking at a seminar on the CPEC held in Gwadar, Balochistan. The army chief also said socio-economic justice resulting from the balanced development would increase people’s stakes in national unity and cohesion. The planning minister said there was full transparency in the CPEC deals. He said the $34 billion energy projects were largely in the private sector and the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) was determining tariffs through open hearings.

“The contracts of infrastructure projects are being awarded to one of the three companies nominated by China,” he said. “Political stability and social solidarity is a must to keep the momentum of economic growth and all institutions must remain aliened.”


It ain't happening, simply because economy and development is PML-N's strength and its the only thing left which the Civilians have total control over. Giving away CPEC and stuff would be step for the Army to spread its influence.

Furthermore, its no secret institutions like NLC and FWO would want greater share of projects. The improvement of Railways has already created a setback for their Logistics and rise in Domestic and Foreign Construction Companies and their competitiveness have undermined their business. Its obvious they are looking to be desperate and playing pressure tactics to make sure things don't get any worse for them.

The amount of corruption PML N does through the development programs dwarfs the Fukups of PPP..

PML n = corrupt businessmen who hide corruption really well

PPP = corrupt land owners who can't hide their corruption.

Check out the New Islamabad Airport progress .. The cost has ballooned from 400 $ to over 1.2+ billion dollars .... Small pot hole filled roads that connect nearby villages (that were built decades ago) are being claimed by Maryum Nawazs "samdhis" as their own.. The massive corruption going on there is an example of PMLN "development"... Even PVC pipes and marbles are being imported from China or their "chosen" companies ..
ISLAMABAD: The military establishment has sought a formal role in the administration and execution of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to accelerate work on $46 billion projects – a proposal which the federal government is reluctant to accept.

The army has shared with the federal government proposal of setting up a CPEC Authority, sources told The Express Tribune. The authority is proposed to be headed by a chairman, who is to be assisted by director generals, responsible for execution of the CPEC projects.

They said the move is aimed at getting a formal role in the execution of all the projects, which will be financed under the $46 billion package, offered by China. The CPEC is a network of roads and rail links which will link western China to the Arabian Sea through Pakistan’s Gwadar port. However, independent analysts see it as a move to venture into an area, which is predominantly under the civilian control. Currently, the security of the CPEC is already with the army and it has raised a strong force of about 15,000 personnel to protect the Chinese investment and its citizens.

After doing spadework, which continued for about one and a half year, Pakistan and China signed agreements for implementation of the $46 billion projects in April last year. However, progress on the projects has remained slow.

The minister for planning, development and reform, Ahsan Iqbal, confirmed to The Express Tribune that he received an informal proposal to set up the CPEC Authority about six months back.

Iqbal, however, said he did not find the proposal feasible. In his views, the authority would add another layer of bureaucracy, which would slow down the pace of work instead of accelerating it. “Setting up an authority will mean involving three-dozen more people in decision-making process,” Iqbal said.

Currently, various ministries are responsible for implementation of the CPEC projects and the Planning Ministry coordinates with all of them. He said the CPEC Authority could undermine the role of Central Development Working Party (CDWP) and Executive Committee of National Economic Council (Ecnec) –the federal bodies responsible for approval of development schemes.

The sources said there was also a proposal for making the CPEC a part of the National Action Plan, the country’s counter terror policy adopted in the wake of the December 2014 brutal attack on a school in Peshawar. This proposal was also not accepted at the highest level of the civilian setup.

Currently, the pace of work on the CPEC projects is slow but Iqbal said it was because of China. “Pakistan has done its part of work and is waiting for approvals from the Chinese side,” he added.

For example, the contractor could not be moved on Gwadar Eastbay Expressway project at the agreed dates due to change of executing agency by Chinese authorities. Similarly, the work on Multan-Sukkur motorway and Thakhot-Havelian road projects was also delayed.

“The Chinese expect that both civilian and military sides match their pace of work for quick implementation but probably the civilian government is short on expectations”, said the Centre for Research and Security Studies’ Executive Director Imtiaz Gul

He said if there was a military desire for having a formal role in the CPEC execution, it might well be motivated by Chinese desire for quick implementation. Reportedly, over a dozen projects in infrastructure, energy, water supply and health sectors are facing significant delays.

Early this week, army chief General Raheel Sharif said for sustainability of the CPEC, transparency and good management were extremely important. He was speaking at a seminar on the CPEC held in Gwadar, Balochistan. The army chief also said socio-economic justice resulting from the balanced development would increase people’s stakes in national unity and cohesion. The planning minister said there was full transparency in the CPEC deals. He said the $34 billion energy projects were largely in the private sector and the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) was determining tariffs through open hearings.

“The contracts of infrastructure projects are being awarded to one of the three companies nominated by China,” he said. “Political stability and social solidarity is a must to keep the momentum of economic growth and all institutions must remain aliened.”


It ain't happening, simply because economy and development is PML-N's strength and its the only thing left which the Civilians have total control over. Giving away CPEC and stuff would be step for the Army to spread its influence.

Furthermore, its no secret institutions like NLC and FWO would want greater share of projects. The improvement of Railways has already created a setback for their Logistics and rise in Domestic and Foreign Construction Companies and their competitiveness have undermined their business. Its obvious they are looking to be desperate and playing pressure tactics to make sure things don't get any worse for them.
@cb4 If Army has decided than they will be part of it. No matter what !!!! This always in trouble and massively corrupt Government can do nothing to stop it.

Army is being ridiculous as usual...No wonder true civilian government never trusted these guys...their services must not devide with money this is last and lowest on their knees they could go...
True civilian and most corrupt Government. Please complete the sentance . As for Army they are doing write thing other wise this mafia family and party PML N will destroy everything
This sounds weird, but given the magnitude of the project and the expertise required. This is something beyond the capacity and imagination of current federal govt for that matter. Men-in-Uniform should take charge, but then what will happens once the generals get expired, will they leave the seat ?
It shouldn't be the role of any military in the world handle the civil administration of a country, if your government isn't given the chance to rise to the occasion, to build their own capacity and gain their own expertise how will they learn? Of course, it is in the PA's best interests to keep the civlian government weak and ineffective and to be seen as the great saviours but the people of Pakistan should demand more.
It shouldn't be the role of any military in the world handle the civil administration of a country, if your government isn't given the chance to rise to the occasion, to build their own capacity and gain their own expertise how will they learn? Of course, it is in the PA's best interests to keep the civlian government weak and ineffective and to be seen as the great saviours but the people of Pakistan should demand more.

Should you keep your beak shut in our domestic matters? Nobody needs your nonsensical rants .. We understand our country better than some British Indian teenager known for his biased rants ..
Because Musharafs name isn't on the Panama list.


The amount of corruption PML N does through the development programs dwarfs the Fukups of PPP..

PML n = corrupt businessmen who hide corruption really well

PPP = corrupt land owners who can't hide their corruption.

Check out the New Islamabad Airport progress .. The cost has ballooned from 400 $ to over 1.2+ billion dollars .... Small pot hole filled roads that connect nearby villages (that were built decades ago) are being claimed by Maryum Nawazs "samdhis" as their own.. The massive corruption going on there is an example of PMLN "development"... Even PVC pipes and marbles are being imported from China or their "chosen" companies ..

Musharraf's name is on many other lists. Kindly explain how a General with less than Rs 50,000 pension can become a Billionaire overnight and own properties in London, Dubai, New York and San Francisco and god knows where else.

The New Islamabad Airport is a project which was proposed in the 80s during Zia's era. Since then it has been an example of corruption from all kinds of governments, civil and military. Maybe you should explain why the military has a habit of making residential schemes around airports. It was certainly the case in the 90s and early 2000s in Lahore where we saw Askaris being built. Its not like this behaviour has stopped. We are seeing a repeat, this time in Islamabad.

Who could be more corrupt than Malik Riaz ? The guy picked up cement sacks in Karachi and came out a middle man for Generals. Corruption is in our people's genes but when we speak about governance, lets not forget it was the military that had ruled for over 60 years. Maybe some questions need to be asked. How the hell do they get land so cheap and how DHA was able to fetch over $ 2 Billion in the name martyrs. Lets not go there. People know how NLC destroyed Railways along with ANP's Bilour to run auto business and logistics. Its exactly the same way way Americans under Regan and GM did to buy off Light Rail companies only to close them down. Now things have been making revival under Saad Rafique, expect no mercy and backing down.
NAwaz and zardari these politicans will make it Kalabagh than better let the army work on it

Unfortunately it looks like it.

First project for CPEC worth $1.9 billion, guess who PML-N awards to, Saif ur Rehman. The deal making corrupt pimp and the front man for PML-N's mega project corruption. I think this is why Raheel Sharif issued the recent statement.
More than the informal requests etc, there will be accountability sooner or later but will be fruitful for Pakistan hence Gen. Raheel Sharif statement about accountability across the board.
This sounds weird, but given the magnitude of the project and the expertise required. This is something beyond the capacity and imagination of current federal govt for that matter. Men-in-Uniform should take charge, but then what will happens once the generals get expired, will they leave the seat ?
I don't think that the government of Pakistan which owns Pakistan and all other assets of Pakistan is incapable to manage CPEC? And who is army to claim or do business.Which obviously belongs to People of Pakistan . Govt of Pakistan means By the people for the people. ?
Well they would be called for security might as well get them involved right from start....It is no secret some of the route does run through troubled areas....and then there is always trouble....
It shouldn't be the role of any military in the world handle the civil administration of a country, if your government isn't given the chance to rise to the occasion, to build their own capacity and gain their own expertise how will they learn? Of course, it is in the PA's best interests to keep the civlian government weak and ineffective and to be seen as the great saviours but the people of Pakistan should demand more.

Total Bullshit ! this is what i expected from a person across the border. Opps i forgot youre british and not even Indian National. Secondly the only thing that is keep us together is Army. We Pakistanis look at these Men with great respect, You will never find our society or Women saying that we Pak army come and rape us (woman protesting naked).

If the civil govt is corrupt and inept then someone has to do the job ! our dynamics doesnt allow us to become complacent, otherwise will just end up like a vassal state which was broken from us in 71'.

You believe in giving chances to the bastards?? the very same bastards who are out of country, because they are leaking some deep shit after panama scandal ? I would rather have men in uniform anyday and twice on Holi to not only protect us but to demonstrate others that we can take strict action against any stupid misadventure

a Billionaire overnight and own properties in London, Dubai, New York and San Francisco and god knows where else.
Kindly provided the source of bullshit claim.

In case you dint know General also gives lectures at several renowned institutions of the world, Just go and check how much he earns from them
yeah we have been hearing this for how much a decade. Heck they can't even take the name of Musharraf in Panama leaks and you're talking about serving ones :lol:
First, is there Musharraf name in Panama Leak? I don't need to prove you anything, lots of things are happenning behind the doors as of now, so politicians won't cry their mama when they will be punished---A hint, yestarday RS annoucement ;)
I don't think that the government of Pakistan which owns Pakistan and all other assets of Pakistan is incapable to manage CPEC? And who is army to claim or do business.Which obviously belongs to People of Pakistan . Govt of Pakistan means By the people for the people. ?
Incapable??? what do you know of govt of Pakistan ?
when an entire civil admin is out of country, how do you expect the bastard to run the country ?
They are not incapable of running the CPEC, it is beyond their imagination !
And we people of Pkaistan dont need your opinion, we have already given our preference

If Army stays in the habit of taking over everything, what would the 200 Million people do
And the bullshit opnion of a confused desi will matter here, huh?
The guys who has not even spenta month in pakistan alone can dictate us what is right and wrong.

The whole cunning leadership is out of country because their pajamma leaked
Moderator this guy abusing fellow poster

Even mods know the chap.. Cry me a river.

Musharraf's name is on many other lists. Kindly explain how a General with less than Rs 50,000 pension can become a Billionaire overnight and own properties in London, Dubai, New York and San Francisco and god knows where else.

A generals pension is much more than 50,000 .. A president actually gets 2 pensions .. Apart from that his parents were also well off and he does earn money by giving lectures in Foriegn universities.. There is no corruption case against him .. And if there is what's Nawazs govt doing about that? Oh wait .. The fuk will they do when their 15 year old bubblo son buys multimillion dollar properties in Mayfair ? Hahaha .. What the fuk are they gonna do when they are exposed by international sources? What is nawaz going to do when every lalu panju in Nawazs family is sitting in the govt? When they bury model town massacre investigation reported ? When they own steel mills in KSA ? And so on ??
The New Islamabad Airport is a project which was proposed in the 80s during Zia's era. Since then it has been an example of corruption from all kinds of governments, civil and military.

And work started in ? During PPPs tenure ! And is still going on despite screwing the competition date of 2016.. Oh wait .. I get your logic .. If PPP does corruption how can Noora league obstain?:lol:

Maybe you should explain why the military has a habit of making residential schemes around airports. It was certainly the case in the 90s and early 2000s in Lahore where we saw Askaris being built. Its not like this behaviour has stopped. We are seeing a repeat, this time in Islamabad.

Whose stopping them or any institution for starting residential schemes on army owned lands for retired troops on "No profit no Loss basis" ? They pay taxes for that .. Definitely not a few hundred rupees like Noora league!
Who could be more corrupt than Malik Riaz

n league which is not taking any action against him? Oh wait that's surely not the corrupt govts responsibility .. Why? Coz it's in bed with him too..
guy picked up cement sacks in Karachi and came out a middle man for General

Actually he was a contractor for MES .. Which is a civilian department .. :lol:
. Corruption is in our people's genes but when we speak about governance, lets not forget it was the military that had ruled for over 60 years.

Ironic you forgot how old Pakistan is .. !

Ironic that you are questioning the military's governance when this country ironically has always prospered during their regimes ..

Ironically .. Nawaz himself used to cal Gen Zia his spiritual "Father".. :lol:

Maybe some questions need to be asked. How the hell do they get land so cheap and how DHA was able to fetch over $ 2 Billion in the name martyrs.

2 billion? Source please? Also DHA builds on lands far away from cities .. Land worth nothing in the open market .. Develops it on heard earned money .. Invested by Pak officers who pay the money through Funds/instalments .. DHA also pays money,revenue to the govt!
Unlike Noora league that's all about "making $$$$".

Lets not go there. People know how NLC destroyed Railways along with ANP's Bilour to run auto business and logistics.

What? How did NLC destroy PR? That honour is granted to Bilour who runs transportation empire not NLC .. Which itself was in losses .. And where 2 retired generals were court-martialled -- thats accountability!
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