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Army wants to become part of CPEC administration

As if Army doesn't live in Islamabad ? As if its not corrupt ?

Someone please explain why there is no accountability of Army ? Why NAB is not allowed to probe scams in
DHA, Askri, Fauji Foundation, Royal Palm, New Islamabad Airport, NLC, dealings with Malik Riaz, Bol Network etc ?
NAwaz and zardari these politicans will make it Kalabagh than better let the army work on it
ISLAMABAD: The military establishment has sought a formal role in the administration and execution of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to accelerate work on $46 billion projects – a proposal which the federal government is reluctant to accept..

The Army should be involved with the security of this project (or hundreds of projects called collaterally the CPEC). Why is it that under 60 years of Army rule, no such project was made. But now the civilians who made it, and have executed it, and are moving towards success with it, will need "Army's Supervision"???? That doesn't make sense.

The dream, the hard work to bring investments, and to come up with the entire bigger picture of what's needed, where, when and how, was all work of civilians. This is one attempt to setup institutions inside Pakistan that will end up creating next generations of educated and loyal civilian politicians, who would see this entire thing as a baseline, against which they'll have to perform (and do better) in order for them to get votes.

I am not stating my opinion due to any hate for the Army or anything, those guys do the most difficult work of securing the entire country. I am voicing my opinion in terms of developing institutions so everyone outside of the 550K Army, can benefit from these institutions and Pakistan, as a country starts going towards a much more modern, peaceful and advanced future. If Army stays in the habit of taking over everything, what would the 200 Million people do? The same thing they've been doing for the past 70 years? Which is nothing? But if the Army wants to run the security and that side of Administration, obviously, the Civilians shouldn't have any issues with it as that's Army's role.

At the end, everyone has to see Pakistan's best interest, not Army or Civlian's best interests. And those interests means, these growth projects have always been started, funded, guaranteed and executed by the Civlians. Otherwise, what's the purpose of having a Civlian system if the Army would continue to take over things when it pleases to? Just think from a modern Pakistan's stand point, not just individuals or people belonging to either side. If this goes to Army, what's next? Firing all the Dolphin Police squad in Lahore as "useless" and putting Army soldiers on those bikes?? The country belongs to 200 million people who want work, growth and success. Let them grow into a system and modernization through developing institutions please!!!!

You guys will call everyone corrupt all day long, but won't let institutes get developed who would eventually REMOVE the corrupt that you speak against!!
The Army should be involved with the security of this project (or hundreds of projects called collaterally the CPEC). Why is it that under 60 years of Army rule, no such project was made. But now the civilians who made it, and have executed it, and are moving towards success with it, will need "Army's Supervision"???? That doesn't make sense.

The dream, the hard work to bring investments, and to come up with the entire bigger picture of what's needed, where, when and how, was all work of civilians. This is one attempt to setup institutions inside Pakistan that will end up creating next generations of educated and loyal civilian politicians, who would see this entire thing as a baseline, against which they'll have to perform (and do better) in order for them to get votes.

I am not stating my opinion due to any hate for the Army or anything, those guys do the most difficult work of securing the entire country. I am voicing my opinion in terms of developing institutions so everyone outside of the 550K Army, can benefit from these institutions and Pakistan, as a country starts going towards a much more modern, peaceful and advanced future. If Army stays in the habit of taking over everything, what would the 200 Million people do? The same thing they've been doing for the past 70 years? Which is nothing? But if the Army wants to run the security and that side of Administration, obviously, the Civilians shouldn't have any issues with it as that's Army's role.

At the end, everyone has to see Pakistan's best interest, not Army or Civlian's best interests. And those interests means, these growth projects have always been started, funded, guaranteed and executed by the Civlians. Otherwise, what's the purpose of having a Civlian system if the Army would continue to take over things when it pleases to? Just think from a modern Pakistan's stand point, not just individuals or people belonging to either side. If this goes to Army, what's next? Firing all the Dolphin Police squad in Lahore as "useless" and putting Army soldiers on those bikes?? The country belongs to 200 million people who want work, growth and success. Let them grow into a system and modernization through developing institutions please!!!!

You guys will call everyone corrupt all day long, but won't let institutes get developed who would eventually REMOVE the corrupt that you speak against!!

Hello Sir Welcome Back
The only way CPEC will be successful is if military takes it over. If it is left with politicians like Nawaz Sharef or Zardari whose names have not only appeared in Panama Leaks due to corruption, but whose links with agents of our enemies are also becoming evident , for example, by finding RAW agents being employed in sugar mills of Nawaz Sharif. How can one expect such traitors to look after our national interest and being given authority over such a strategic important project like CPEC ?

I would like to go even further and insist on military to take over Pakistan for at least 30 years and make sure that by 2047 our then generation will have a country to feel proud for !!!!!

If our country remains in the hands of traitors like Nawaz Zardari ALtaf and their next generation including Bilawal etc. there will be no Pakistan left by 2047 !!!!!!
NAwaz and zardari these politicans will make it Kalabagh than better let the army work on it

And you don't think any general has done corruption and gotten commissions in the past 70 years??? At the end of the day, they are ALL Pakistanis and come from the same system, and have all the same similarities, with the exception of boots, vs. suits.

Its time these institutions got developed and helped Pakistani public in advancing forward, creating future generations of leaders, who will try to beat this progress to get votes, and will have to produce. Pakistan as country has to move forward. Not Army or the Civilians!! Somehow many of you guys on here forget about the 200 million people of Pakistan and just root for one person or institution, who you have affiliations with. That's the wrong approach, any modern country is an integrated combination of all institutions. I know there is 70 years of frustration, but that frustration has a huge role from the Army too. So please, support the country going forward. Not one group of people, individuals or institutions.
Here comes another mafia...
Business is good eh?
The only way CPEC will be successful is if military takes it over. If it is left with politicians like Nawaz Sharef or Zardari whose names have not only appeared in Panama Leaks due to corruption, but whose links with agents of our enemies are also becoming evident , for example, by finding RAW agents being employed in sugar mills of Nawaz Sharif. How can one expect such traitors to look after our national interest and being given authority over such a strategic important project like CPEC ?!

You are accusing someone of anti-state activities, and treason. Do you have legal proofs of it? You have other politicians who ate their donations and offshored them to Indian owned investment companies and fooled the public. Why don't I see you talk about those? Why turn a blind eye from corruption when your own favorites do it, and justify it. But someone you don't like, his name on a bathroom means there is corruption in shit that people take in there :angel: :rofl:. You've got to come up with something more logical than fake propaganda. I'd like to see you talk about the "others" who you don't even mention in corruption. Let's see how "factual" you really are and how much LOVE you really have for your country.

Why the scale is SO pushed towards NS and not others? I get it, pull his leg, so the entire CPEC credit can go to IK or elsewhere (now Army). And eff the country and its 200 million people because people like you don't care about the growth of your country? Only about the people you like? Being power hungry, doesn't help Pakistan. Also, leg pulling, fake drama and all, doesn't also help ONE single average poor Pakistani.
Here comes another mafia...
Business is good eh?
in the hands of wrong people it can become another money siphoning scandal or worse yet, allowing enterance to unaccounted people esp since CPEC would be running through troubled areas too ...as well as being a highway into Pakistan and all over Pakistan ...Excellent route for drugs, illegal weapons and all ill!

You are a Strong Nawaz Sharif supporter but his position has become very weak after
these Panama leaks

These remaining Two years will be very difficult for him

With Imran Khan and The Army ; together putting lot of pressure on him

Welcome back to where.....?

You had been banned ; Isnt it
in the hands of wrong people it can become another money siphoning scandal or worse yet, allowing enterance to unaccounted people esp since CPEC would be running through troubled areas too ...as well as being a highway into Pakistan and all over Pakistan ...Excellent route for drugs, illegal weapons and all ill!

:rofl: :angel: like Donations channelled and laundered by IK and invested into Indian owned offshore companies? Like the 300 Canals bought from the poor people to build a mansion for IK, and people weren't paid even half the price for their land :rofl: :angel:, or like what happened in the DHA where Gen. Kiyani had to return 6 billion?

Who are the "RIGHT" people in your mind? The right people are not the ones trying to pull legs so they can put their name on the remainder the work and call it "ours" without ever producing a freaking Egg a day. Let alone CPEC. Cheap politicians like these are not the right people, they are cheaters, liars and thieves.

The only "RIGHT" people, are the one's who dreamed it, started it, begged the Chinese, created reforms, worked with the WB and others to create an infrastructure plan that is as modern as you find stuff in the Western world. While ALL this hard work was going on, "others" were doing sit-ins and all kinds of violence to stop this work that they are obviously unable to even think about, let alone do 10% of it!!!!

And ALL this time, people like you and your leaders, kept saying all this is a waste of money. Now your post surprises me, you actually know (per your post) this project is something very important, while your leaders and you, were calling the first metro bus system a "Grill Bus" system (which was a prototype system for the CPEC project to serve as Pakistan's baseline public transportation system). Do you people have a stance you tick to, a stated direction you ever take and stand by it, or an economic plan you've ever presented (let alone being able to execute it, check out KPK) :yahoo: :rofl: :angel:.

And today you care about this project this much? Do you people ever fear God and not lie and be hypocrites? :lol::enjoy:
The Army should be involved with the security of this project (or hundreds of projects called collaterally the CPEC). Why is it that under 60 years of Army rule, no such project was made. But now the civilians who made it, and have executed it, and are moving towards success with it, will need "Army's Supervision"???? That doesn't make sense.

The dream, the hard work to bring investments, and to come up with the entire bigger picture of what's needed, where, when and how, was all work of civilians. This is one attempt to setup institutions inside Pakistan that will end up creating next generations of educated and loyal civilian politicians, who would see this entire thing as a baseline, against which they'll have to perform (and do better) in order for them to get votes.

I am not stating my opinion due to any hate for the Army or anything, those guys do the most difficult work of securing the entire country. I am voicing my opinion in terms of developing institutions so everyone outside of the 550K Army, can benefit from these institutions and Pakistan, as a country starts going towards a much more modern, peaceful and advanced future. If Army stays in the habit of taking over everything, what would the 200 Million people do? The same thing they've been doing for the past 70 years? Which is nothing? But if the Army wants to run the security and that side of Administration, obviously, the Civilians shouldn't have any issues with it as that's Army's role.

At the end, everyone has to see Pakistan's best interest, not Army or Civlian's best interests. And those interests means, these growth projects have always been started, funded, guaranteed and executed by the Civlians. Otherwise, what's the purpose of having a Civlian system if the Army would continue to take over things when it pleases to? Just think from a modern Pakistan's stand point, not just individuals or people belonging to either side. If this goes to Army, what's next? Firing all the Dolphin Police squad in Lahore as "useless" and putting Army soldiers on those bikes?? The country belongs to 200 million people who want work, growth and success. Let them grow into a system and modernization through developing institutions please!!!!

You guys will call everyone corrupt all day long, but won't let institutes get developed who would eventually REMOVE the corrupt that you speak against!!

In 70 years, Army lost territories like East Pakistan and Kashmir while Civilians bought a territory called Gwadar from Oman and initiated friendship with China. There is a lesson to be learned here when we speak about the importance and success of Civilian governments.

NAwaz and zardari these politicans will make it Kalabagh than better let the army work on it

The PML-N government itself launched it. Its in their interest it materializes so they can get re-elected. It will be made another Kalabagh Dam from those who are in opposition like PTI because they know how much it can impact their politics.
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You are a Strong Nawaz Sharif supporter but his position has become very weak after
these Panama leaks

:rofl: :angel: WRONG!!!!!! I am a Progress Supporter. I would be saying the SAME thing if IK was doing all this work and transforming Pakistan. I am a Pro-Progress, NS is just the person in the seat who is making this happen. People have to start thinking out of their little personal box. Majority of the people here, have no freaking clue about global engagements and a second opinion or a third party view. I am providing that third party view and that is, PROGRESS must continue and Pakistan (finally on a growth path), MUST grow and become an advance country with a real civilian system like any other modern country.

On Panama leaks, everyone knows why the Panama leaks were "leaked". Here's Mr. Gates surprised on Panama leaks as of yesterday, hear him yourself:


This interview from Bill G, explains everything to people in power / money and other positions and to educated ordinary people a lot about the Panama leaks. But you have people on here, who have no background in any of these business, strategy and other things. All they do is bit*ch like little children. And I can't change that. I just write the truth and its for Pakistan's growth. Not towards a personality.

You had been banned ; Isnt it

You "think" I was banned. And so does the person who pressed the button does too. I was here, and was responding. I may be standing behind you, turn around and don't be scared!! BOOO :rofl:. I ama Ghost!!
You "think" I was banned. And so does the person who pressed the button does too. I was here, and was responding. I may be standing behind you, turn around and don't be scared!! BOOO :rofl:. I ama Ghost!!

So you have just declared that you have a SECOND ID

what was the need to declare ; it could have remained a secret
So you have just declared that you have a SECOND ID

what was the need to declare ; it could have remained a secret

I have ten ID's, 15 passports, 25 mustaches and 19 hair wigs, and only ONE suite. They call me Jason Bourne from that movie the Bourne Identity, and James Bond in the UK..... :rofl: :angel: :enjoy:. I have a Toyota Camry that looks like an Aston Martin and can submerge like a Submarine and Fly like a spaceship :cheers:. And then I woke up and the dream was over :yahoo:

I don't like secrecy, I like to share with people so everyone can benefit from good ideas :enjoy:
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