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Army to have Apache attack choppers in Mountain Strike Corps on China borde

No I has never implied that PLA is at same standard as U.S, what I said was that Apache under Indian's hand will not effective as Americans.
To an extent you are correct but then in most mitary's hands- other than the American- the Alache would not be operating to its full potential. But I would argue that the Indian militaey of today or the past decade is not the INdian military of 5 years from now or a decade from now. The Indian military is fully aware of the need for comprehensive and widespread C4I tech. And that the Apaches will be used to great affect in the future by the Indian armed forces.

To underestimate this would be foolish.
Try.. if you can do it.

The truth is PLA understands the details better than you do .. hence you saw happened to the "tent" just a few months back.


You see that we have done nothing yet, India is already at frenzy and anger state over the water issue, there is tone of articles and Youtube to show how Indians are so paranoid about China's intention with water in Tibet :smokin:, imagine if we go for real :pop:

And talk about tent :omghaha:, we've lenghtly talk about this issue in the pass, Chinese Dragon already schooled you guys about the issue is been settled, I don't need to go over it again.

To an extent you are correct but then in most mitary's hands- other than the American- the Alache would not be operating to its full potential. But I would argue that the Indian militaey of today or the past decade is not the INdian military of 5 years from now or a decade from now. The Indian military is fully aware of the need for comprehensive and widespread C4I tech. And that the Apaches will be used to great affect in the future by the Indian armed forces.

To underestimate this would be foolish.

No matter how you improve you will never reach the same level of potential as American counterpart :

1-American will never show you the "secret tricks" of the Apache, they will teach you the basic operation training and you're on your own

2-American will not sell the lastest equipments as the way they have implemented into their own apached

3-Apache was designed to fit into American combat doctine and integrated into their inter-oporational arm force. this like a CPU to the motherboard, take away a cpu (apache) and plug it into a clone motherboard (Indian defense system) will never have same effect as it was in the original motherboard.

Neverless it will for sure enhance India combat... and better than those Mi-24 you got.
You see that we have done nothing yet, India is already at frenzy and anger state over the water issue, there is tone of articles and Youtube to show how Indians are so paranoid about China's intention with water in Tibet :smokin:, imagine if we go for real :pop:

And talk about tent :omghaha:, we've lenghtly talk about this issue in the pass, Chinese Dragon already schooled you guys about the issue is been settled, I don't need to go over it again.

Go "real" .... if you can. :tup:

"real" may mean the "end of PRC", never mind. :laugh:
And how you gonna put the end of PRC? :omghaha: but with water, we already tormented you guys at daily basis...just watch how Indians reacted to this issue :rofl:

PRC can do nothing ... and knows that. :tup:

For every video that you can post.. there is a counter video.

Figure out yourself, why PRC quietly rolled back its "tent" .. in fact, initially refused to accept the existence of the "tent".

In general, if you observe the pattern, PRC doesn't mess with USA or India.

And with Phillipines, Vietnam .. and lately Japan (a bit strange, although Japan reaction has been quite cool) ... it's open about it, but careful not to go to the extent of offending the bigger powers.

Hitler didn't move into Poland with a "tent" ... and neither did USA move into Afghanistan or Iraq with a "tent" or "fishing boats".

Your dear Japanese friends didn't move into erswhile china with a "tent", either.

See .. why?
your fix objects such artilleries can be located with reconnaissance sat regardless of how rugged mountain, your aicrafts such tranport, earlier warning or command and control are not flying at low altitude, our Radar station at high altitude will take care of these. As your low fly attaccker, we have multi layers of local point defense radar and...and you think only India side has rogged mountain? look at the background scene of this video

PLAAF J10A exercised and droped LT2 laser-guided bombs on the Tibetan highlands - YouTube

1. that why we're not really scare of Indian Apache, we know Indian army won't be able to fully exploite it potential as American but some Indians will think that the Apache will be deadly as how American used in Irak conflict.

2. Nobody said that India don't have this system, what I try to said that you don't have any advantage as you claim with reverse slope...once the fisrt round of shell is been fired, you will betray your location even if our radar couldn't pick up your artilleries at first place.

0.You think you have enough recon satellites to do full coverage down to arty guns,foolish.Even russia with its large GLONASS network found they didn't have enough recon satellites in georgia.China's BEIDOU is infant in this regard.Only USA has that many space based assets to do continous surviellence.
Also u lack any UAVs at the moment that can do endurance recon misions at that altitude.
How will radar station take care of planes flying well within our borders?For that u have to send interceptors,and with most of ur interceptors lacking OBOGS,large restrictions on combat performance and load due to altitude,limited number of squadrons u can field from tibet area[16 to max 21]zero experience in mountanous high altitude operations[in contrast to IAF],lower flying hrs,no exposure or exercises with other airforces and political commisars for ur fighter pilots,plus qualitatively inferior aircraft compared to su-30mki ...u really don't stand much of a chance of achieving those intercepts.
Also as for recon ability ur aircraft also lack advanced RECCE pods like the israeli RECCELITE that IAF uses,these are extremely useful for precision attack ability in mountanous terrain.
As for low flying,most of the time ur radars will be taken by surprise and taken out by standoff weapons while being covered by terrain masking.

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Also it will be you attacking our territory and advancing so u will have penetrate our air defnses as well.And IAF will give you some gifts to your advancing armour-

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cbu-105 smart anti armour cluster bomb,courtesy uncle sam.

1.What exactly u keep babbling on about 'exploiting its potential',what do u think its rocket science..its a gunship with excellent electronics,countermeasures and superb radar and armament.IAF combat doctrine is recognized as world class.Though not many people are sure of PLAAF.

2.First of all reverse slope is massive advantage,the point i'm trying to make is ur radars might locate the position of the guns,but being covered by the reverse slope they will still be immune to counter battery fire as the ridge will provide an impossible angle which has to be surmounted by enemy shells.
And also ability to hit first is enormous advantage,and guns also move after firing and not stay in same place unless is very advantageous like reverse slope .Thats standard arty procedure.
PRC can do nothing ... and knows that. :tup:

For every video that you can post.. there is a counter video.

Figure out yourself, why PRC quietly rolled back its "tent" .. in fact, initially refused to accept the existence of the "tent".

In general, if you observe the pattern, PRC doesn't mess with USA or India.

And with Phillipines, Vietnam .. and lately Japan (a bit strange, although Japan reaction has been quite cool) ... it's open about it, but careful not to go to the extent of offending the bigger powers.

Hitler didn't move into Poland with a "tent" ... and neither did USA move into Afghanistan or Iraq with a "tent" or "fishing boats".

Your dear Japanese friends didn't move into erswhile china with a "tent", either.

See .. why?

Instead of zigzaging with your statements, what is your point? you mean we can't do nothing with the water? :lol:
According to a source ( dont ask ) IA wish to maintain 1:3 ratio between apache and LCH with 2 Longbows in every sqd.

1:3 ratio might be true, but according to all official reports they don't seem to mix squadron. That's why the around 30 Apaches IA wants, are meant to be splitted into 3 x squads, with each for 1 of the strike groups only.
The around 100 x LCH that are on order by IA, then will form squadron in the hold corps and you have a 1:3 ratio in total.

Add the 179 LCHs to this.

And we will have enough firepower to take down any conventional threat.

It's not that easy, because they will be vulnerable against foreign fighters, since we won't be able to provide air superiority, nor would they be enough to counter the 1000s of MBTs and armored vehicles that China or Pakistan has.
Rudra, LCH and the Apaches will be a great capability improvement wrt to provide fire support to our ground forces, but the conventional threat is far higher than these combat helicopters can handle.
1:3 ratio might be true, but according to all official reports they don't seem to mix squadron. That's why the around 30 Apaches IA wants, are meant to be splitted into 3 x squads, with each for 1 of the strike groups only.
The around 100 x LCH that are on order by IA, then will form squadron in the hold corps and you have a 1:3 ratio in total.

If you remember in similar thread last year when IAF was getting Apaches and army wanted them too I wrote Army will go for its own apache tender I got that from the same source at that time. And now after a year army is actually going for it. So I think source is relible.

As I write in previous post 1 Sqd per Corps is for intial phase which will be 3 per Corps in final phase.
About mixing LCH isnt in production lines yet and will take more than 5 years to have a decent number so mixing isnt on horizon yet but will be done when LCH us inducted unless IA want seperare Sqd for them
If water is blocked, then fuel is also blocked!
I don't how vehicles run on water or how long they will operate without fuel!
Malacca strait.
If you remember in similar thread last year when IAF was getting Apaches and army wanted them too I wrote Army will go for its own apache tender I got that from the same source at that time. And now after a year army is actually going for it. So I think source is relible.

Not really, IA neither have an own tender, nor even an own procurement yet, the tender is still for 22 x Apaches for IAF's tender!
All that seems to be changing is, MoD's understanding that the combati helicopters should be operated by IA and which is why they it is pretty likely now, that they will divert the 2 x Apaches squads from IAF to IA, after the delivery. IA obviously is happy about that, but unlike IAF, they required 3 x squadrons, so they are asking MoD now to add another one, to the 2 procured for IAF and under IAFs requirements.
Not really, IA neither have an own tender, nor even an own procurement yet, the tender is still for 22 x Apaches for IAF's tender!
All that seems to be changing is, MoD's understanding that the combati helicopters should be operated by IA and which is why they it is pretty likely now, that they will divert the 2 x Apaches squads from IAF to IA, after the delivery. IA obviously is happy about that, but unlike IAF, they required 3 x squadrons, so they are asking MoD now to add another one, to the 2 procured for IAF and under IAFs requirements.

Thats all I had for now; but I am pretty sure IA order will be from different tender and 2 IAF Sqd will remain with IAF for least 4/5 years.

Lets wait and watch. @sancho Plus this is from the article itself
The new corps may have the Apache attack choppers as the Defence Ministry has given permission to the Army for having a separate case for procuring the American-manufactured helicopters, sources told PTI here.
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If water is blocked, then fuel is also blocked!
I don't how vehicles run on water or how long they will operate without fuel!
Malacca strait.

1- There is thousand ships cross Malaca strait, is India gonna stop each ship to identify which one belong to China? :lol:, attack chinese ships in internatinal water will only invite retaliation. The worst nightmare for India is that it mistakenly attack otehr nations or U.S merchant cargo :omghaha: than we chinese will have free ticket home, India will have to deal wtih U.S 5th fleet and others.

2-What make you think that India is capable to set blockage or more likely the other way around, India navy only take on small countries, with China you have think twice of your misadventure or all your ships will be at the bottom of Abyss at the vincinity of your sea ports.

3-let assume that India is sucessifully to set blockage to Chinese oil cargo, we still have pipelines from central Asians and Russia, beside that we have oil field in Xinjiang operational, we will be able to survive with "some inconvenient", but if Chinese divert water for few days, not only millions but hundred millions Indians will suffer from dehydration, without saying your economies will scrumbled (agriculture,farming, industries), Indians social life will on total chaos: Indian people will fight to death among themself to get water.

try not to drink for one day...than come back to arg with me which one is more important ? water or oil. :lol:
1- There is thousand ships cross Malaca strait, is India gonna stop each ship to identify which one belong to China? :lol:, attack chinese ships in internatinal water will only invite retaliation. The worst nightmare for India is that it mistakenly attack otehr nations or U.S merchant cargo :omghaha: than we chinese will have free ticket home, India will have to deal wtih U.S 5th fleet and others.

2-What make you think that India is capable to set blockage or more likely the other way around, India navy only take on small countries, with China you have think twice of your misadventure or all your ships will be at the bottom of Abyss at the vincinity of your sea ports.

3-let assume that India is sucessifully to set blockage to Chinese oil cargo, we still have pipelines from central Asians and Russia, beside that we have oil field in Xinjiang operational, we will be able to survive with "some inconvenient", but if Chinese divert water for few days, not only millions but hundred millions Indians will suffer from dehydration, without saying your economies will scrumbled (agriculture,farming, industries), Indians social life will on total chaos: Indian people will fight to death among themself to get water.

try not to drink for one day...than come back to arg with me which one is more important ? water or oil. :lol:

1.well identifying ur cargo ships is not that difficult for us. Maybe US fleet help us.we welcome ur retailation.
2.what otherway around? Just like that sinking all our ships? :lol:
3.wow justby blocking one river(that to only marginal water is come from himalayan tibet) u bring devastation to entire India?
This shows ur IQ cannot be matched by me!
I humbly accept my defeat.
1.well identifying ur cargo ships is not that difficult for us. Maybe US fleet help us.we welcome ur retailation.
2.what otherway around? Just like that sinking all our ships? :lol:
3.wow justby blocking one river(that to only marginal water is come from himalayan tibet) u bring devastation to entire India?
This shows ur IQ cannot be matched by me!
I humbly accept my defeat.

Not only Brahmaputra, if we block all tributary rivers that across Nepal to Ganges, with 5% of water drop will be enough to spread panic to over +400 millions worshipers of this sacred river. water shortage is already devastating entire India, if we just cut India's water futher, it will be worst than this video, you're probably a middle class people or living in western country, Just try to clean with poluted water or wait a long line just to get some ration of water for survive..than you will understand the pain.

India - A daily struggle for clean water - YouTube

while we enjoy to be on the water tower of the world :azn:

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