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Army to have Apache attack choppers in Mountain Strike Corps on China borde

why we do not use attack helicopters in Kashmir to kill the militants? having a birds eye view would mean we can shoot them dead like ants and not risk the lives of our soldiers
why we do not use attack helicopters in Kashmir to kill the militants? having a birds eye view would mean we can shoot them dead like ants and not risk the lives of our soldiers

Choppers are not preferred in COIN ops. What you write is UAVs job.

Not enough...:omghaha:

How do you know ??? You have a Crystal ball ???
How do you know ??? You have a Crystal ball ???

Ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh...He is a 'Think Tank'...he knows better.

This is the level of think tank and other day someone was talking about someone being a "Professional"(and was posting crap..some Bangladeshi).

LOL...This is the level of intellectuals of PDF.
soon China and India troops along the border will be 1:10

Soon in India means after 50 odd years and the corps is still on paper buddy so. Things will remain the same for a long time to come.
no war in decades. all indians should know that India is not main enemy of China.
the current number is 1:8 according to some media, i forgot which one, and India keep adding ,so 1:10 or 1:15 possible someday in future.

I don't know whether China take India as an enemy or not but even if it does it surely cannot have a war with India. With India's big military and also its nuclear status China also knows that a war will be devastating for both, heck China even don't want to go on a war with Vietnam or Japan. A few skirmishes may occurs which may involves bullying to gain applauds from certain International communities for the showcase of power and influence but in today's scenario a war will only happen when it is inevitable when the whole world will get involved or lets say a world war.

If you want to risk flying gunships in Himalayas and rather see your pilots crashing into the mountains instead of fighting.

Lol Indian's logic, if we're afraid of crash, might as well put its into the museum than guaranty 100% safe :rolleyes:, but Himalayas is a good place for our gunships to guard our dams and water.:coffee:

Noob,ur on the plateau which emasculates ur air force planes with flight restrictions.
Our arty also has superior positioning due to terrain.
And IAF can uses rough terrain on our side to mask from chinese radar and achieve surprise while flat plateau is exposed and IAF radars can pick up everything taking off and coming towards us.

You seems to forget that on high hill, ours missles, artilleries will have longer range than India's couterparts which we can attack deeper into your terrritory, your IAF can only deal with small force such Maoist and ULFA, when facing PLAAF and ground defense, all your airplanes will just be a techtologies collections for China, we will delight to put our hands on some Rafale, Apaches and C-17.

Is this the helicopter that kamov designed for you?Anyway longbow radar will pick u up long before u know apache is there and then u can enjoy the stinger up ur wz-10's ***.

Yes, it's russian design..so what? white cat, black cat as long as it can catch Apaches, it's a good cat to us :lol:
Soon in India means after 50 odd years and the corps is still on paper buddy so. Things will remain the same for a long time to come.
does it matter? India army is MANY times of ours along the border.5 times or 10 times no big difference,and it's said it's already 8 times in 2010,now more....
Lol Indian's logic, if we're afraid of crash, might as well put its into the museum than guaranty 100% safe :rolleyes:, but Himalayas is a good place for our gunships to guard our dams and water.:coffee:

You seems to forget that on high hill, ours missles, artilleries will have longer range than India's couterparts which we can attack deeper into your terrritory, your IAF can only deal with small force such Maoist and ULFA, when facing PLAAF and ground defense, all your airplanes will just be a techtologies collections for China, we will delight to put our hands on some Rafale, Apaches and C-17.

Yes, it's russian design..so what? white cat, black cat as long as it can catch Apaches, it's a good cat to us :lol:

1.You have no idea about the nature of terrain there,as i told u our side is rugged and uneven mountnous while ur side is flat plateau.
Now plateau altitude gives terrible problems for ur aircraft as far as combat load and restrictions are concerned.
Second due to flat nature u can't use mountanous terrain[radar waves defelct of mountains]to mask ur air activity and our radars can see everything aproaching us,while ur radars can easily be blinded by taerrain masking by approaching IAF aircraft using mountains for cover.
Now onto land again u don't understand that flat is bad for artillery duels.Our artillery can hide behind the reverse slopes of ridges and heights which would make chinese counter battery fire ineffective while yours is out on the flat plateau with minimal over and exposed to counter battery fire.This is the primary reason why chinese forces suffered large casualities to idnian artillery at nathu la in 1967,and were unable to do anything about it due to arty hidden behind reverse slopes..immune to counter battery fire.They had to complain to indian side to beg them to stop arty fire.

2.It can't 'catch' apaches,because apache longbow radar[best helicopter radar in the world by FAR]will pick u up far earlier before u even know its there.Then Stinger missile will terminate wz-10s existence.
1.You have no idea about the nature of terrain there,as i told u our side is rugged and uneven mountnous while ur side is flat plateau.
Now plateau altitude gives terrible problems for ur aircraft as far as combat load and restrictions are concerned.
Second due to flat nature u can't use mountanous terrain[radar waves defelct of mountains]to mask ur air activity and our radars can see everything aproaching us,while ur radars can easily be blinded by taerrain masking by approaching IAF aircraft using mountains for cover.
Now onto land again u don't understand that flat is bad for artillery duels.Our artillery can hide behind the reverse slopes of ridges and heights which would make chinese counter battery fire ineffective while yours is out on the flat plateau with minimal over and exposed to counter battery fire.This is the primary reason why chinese forces suffered large casualities to idnian artillery at nathu la in 1967,and were unable to do anything about it due to arty hidden behind reverse slopes..immune to counter battery fire.They had to complain to indian side to beg them to stop arty fire.

2.It can't 'catch' apaches,because apache longbow radar[best helicopter radar in the world by FAR]will pick u up far earlier before u even know its there.Then Stinger missile will terminate wz-10s existence.

Lol, you seems to forget that station Radar at hightest location on earth (~5km altitude) is equivalent of Earlier warning airplane without the need of refueiling, we can track vitually any movement objects on Indian side incluse your artilleries location once the shelf is fired. That why we're interest to get Aksai Chin first intead of South Tibet, it allows China to monitor vituallly all Indians activities from movement of any objects to intercept of your communications of most vital Indians cities include New Dehli.

Claude Arpi: The Radar over Tibet
Lol, you seems to forget that station Radar at hightest location on earth (~5km altitude) is equivalent of Earlier warning airplane without the need of refueiling, we can track vitually any movement objects on Indian side incluse your artilleries location once the shelf is fired. That why we're interest to get Aksai Chin first intead of South Tibet, it allows China to monitor vituallly all Indians activities from movement of any objects to intercept of your communications of most vital Indians cities include New Dehli.

Claude Arpi: The Radar over Tibet

SO you mean to say that your radar can see artillery positioned on the slopes away from you? behind a ridge?

Lol, you seems to forget that station Radar at hightest location on earth (~5km altitude) is equivalent of Earlier warning airplane without the need of refueiling, we can track vitually any movement objects on Indian side incluse your artilleries location once the shelf is fired. That why we're interest to get Aksai Chin first intead of South Tibet, it allows China to monitor vituallly all Indians activities from movement of any objects to intercept of your communications of most vital Indians cities include New Dehli.

Claude Arpi: The Radar over Tibet

SO you mean to say that your radar can see artillery positioned on the slopes away from you? behind a ridge?
People have to be stupid to say any Helicopter now in the market have a chance to head up with a Apache LongBow

What make Apache deadly is not their Operational Envelope (Although this is very deadly too) Nor because of their 16 hellfire missile (Again, this is very deadly too but not the most). The most deadliest thing on an Apache is they can communicate to whatever they want, whoever they want.

In Iraq, i once had an apache guide our unit thru a maze of urban area, and on the way turn on all observation equipment and tell us exactly which window have a rifle stuck outside of it and ready to fire. But you can also use it to communicate and co-oridinate with other Apache asset and take the threat yourselves. Or you can connect to a Air Force Pilot have it drop bomb or strafe your target.

It's sensor and radar detect, then they have a bout million choice how to kill the threat and apache will make the choice easier for you. This is how apache beign A LOT MORE deadlier than any of the gunship in the world. They can kill you, but they can also share the task to everybody and use in any situation.

Before you can scream "apache" sitting in your own gunship, there are probably 2 or 3 solutions, maybe more, provided and aiming/shoot at you then.
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