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Army to be called in GB

It is important to understand local problems in correct manner and not give conspiratorial spins to every development.

There is a law & order situation in Gilgit Baltistan due to a shia cleric being accused of blasphemy.

Zia regime is responsible for creating blasphemy laws.

Succeeding governments are too chicken to revisit these laws.

Thanks for clearing up the issue.
Shia vs sunni deobandi , looks like an engineered sectarian conflict is planned resulting in forces to take charge. Someone needs to rethink this whole scenario.

Army should show no mercy to these terrorists and traitors.

These terrorists should be crushed with all power.

What da **** this asim munier is doing this man must resign
It's a institutional problem

They got a pass in 1970-1999 because how civil govt screwed up but honestly there isn't any more passes left

When has crush by Military losers helped? Hint - You lost East Pakistan with your duffer's logic

We were too linient with the Awami League which emboldened and gave impetus to the bengali movement.

We should learn from the mistakes that we did in the east pakistan.

Take no prisoners. Just crush these people before it is too late.
We were too linient with the Awami League which emboldened and gave impetus to the bengali movement.
So Military was lenient on Fatimah Jinnah as she was crushed?

too lenient how?

What were the demands of Bengali that rose to rebellion?

We should learn from the mistakes that we did in the east pakistan.
What have MIlitary learned so far? Yaha was womaniser you should know at the eve of Battle he was fking whores

Take no prisoners. Just crush these people before it is too late.
and what happens when no one is left to crush?

This man is fucking idiot
hes a DICKWARI what do you expect ?

Don't be a terror sympathizer.
what is the definition of Terrorist according to you ?

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