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Army struggling to pay for medicine, fuel, food for soldiers | Money Talks

The downfall of countries is lack of production to sustain its consumption.

Here in the US production cannot meet the demands of the people and spending of the govt.
That's what happens when you allow a importer class to take root in any economy. Go to any mall in any city in Pakistan and you'll see smuggled stuff from all over the world-- this needs to stop or we'll always be dependent on external help.
That's what happens when you allow a importer class to take root in any economy. Go to any mall in any city in Pakistan and you'll see smuggled stuff from all over the world-- this needs to stop or we'll always be dependent on external help.

the key is to produce

you should be able to produce for cheaper locally because those items need to travel
Long ques of vehicles for fuel isn't a strange phenomenon for us Pakistanis too. But that Labenese dude had at least the odacity to speak up against that humiliation which our public welcomes and accepts without murmuring a single word, in every sphere of life
That's what happens when you allow a importer class to take root in any economy. Go to any mall in any city in Pakistan and you'll see smuggled stuff from all over the world-- this needs to stop or we'll always be dependent on external help.
And what about the stuff in CSD stores? :cheesy:

Overall I agree to your point but our manufacturing capabilities are pathetic from electric/electronics to automotive industry everything is import dependant. Okay we make ketchup, mayonnaise and juices in house so it probably would take longer time for our country to reach that point eventually :smokin:

But the process of bankrupting Pakistan has already been fast tracked especially during past one and a half decade.

In the current global monetary setup only US has the privilege to print its money indefinitely with no or very little repercussions. Only they can bail out an economy like that if they wish to do so, thanks to oil rich spoiled Arabs to be an integral part of US dollar economy. Welcome to the US $ land :cheers:
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